chapter 4

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"Everyone, let's go! Ruffians are attacking a small town near by!" Corrin yelled catching every bodies attention. You groaned, you knew you shouldn't have. But it was really early in the morning. Seriously, couldn't the bandits wait just two more hours? You reluctantly rolled out of your bed. But once everything suddenly clicked in your mind that Ruffians were attacking. you had an adrenaline rush and quickly hurried to your feet.

You grabbed a simple thunder tome and mounted your horse, following Corrin into the town.

As you arrived there, you saw that it was just a normal attack. The only difference was the size. It was a bit bigger than normal, but it wasn't anything the army couldn't handle. Everyone had seen worse battles.

"You know the drill. Attack but do not kill anyone." Corrin announced, giving everyone the 'okay' to attack. You had ran off with Selena to take care of a few archers. Once the two of you had taken some out, you didn't see any more near by, so you took a look around you. You were expecting to she Kaze with Beruka, but he wasn't. He was actually talking to one of the towns people, insuring that they were safe. You smiled to yourself a bit. He was really caring, it didn't suit him at all. His intimidating look through it all off a bit. Kaze looked up at you suddenly, you blinked and he was gone just like that.

As you were lost in your thought, you were brought back to earth by Selena yelling your name. As you snapped back to reality, you saw an arrow flying towards you. Selena was running to protect you, but you knew she wasn't going to make it in time. The panic set in, and you ducked your head down and gasped. Knowing that movement couldn't have been fast enough.

'There was no way I had reacted that quickly. How am I still Alive?!' You looked up slowly, praying to the gods that Selena didn't take the blow. But what you saw, shocked you.

"Don't scare me like that." It was Kaze. He had caught the arrow out of the air. Still holding it with it pointing right between his eyes, hr glanced up at you. As if he wasn't attractive before. He should really put that arrow down now, your female emotions are going off the charts! That must have been why he disappeared so quickly, he was using a ninja technique to save you! You just nodded as a reaction. Not knowing what else to do out if shock. You glanced up to see Selena had taken care of the bow night that assaulted you.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled.

"I-I'm sorry Selena I just. Wasn't paying attention-" "yeah no kidding! C'mon wake up. you're on the battle field now." You nodded. You knew she was right. You were being careless day dreaming in the middle of war. Come on get a grip on yourself!


After the battle was finished and all the townspeople were assured safety,
Everyone began to head back to the base. As you rode on horseback, Selena at your side, you tapped your index finger on the saddle. Biting your lower lip as you watch the group in front of you.

It was Kaze again. But this time he was with Beruka. Kaze seemed elated to be in her presence he wasn't smiling too much. But every time he turned his head to look at her, you could see the happy look in his eyes. But Beruka on the other hand, not as much. It almost hurt you to see their interaction. Beruka just wanted to be alone, it was written all over her body language.

"Don't worry about them." Selena comforted. "Just look at them and tell me what you see." "A one-sided relationship." You answered quickly and honestly. "Exactly. I know Beruka better than anyone else besides Lady Camilla, she hates the concept of love, and people. Put those two together and she's right out. Just don't give up and you'll get yourself your dreamboat." Selena winked at you after her hope speech. Bless her. Even if she could be blunt and rude to everyone including you sometimes, she knew how to make you feel better.

Once you were back at camp, you took your horse back to its pin and really thought about the past events.

"Don't scare me like that." you flashed back. He said it with little emotion. Probably because of his ninja reputation. But it still meant a lot. If his finger slipped, he could have taken that arrow for you. You wouldn't have been able to live with yourself if that happened! But it didn't, and you were grateful for whichever god had their blessing on you. But the more you thought about it, the more it meant to you. He, cared, about you. He had to. That act of carelessness scared him. You never did thank him, you were too caught in the moment. But you needed too.

you left the horse stall, looking for the green-haired man, spotting him walking alone. Probably back to his tent. You ran towards him. "Kaze!" He turned back and looked at you. Expressionless as normal. You approached him and caught your breath before saying what needed to be said. "Thank you. Kaze. I probably wouldn't be here right now if you hadn't saved me." He nodded once in agreement. "Your welcome. But I must ask, what had you so distracted?" You froze. What were you supposed to say?! If you told him the truth now, everything would crash and burn!

Quick, gotta think quick! Just bend the truth! "Well, I had remembered that there was a house there. And once me and Selena had finished that area I was going to go check it out. So when I looked over there I saw you were there I just kinda...." Say something! "Zoned out I guess. I'm not sure why. But I did and then, the rest is history."

'Good...okay that was good. I hope he bought that.' "that's understandable. Sometimes we aren't fully engaged even in battle." Phew! He bought it. You nodded. "Yeah, but again. Thank you."

"I wasn't just going to watch you die."

Its A Dangerous Emotion (Kaze x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now