The Next Morning

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-The Next Morning

"He is here!", I heard.
I got up out of my bed and prepared my self for the worst.
"Hurry up!", My mom yelled again.
I combed my hair, rolled my eyes, and walked down the stairs. They were having a conversation with my mom about me. O my gosh.
"I'm here you can stop talking about me", I stood next to them.
"Hello I'm Keaton", He held his hand out. I looked at him. He had black glasses on. His hair was kind of a curly brown and he wore a plaid orange and brown shirt.
"I know", I said.
"Well, I'm going to your aunt's be good", She pointed to me.
"Yup", She walked out of the door.
"Bye", He waved his hand to my mom.
"So having trouble with algebra?", He opened up a book and walked to the table.
"Thats why your here, look can we just get this over with", I crossed my arms and sat beside him.
"Okay we will start with easy equations", He pulled out a pencil and handed it to me.
I stared at the paper.
"Bullcrap this isn't easy",
"I'll figure out the first question for you", It took 5 seconds and he finished it.
"Okay now you try",
"This is stupid", I carried one number over.
"Good good, now....",
"Now..? what do I do?", I asked.
"The same thing but with that number", I moved that number.
"Great! you got the first one done", He put his hand up to give me a high five. I didn't want to touch him.
"Yay, I said sarcastically, am I done?", I sat still and played with my fingers.
"You still have this whole sheet to do", He looked into my eyes but I continued to stare down at the paper.
"Omy friggin gosh", I got up and ran to the living room.
"Shayla you have to do this", I heard him say.
"What do you care? you just want the money", I turned on the tv.
I heard him sigh loudly.
"I really want to help you"
"Yea right, you can't teach me I'm to stupid",
"But thats where your wrong, I can", He snatched the remote out of my hand.
"Give it!", I yelled.
"No We have to finish the paper before your mom gets home, come back to the table", He grabbed my hand and yanked me up.
"Hey! Don't touch me", He let go and I stomped over to the table.
"Fine! I'll do it! just don't touch me", I picked up the pencil and finished the equations.
"Now why couldn't you do that before?", He starred at me I wanted him to look away.
"Shut up we are done here", I scooted my chair out and ran up the steps, when I got half way he started talking.
"You know I still have to do this again tomorrow!",
"OMYGOD I DONT CARE!", I continued to run up the next steps and into my room. I peeked out the window to see if his car was gone, and it was since the clock read 10:35 I decided to go to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of waffles which made me hungry. I ran down stairs to the kitchen noticing my mom right away. "I saw you finished your work sheet, Good job!", She sat the plate on the table for me to sit down.
"yippee", I said sarcastically digging my fork into the waffle square.
"Keaton told me you did great and you weren't any trouble", She continued.
"I don't want to- He said that?", I glared at my mom.
"Yea he even told me your above average for people who need a tutor", She clanged some dishes together while putting them away.
"Now don't forget, he is coming at 5 today, its 2 right now so I suggest you take a shower and get ready"
"I don't need to look good for him", I finished my waffles.
"If anything, I'll look my worst", I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Whats up with that attitude lately? it's getting old", Her hands flew on her hips.
"Whats getting old is that tutor! I don't need one!", I yelled back at her.
"Shayla you are FAILING obviously you do"
"It's..It's not that! I hate him that stupid guy wont do crap to my brain but mess it up!",
"Like its not already",
I stared at her and became more angry than I already was.
"Thanks", I turned around and walked outside to the porch.
"Shayla I didn't mean that", I heard a mumble. I sat out there for what felt like an hour on my phone texting and posting status updates and getting bullied over the internet because of my tutor. I heard someone walking up to me and I looked at him. It was Keaton. Was I out here that long?
"We are doing class outside then?", He chuckled. I snuffed a bit because of the tears that were still falling.
"Shayla are you okay?", He put his hand on my shoulder.
I didn't answer him. After all he was the one who made these tears happen.
"I can help you", He said softly
"No you can't, you can't help me, You just made things worse", I wiped my eyes.
"I didn't mean to-", He started but didn't finish because I quickly interrupted him.
"Just stop",
"It's only the second day", He continued.
"And it will be the last day", I put my face in my hands.
"Alright....he sighed......I'll go tell your mom that", Keaton walked on the porch steps and started opening the door.
"Wait...", I stated.
I felt him turn around.
"Fine, just please don't mention this to anyone", I didn't know why that came out of me. I wanted this guy to leave, but inside I felt bad. If I'm going to do this for something it might as well be for Football. So I'm leaving it at that.
I walked in with him and we both sat down. As usual he pulled out a piece of paper with 10 questions on it.
"Okay now these are a bit harder than yesterday, but you do the same thing and add these numbers, then divide them by the first number", His fingers went around the problem.
I kind of got it but really didn't know how I answered 4 of them correctly.
"Like this?", I answered another problem correctly.
"This is great! You only have 5 more left with 30 minutes to spare!", He smiled and took off his glasses to wipe them. He kind of looked good without them on. I didn't want to stare so I just finished the rest of the problems.
"I was expecting this to be hard but that was quick for a second day", He sat there and smiled at me.
"So what are you trying to raise the grade for?", He asked.
"Does there have to be a reason?", I replied.
"Come on, a sport...a person",
"Ugh sport",
"Oh what do you play, softball?",
"Football", I played with the pencil.
"Wow football...thats awesome, what grade are you in, 9th?", He changed his tone.
"Um no I'm in 10th", How could he think I'm a freshman.
"Well I'm in 12th", Keaton got up.
"Your 16?", I questioned.
"17, looks like we are both one off", His voice became distant as he walked to the door.
"Well..I'll see you tomorrow then, We got a big day ahead of us", He stood in the door frame. I glanced over there.
"Oh great", I laid down shaking my head.
"Bye", He yelled.
He was gone and soon after my mom came rushing in.
"Keaton still here? I need to pay him",
"No he just left", I pulled out my phone and started texting Megan.
"Well I guess I'll give it to him tomorrow", She turned back around.
"Again? Tomorrow?", I became frustrated.
"Yea check the schedule", She tapped it and walked back into her room.
I got up and walked to the fridge and eyed the paper.
"WHAT?! Does this guy have no life?! I have other things to do than to sit around learning with this kid!", I yelled.
"He is a tutor Shayla, he has to clear his schedule for you", I heard my mom say.
"Well does he have any other clients?", I questioned loudly.
"No actually, this is his first time tutoring",
"Omygosh", Stomping my feet, I rushed to the door. Megan was standing waiting for me.
"Im gonna stay the night", She barged in and ran up to my room.
"Well then"
"Uh uh uh", My mom walked in,"Make sure she is gone by 11 tomorrow, because thats when Keaton is coming",
"Mom, My life isn't always going to be based off Keaton's schedule is it?", I stomped up the stairs and searched for Megan in my room.
"What do you wanna do?", She asked.
"Well it's 8, How about we watch a movie?",
"INSIDIOUS!", Megan yelled.
"Haha alright calm down", I put in the dvd and turned up the volume.
We always watch Insidious no matter what. It was our favorite scary movie although it wasn't that scary. We got under the blankets because we were so cold. Close to the end of the movie, we fell asleep.

The Tutor , Keaton StrombergWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt