I cant tell you

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It was about midday the next day and you hadn't seen or heard Selena anywhere. She just disappeared on you. You decided to try and find her. You walked out of your tent and began to make your way to hers. As you were on your way, you looked down at your right hand. The scar wasn't enflamed anymore at all. It was just a white mark, stretching from your index-finger and past the center of your palm. You got distracted and nearly ran into someone. Though you realized it before you could and stopped your movement.

With a gasp, you looked up at who it was it. It was Beruka. "Sorry." You apologized quickly. Beruka looked at you blankly. Just like always. "What did you so to your hand?" "Oh I just uh, cut it. That's all." You said holding your hand up. "That doesn't seem like just a cut. That scar is pretty noticeable. What were you doing to injure yourself in this way?" "Oh, well, Kaze was teaching me how to use Shurikens." Beruka furrowed her eyebrows for a second with a small look of confusion. Or, was that surprise? "Kaze?" "Yeah. Is that a problem?" She stayed silent for a moment. "No. Not at all. Goodbye." Then she walked away.

You watched her pass by you. "Well that was, odd." You murmured to yourself while beginning to walk forward again.

Just as you were about to reach Selena's tent, you were stopped again. "How is your hand doing?" A familiar voice asked. "Oh, Hey Kaze. And it's, alright." You held it up once more. "'Got a pretty gnarly scar but at least it looks cool right?" "Yeah." Kaze agreed. He held his left hand up for you to see it as well.

"They're almost exact." He pointed out. "Yeah, your right." You smiled at him, he barely flinched.

"So, were you on your way to do anything?" Kaze asked, crossing his arms like usual. "Yes actually. I was looking for Selena. I haven't seen her all day. That's, why I'm here." You pointed to her tent. It was only a few steps away. Kaze nodded once at you. "After you've found her. Would you mind going for a walk?" You blinked. Now he wanted to go on a walk with you? What was up with him?!

"No not at all. I'll go on a walk with you." You agreed walking past him and too Selena's tent. He followed behind you.

"Selena. Are you in there." "Yeah I'm here. But I don't advise you come in." Selena answered. "Why not?" You were answered with a few coughs and sniffing from Selena's end. You saw Kaze chuckle when that happened. It was almost like he was unamused. "That answer your question? And I see two shadows. Who else is with you?" "Oh. Its, Kaze..." "Oh~" She purred from inside the tent. You wanted to tell her to shut up, but you knew that would make things more obvious than just her tone of voice. "Okay you two, don't let me interrupt whatever you were doing." "Kay. We were just about to go on a walk." "Okay then have fun. But not too much fun~" you could just picture her smug wink. "Okay we won't. And you get better. Never know when we need you on the battle field."

With that, you and Kaze walked off. "So, where did you want to walk?" "They're are a few small trails through the forest. I was wanting to take one of those." You nodded once in agreement. As you began your way up the narrow trail, you just chatted with useless small talk just to avoid awkward silences. But you couldn't stop wondering why he invited you here to begin with. You decided to ask him. You would never know if you didn't, right?

"So, why did you invite me with you?" Kaze stopped walking suddenly. Making your curiosity rise. "The trail is ending. We should stay here for a bit." "Okay..." You agreed, leaning back on a tree. Did he just avoid your question? "Uh, Kaze. Are you dodging the question?" He went silent for a moment, closing his eyes.

"One of the first things ninja's are taught, is to eliminate emotions. We are taught that emotions just get in the way of defense. But we're still human, emotions are there, but we have to block them out." Kaze stopped for a moment, sitting down next to you. You sat down also.

"But that's not all. We can read emotions as a result." You looked at him, a little shocked. You had an idea on where this was going. "I know your not okay. Something is on your mind. What is it?"

You looked down at your hands as they rest upon your knees. "I..." You faltered. You wanted to get it off your chest and just say it. Admit that you loved him. But you couldn't. There would be no point in saying it now, he would just reject you! He has his sights set on Beruka still.

"I...I can't tell you."


"I just can't dammit." With that, you took off. Getting away from the area. 'why did I do that? Now I just look like an idiot! you yelled at yourself mentally. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you can't run from your problems.

A part of you wanted to go back, but you knew you couldn't, it was too late now. You just continued your way to camp and into your tent. Trying not to call too much attention onto you.

As you entered your dwelling, you groaned and ran both of your hands through your hair. Pacing for a moment before flopping onto your cot bed. You just wanted to disappear for a moment. This love triangle thing sucked! You wanted to tell him, even though it was improper for girls to propose. You didn't give a care anymore. And how were you even supposed to know when he asked Beruka? And if he's a ninja with no emotions apparently, how could he even love her to begin with?! All this was giving you a head ache. You felt like you were being melodramatic about all this, but who cares, you didn't. You had to get these emotions out some how. And crying to yourself is your only way right now.

So you continued to sulk to yourself. Kaze would probably come find you sooner than later. You prepared yourself for what might happen then. What conversation to make, things like that. You honestly were not prepared for all this.

Its A Dangerous Emotion (Kaze x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang