Part 1

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+Okay, to start it off, we have an interview with Firecat057, who has wrote many stories, the most popular being The Horse in the Prince’s Stables.  With over 2,000 fans, I can assure you that this is a great read :) Check it out if you would like.  On to the interview:

              1. What made you begin writing?

                     I've always liked writing. It's just something I've been doing for most of my life, obviously starting out with kiddie stories and then moving up to bigger and better stuff. Ideas and such are always buzzing around in my head, and I can only draw so many of them. The rest come out as writing.

              2. There are many awesome things about wattpad, what is your favorite thing about the website? And what is your least favorite?

                      I'm not quite sure if I can think of something I don't really like. I just like that fact that this is a site for story posting. :) Other than that, it's just generally a pretty cool site.

             3. The majority of your stories are fantasy; do you plan to keep in the genre with your writing?  Or are you planning something new?

                     I definitely plan on sticking with fantasy. It feels like there are less boundaries when writing about fantastical things since the sky is pretty much the limit. Anything can happen in a fantasy story. 

             4. What has been your biggest inspiration for your writing?

                     Oh I have no idea. My inspiration literally comes from anywhere and everywhere. Just the way I like it :)

             5. Do you have any secret talents you would like to share?

                    I can juggle :) And I'm almost to a point where I can juggle clubs. Still need a lot of practice though!

             6. Once The Horse in the Prince’s Stables is completed, what are your plans for your writing?

                   I plan on working on The Prince of Shadows. One of my stories fell through, I just don't really like it anymore as much as some of my other. And maybe I start working on my dragon story too.

             7. Who is your favorite author?

                  Hmmm... Well, ONE of my favorite authors is James Patterson. I love his Maximum Ride series.

            8. For me, it has to be completely silent for me to write.  Do you have any odd quirks that help you write?

                 Nothing too odd. I like the quiet, but I also like listening to music sometimes, especially theme songs from my favorite anime, but I can pretty much write anywhere under any conditions as long as no one is trying to talk to me. Then I feel rude and don't want to ignore them.

           9. One last question, do you have any advice or do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

                Don't let people pressure you into writing. Haha, I've let that happen to me before, and my chapters never turned out as well as they do when I write because I feel the inspiration. Write when it's good for you, and just let the words flow. Stories will definitely turn out much better!

+Loved the answers, and who knew about the juggling thing?  Lol.  Okay, next we have an unknown gem:

            A simple game with simple rules. She will win and you will lose...

Unruly Games by SimplePurity starts off beautifully.  Seriously, she has great sentence structure, very little mistakes, and it grabs your attention from the beginning.  It’s classified as Mystery/Suspense.  So, if you like that genre, check it out, you won’t be disappointed.  I wasn’t.

Here is the link:

+Next, is a poem by Rhymer2.  This person has a group of poems published on amazon for a very low price, but there are many on his profile for free :) 

Here is a link to one of the poems:

+If you haven’t already looked over at the side, do so now! Aren’t those bookcovers amazing?  I love them, and if you didn’t already know, this is the same person who made the book cover for Past Loves.  SilentDream has many more book covers that you can check out by going to her blog: 

+And last, but definitely not least, the reader of the week.  Now, this person has been reading my stories for a very long time :) fuzzypenguin (who doesn’t love that name) is an awesome reader.  She always gives my stories a fair chance, and will point out if I mess up.  This is always one of the first people to comment on my stuff, and for that, a big thank you to fuzzypenguin!

That’s it for now :)  Hope something caught your attention, don’t forget to check it out… Hope you enjoyed, and have a great week everyone!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

                            -Dr. Seuss

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