chapitre cinq

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Juliette flattened herself to get through the hoards of people in the bar. Scanning the crowds, she spotted Tommy standing by a booth, talking to Bobby Blotzer and Stephen Pearcy from Ratt.

She carefully made her way over and brushed against Tommy to let him know she was there. He put an arm around her shoulder and continued talking.

Juliette expected nothing less than what they gave her.

Smirks, gestures, mumbling profanities to each other, all the fun in being a female in 1987. She rolled her eyes and leaned against Tommy, not so patiently waiting for him to finish the hell up.

Girls flocked him and he welcomed them almost warmly. She knew this would happen; it was the lifestyle Mötley lead, but damn was it annoying to see all these plastic blondes all over him. She glanced up for a moment, searching for the tall, raven-haired bassist she had originally set her sights on. She found him getting friendly with what she assumed was a groupie.

Out of bounds now.

She sighed. It was too late to approach him again. Once they got caught up in it, it was over. On top of that, he was sky high. She could tell from across the packed bar. Tired of being ignored, she got up and slipped her way through the crowds and out the door, swiftly exiting the Rainbow and standing out front aimlessly. What now?

Christ, that man is beautiful..

The thought of Nikki Sixx crossed her mind again and she couldn't help but dwell on his jade eyes and tanned skin. She was a big fan of Mötley Crüe and loved their music, but she was getting at Nikki.

Juliette fished around in her pockets for her box of Marlboros, cursing when there was nothing.

She had left them with Tommy in the bar. Her mind lulled the decision over, but in the end decided against going through the large crowds again.

The streets were full of people, all obviously into glam metal. She had a strong passion for the genre as well, but some of the characters she watched pass her were ridiculous.

This was always a favorite pass time of hers, standing on Sunset and watching people pass by, maybe seeing someone worth chatting it up with and spending time with them. She was getting ready to turn and walk the opposite way to grab something to eat when someone bumped into her. "Sorry.." The voice murmured, and she looked up, an expectant smile on her face.

Nikki recognized her through the fog of what seemed like a cocaine high and laughed.

"Thought you were somewhere getting it on with Tommy."

Juliette sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that night and shrugged. "Nope. Standing out here on the street like the lonely bastard I am."

Nikki smiled at that and fidgeted, twitching and grinding his teeth. It made her cringe to watch, for more reasons than one. She kicked herself for expecting better and tried to disregard it.

"Well, I'm still starving to death. I'm in the mood for Mexican food, and there's a badass restaurant down the street there. So, whether you're coming along or not, I'm getting some damn good food right now."

She took a step forward, waiting for him to decide.

"I'm high as fuck right now, Jules,
(A/N lol) but Mexican does sound damn good right now." He shifted in his leather jacket and followed her down the dirty concrete sidewalk, matching her swift stride.

Lmaoooo okay this chapter was weak af and I haven't updated in a million years but I promise there'll be a good one. I'm tired right now so I apologize for the shitty update :/


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