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Riley's POV:

So, I ended up staying the rest of the night at the hospital, and falling asleep next to Farkle. I hop off of the hospital bed, and walk over to the other side of it and grab my phone off of the table. Oh boy.

9 missed calls from Mom 💘, 7 missed calls from Dad 💚 and 13 text messages from Mom 😊💘✨, Dad 😊💚✨, and Peaches 🙈💜✨.

From: Mom 😊💘✨

Where are you?!?!

It's already 8 o'clock!

Are you okay?

Farkle's mom said she saw you at the hospital.

Are you still at the hospital?

Did you eat lunch?? Dinner???

From: Dad 😊💚✨

Riley, are you okay?

I'm sending Maya to the hospital, to see if your there.

From: Peaches 🙈💜✨

Hey pumpkin, your dad said to come to the hospital and check and see if your still there since your not answering your phone.

At the hospital. Be up in a minute.

Just came to the hospital, saw you and Farkle asleep in the hospital bed. I texted your parents and told them you were okay. Hope you and Farkle have a good nights rest. ☺️😌😏💞💖💕💘

Love you riles, sweet dreams to the both of you. See you guys later. Bye. 💞

I text my parents back, telling them I'm sorry that I worried them, and that we accidentally fell asleep, and And then I texted Maya, thanking her for telling my parents. And I'll see her later.

I set my phone back down, and go into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror.


I need to go home to change, and brush my teeth and all of that. Plus Farkle does get to leave the hospital today. I'll probably hang out with Maya day, so he can spend the day with his family. If they will be home, at least. They aren't home very much. But hopefully they will be there for him today.

I wash my face, then I just throw my hair to the side. It's not that messed up, luckily.

I walk back out of the bathroom to see Farkle asleep.

"He looks so adorable when he's sleeping." I think.

Wait, what? Did I really just think that? What's going on with me lately? I can't like Farkle. He's my best friend. And that's all that we are. We are just best friends. Nothing's going to change about that. It can't.

I smile and walk over to the bed and sit down next to him again.

He looks so peaceful. Even though his face is bruised. He still looks cute. Stop it Riley. You can't like Farkle.

Oh yes, you can. And you do.

Shut up conscience.

I smile as he opens his gorgeous blue eyes and smiles at me.

"Good Morning, sleepy head." I say, as he still smiles at me.

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