30. Homeward Bound

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The platform is almost overflowing as we step out of the train, the younger years having gotten out first. I grab a hold of the back of Potter's jacket, unwilling to get separated from anyone.

Sirius, who had been behind me, taps my shoulder, "You guys go on, I'll be there in a bit."

"Alright." I take a quick glance over my shoulder to see the younger Black brother glancing apprehensively at Sirius, who has a hand on his shoulder. Sirius smiles before turning to Regulus. They're blocked from view by other people within seconds.

"Aylin!" The voice of my mother makes me turn my head back around. Without my glasses on I can just see her figure beside my father, sister and two others.

I push passed some students, throwing myself into her open arms, "I missed you Ma."

"Hey Shortstack." Dad beams, pulling me into a bearhug. Beside us are the other two people I had not been able to recognize, but now I know exactly who they are.

"Mummy dearest, as beautiful as ever." James kisses her on the cheek, hugging her, though he is way taller than her. He grins at his dad, who almost squashes him with his arms, "Careful dad, I need my ribs not to be broken."

The Potters turn around to me, and his mother smiles, "Have my boys been treating you nicely Aylin?"

"I- err yeah. Been quite a busy four months." I stammer, feeling my face burn up.

"Well I look forward to hearing about that." Monty smirks, crossing his arms. You'd have a heart attack of you did, I think.

"James where are your brothers?" Euphemia stands on her tiptoes, attention to support the boys in the crowd.

Speak of the devil, and he shall come.
Or rather they will come. There's a few grumbles and remarks of annoyance from some nearby people before we see Sirius dragging a wild-eyed Remus and a confused Peter towards us, Regulus loitering behind them,"Found them!"

"Boys!" Monty cries, embracing the other three like he did with James. He stops at the younger Black, his smile almost faltering. Dad shifts uncomfortably, having recognised the boy, and I have a feeling Mr Potter has as well. He sticks out his hands, probably already knowing the answer, "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

"Regulus sir, it's an honour. My brother won't shut up about you." The fifteen year old laughs nervously, shaking Monty's hand, then turning to Euphemia, "Mrs Potter, Sirius won't stop talking about you either."

"All good things I hope." She smiles kindly, still a bit tense.

Regulus nods, "Makes me jealous."

They relax then, and she smiles more broadly, "Well, you're welcome to come around for Christmas if you want-"

A shrill voice makes Sirius turn in fear, "Regulus! There you are! Come here right this instant! What have I told you about talking to blood traitors?!"

It's his mother, but far away, beckoning for his Slytherin brother's hand as she puts the other on her skinny waist. She doesn't seem to notice her estranged son, but as her grey eyes- not unlike Sirius'- fall on me, a wave of fear threatens to drown me. Sirius' terror must be greater than mine, his shaking hand gripping mine as he quickly hides behind Mr Potter. Squeezing back, I whisper, "Hey, it's fine, she can't hurt you."

Regulus looks like he feels the urge to beg the Potter family to take him with them, but instead mutters apologetically, "I should go, have a good Christmas. Bye Sirius."

"See ya soon Reggie?" Sirius almost begs.

"I'm sorry, I doubt it." He doesn't look back at his older brother, knowing that his mother is watching, and picks up his suitcase, stalking off towards his mother.

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