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Riley's POV:

I look over at Farkle. He's laying down, with his eyes closed, his hands in his hair. He's mad about Charlie being here. I am too. I wish he wasn't here. Every time I see him or hear his name, I'm reminded of what he did to me.

*Flash back*

Charlie and I walk out of the movie theaters, my hand in his.

"I had a great time tonight." I say as he smiles.

"I did too." He kisses my cheek, making me blush.

We walked in silence, all the way to my house. It was a comfortable silence.

We finally got to my building, and he walked me up the stairs. "Thank you for walking me home, Charlie." I said, as he smiled and nodded. "Of course." Then he placed his hands on my hips, and brought me closer to him. I placed my hands on his chest.

He looked into my eyes, and smiled, then started leaning in. I did too. This was it. He was going to kiss me. My first kiss.

(A/N: in my story, Riley and Lucas never dated, or kissed, they just had a crush on each other. Then yea. She met Charlie.)

His lips were an inch away from mine, then he said, "stupid girl." Then pushed me down the concrete steps. I rolled down the steps and onto the hard sidewalk. Then he came down the steps and started beating me up. I tried to fight back, but it was no use. I wasn't strong enough. Then he kicked me off the sidewalk, onto the road, where there was a huge muddy puddle. I grabbed onto the front of a car, and pulled myself up.

"W-why? Why did you do that?!" I yelled, as he laughed.

"Oh, Riley. Stupid, worthless, Riley. I never liked you. I would never like a disgusting thing like you. You were simply just a toy for me to play with." He stepped closer to me. "No one, will ever love you." Then he grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the hood of the car. He walked away laughing. I stood there, crying. My head was bleeding from being thrown down the stairs. And my whole body ached. My ankle hurt to much to walk on it, so I put all of my weight onto my other foot.

"I can't go home like this." I think to myself. I see my phone on the ground by the stairs, it had fallen out of my dress pocket. I limped over and picked it up. It was cracked. But I could still use it. Maya's house was close to Charlie's, so I couldn't go there. Lucas was about 20 minutes away, and my ankle wouldn't let me walk that far.


His house was just five minutes from mine, in the opposite direction. Which was good. I started walking towards his house. And because of my ankle, it took 10 minutes to get there. He had texted me earlier, saying his parents had gone out of town for a business trip for a few days, and asked if we could hang out. But I had to reschedule for tomorrow, because of my date with Charlie.

I ran the door bell a couple times, and waited for him to answer.

"Who is it?" He asked from the other side of the door. "I-It's Riley."

He opened the door and when he saw me he freaked out. I was covered in bumps and bruises, my head was bleeding, my ankle was swollen, most likely sprained, and I was drenched in muddy water. "Riley?! What happened?!" He said as he let me in. He shut and locked the door behind me.

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