im sorry

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After Selena had interrupted you're training, you grabbed the tomb and followed her to your tent. Expecting anything. You sat down on your cot, Selena next to you. "I'm gonna tell you this, but I don't want you to give up trying." Could she just tell you? Come on! What did he like her, like someone else. Was he into other guys? No, now you were imagining things. "Just, tell me, Selena."

flash back, Selena POV

"I'm gonna tell you something she can't know." What was with this guy? Selena asked herself. Really hoping he didn't harbor feelings towards her. She would hate rejecting him, though it would have to be done. "What is it?" Kaze took a breath, Selena prepared herself for whatever was in store for her. "You're Lady Camilla's retainer right?" "Yeah." "That means you work with Beruka?" "Mm-hm." "Dose, she ever, talk about me at all?" 'You've got to be kidding me.' Selena knew exactly where this was going. She was gonna get him as far away from the thought of Beruka as possible. "No, not at all. She doesn't talk about anyone really. Why do you want to know?" He seemed a little let down. Like he was expecting more from that answer. "Its, nothing." "Nuh-uh, don't give me that crap pretty boy. Something is up. Spit it out."

Selena wouldn't have it. She knew already what he was thinking. But she needed him to say it himself. Kaze sighed before answering honestly. "I think I want to marry her." He answered with a blush rising to his cheeks. Selena snickered quietly so she wasn't heard. "Marry her huh? Why so?" "Do I really need to tell you?" "Yes! I'm pretty much Beruka's only friend. Besides Lady Camilla because we are her retainers, not her friends. If you want a chance with her, I might be your best source." He hesitated a moment, like he was thinking of the best answer. "...well, she is mysterious. I can admire that. She doesn't give up on her missions. She's very determined. And even though shes extremely stoic, she's quite beautiful if you get a good look at her."

"Yeah I guess she is all those things." "You seem less than thrilled with my decision." "No no, I'm not gonna stop you. But don't be surprised or come crying to me when she rejects you. She's eluded by the concept of love. And human interaction isn't her favorite thing ever. She's an assassin for a reason y'know." "Yes I know. Thanks for the hope speech." Kaze retorted with sarcasm. Selena winked at him. "No problem."


Selena looked over her shoulder, making sure the tent was shut and no one was listening. "Listen." She lowered her voice. "I'm sorry, but. Kaze has a thing going for Beruka-" "Beruka-?!" "Shhh- be quiet you idiot!" She whisper yelled. "He specifically told me that you can't know about it."

You close your eyes a sighed. Beruka! Beruka!?

"Why Beruka of all people she's...scary." "Yeah well apparently captain pretty boy is a fan of antisocial assassins." You bit the corner of your bottom lip. You weren't expecting this to happen. There was a bit of a pause before you spoke again.

"So, what are we gonna do?" You asked. "I figured we would wait for Beruka to reject him first then move on from there. Not much else we can do without just telling him straight forward about you. I mean, if you want to do that then-" "no I'd rather not. Let's just, see how things go."

Its A Dangerous Emotion (Kaze x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now