chapitre deux

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Nikki watched her as she sat down.

"I'm Juliette." She had an accent that sounded French, but something was different about it. He felt something shift in his chest and he knew she wasn't one to be messed with. "Where are you from?" The words were blurted from his mouth. She chuckled and sat up. "Belgium. Brussels, Belgium." She looked him over, raising an eyebrow.

Nikki had completely lost interest in the girl that had showed up first. He didn't care anymore. "I'm gonna guess you're a model. There's no way you could be anything else." Juliette shook her head. "Apparently there is a way because I'm an actress." She snorted at his ignorance and assumption.

"You know, you're capable of being a pretty profound writer. I like your lyrics quite a lot. Shout At The Devil really showcased that." She eyed Nikki, analyzing his face and body. "Thanks, sugar. I haven't heard anything like that from a girl after a show before."

"Most girls backstage are sluts. I'm not too interested in sucking you off. I actually like you and the Crüe and I can actually name your first album. Anyways.." She stopped, as Nikki was laughing. "You're good." He chuckled. She shrugged and sarcastically flipped her hair. "What can I say, Nik? I am good. I believe in self-dignity, unlike the other women here." She glanced to her left and stifled a laugh as Vince chatted with the most whorish girl there.

"So, tell me about yourself." Nikki urged. She snorted. "What should I tell?" Juliette shrugged. "Anything. I'm all ears, honey." She cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Well, if you're so interested in me, maybe it'd be nice if we went somewhere else." She watched him and he opened his mouth to talk, but she put a hand up and swiftly interrupted him with a sly smile on her face.

"Say no more. You're a rockstar, and you'd rather sleep with twelve women tonight. It's fine, doll. I understand. How about you meet me at the Hanoi Rocks concert tomorrow night?" She tapped her fingers on his knee thoughtfully.

"Uh.. Sure." He choked on the response. "Great! See you there. I'll bet you can figure out where it is if you're so desperate."

She winked at him on her way out, dodging topless groupies and making sure not to come in any physical contact with any girl there, not even a slight brush on the shoulder. This made Nikki laugh.

Holy lord, what a girl.

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