He's waiting..

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The door open and a girl walk in with flowers in her hands. She smile gently at the boy lying on the bed. The boy give back a weak smile in return.

"Good morning! How's your sleep?" She ask while arranging the flower and removing the old ones on the vase beside his bed.

"Good! I have a dream. A very wonderful dream." The boy said. Eyes closing for a moment as if relieving said dream.

The girl stared at the boy. Heart heavy but at the same time she's filled with happiness, knowing that aside from pain her friend have other things to think about his night.

"Thats great! What's your dream about?." She ask.

The boy look outside longing evident in his eyes. A minute have pass before he answer.

"A wide field.. Where we used to play when we are kids.." The boy said. Eyes still looking outside as if waiting for something to came up.

The girl continue to look at the boy. She feel her eyes getting wet. Tears starting to form but she hold it up.

The boy look at her and smile. He look tired and weary. His eyes as gold as the sun, full of sadness.

"It's okay." He said.

The girl's tears falls down. One by one. It won't stop. Just like drops of rain. It won't stop. She walk to the boy's bed and cry on his shoulder.

The boy lean into her and kiss her forehead. He pat her back.

"It's okay. Please don't cry. It will make me sad."

She sobbed and cry.

He continue to pat her back. On his face, a pained smile.

After some moments, the girl have stop crying. She have to be stong. For herself and most of all for him. The girl wipe her tears and smile at the boy.

"Have you taken your medicine?" The girl eyed the boy, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes ma'am! Already done!" The boy answer with a salute.

The girl and boy laugh together. The girl is happy to see her friend have so much energy.

The boy looked outside the window. Eyes on the roadway as if looking for someone.

The girl saw the boy's expression and again the ache in her heart came back.

"They will play in the finals."

The boy snap his head to look at her. She saw pain and longing flashed at those golden eyes, but it's easily replace by masked excitement and happines.

Excitement that he should have shared with his team mates.

Happiness that he should have shared with him.

But life is cruel. It takes all he cared the most. His pitch. His team. His dreams. His love. And now, even his life.

"Thats so awesome! Hahaha! Though its a miracle that they went to koshien's final even though Im not there to pitch with them! HAHAHA

A loud voice filled the room. This is how he laugh normally but she was not fooled. Underlying the cheerful laugh is sadness and dissappointment.

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