Part 6

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_+_ Today’s interview is with the amazing a_colorful_dreamer, author of Why She Fell, Unconditional, and more. [:

1. In your "About Me" you mention that you like to sing. What type of music do you like to sing to?

I sing to basically anything...right now, I'm singing "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore, "Gonna Get Over You" and "Let the Rain" by Sara Bareilles, as well as "Believe" by Josh Groban. I have to say that I LOVE singing Sara Bareilles. Her vocal range matches mine relatively well...although I can't belt as high as she can haha.

2. You’ve recently finished Why She Fell. What was your inspiration for writing it?

I'm not really sure, actually, now that I think about it. In truth, it kind of just came to me. I asked myself, "What if it was a popular girl that fell in love with a nerd boy, rather than a popular jock falling in love with a nerd girl?" The story kind of just grew from there :]

3. You’ve only been on Wattpad for a little over four months now, but you’ve already made it to number one in Teen Fiction, Romance, and What’s Hot. Do you have any advice for other who also want to reach the top?

Write an extremely good story. Now, I don't want to say that my story is the best, but you've got yourself a better chance to get to the top if your writing is good. If it sucks, you can promote it all you want and, chances are, it won't get very high. If it's amazing and you promote only a little, then time will pass and other people will hear about your story and tell others about it(:

4. We know when you finished your first full-length novel, but when did you first start writing?

I started in fifth grade, but I was very on-and-off about it. I'd write for a while, then I'd not write for long periods of time. This year is my first serious year of actually writing, and I hope it lasts :)

5. Do you have any hidden talents?

Um...not really. Haha I can make friends, I guess? I've gotten better at it ahaha

Oh! I have the amazing talent of making any situation I'm in relatively awkward. Haha, can't say if that's a talent.

6. You write mostly romance, but do you see yourself writing another long story with a different genre?

I'd like to try fantasy, or maybe adventure! I actually started one back in September. It's on my profile and titled "Sneak Peak" because...I didn't have a title yet haha. I'm not sure when I will continue it but I hope to someday. I don't know if it'll be adventure or fantasy or paranormal...but I hope it'll be something different, definitely.

7. You’re holding a contest for Why She Fell currently that ends in a few days. Tell us a little about how it’s going so far. Are you excited to read all the entries?

Oh, it's going great! I haven't really looked at the entries at all yet, but there are quite a few! I'm looking forward to reading them. :] for anyone who'd like to see them, they're in the reading list of another account I made for this event, under the username xo_tootsierolls_xo

8. You’re username, a_colorful_dreamer, does it have anything to do with how you dream?

Haha yeah. Ever since I was really young, I always had the craziest dreams. I'm pretty sure the first dream job I ever had was to be a pastry chef/firefighter/princess. Then, of course, I discovered singing and writing, and my dreams are still insane, hence the colorfulness.

9. You’re currently working on another romance story called Unconditional. Tell us a little bit about that. What was your inspiration?

I'm not really sure haha. I had an idea about a girl and a guy, and the girl would be selfless and wouldn't want to accept the guy's love because she has a problem with accepting gifts from others. The whole theme of the book (at least, what I hope for the theme but I'm not sure because it's not very far yet) is that love is supposed to be unconditional. So...that's the title haha. WhyteRhose gave me some inspiration, too. I think it was like 12 or 1 in the morning when she provided me with some ideas, I input some of my own, and BAM! Unconditional was born(: Thanks, Remy!<3

10. Lastly, do you have any words of advice for all your fans out there?

Thanks for your support! You may not think it, but every comment, vote, fan, message, ANYTHING means a lot(:

11. On November 25, 2011 you started the story Dear ________,. Two days later, it's already number 61 in Teen Fiction, 70 in Humor, and 463 in What's Hot and expected to become even more popular. You mentioned to your fans that "[Dear ________,] is barely developed." Does that mean that you are writing it as you go along? You also said you enjoy writing in letters, why? The letters between the two (Cassidy McPherson and Mitchell Holland) also seem very realistic. Was it inspired by an event real life?

Yup! I started “Dear ________,” It’s a lot of fun to write haha. It is barely developed “Dear ______,” is one of the stories that I kind of jumped right into. For Why She Fell, I planned and planned and planned and planned (I think you get the idea) until I got a very basic plot line for how I wanted it to go. Even then, it ended up being very different from how I originally anticipated. I’d give a few examples but I don’t want to spoil the book for those of you haven’t read it yet(: “Dear _______,” however, I have no idea what’s going to happen. In some ways, it is very realistic because in real life, you don’t have everything planned perfectly. The letters between Cassidy and Mitch are very realistic because once I wrote the very first letter by Cassidy, I asked myself, “How would I respond to that if I received that letter?” In many ways Cassidy and Mitch are very like me, with some exaggerated personality traits.

_+_ Awesome author and an awesome interview. I thought the little tidbit of information on her username was funny. Now for the undiscovered jewel. The author freeAngel has written many works including several poems, 26 Ways to Say I Love You, WereGirl, and most recently, Left Shattered to Pieces. Below is the description to Left Shattered to Pieces.

 Lydia, Naomi, Ryder, and Calvin have been best friends since they first met when they were seven. They stick by each others side through thick and thin, so when Lydia mysteriously goes MIA for the first week of sophomore year; it's safe to say the friends are more then concerned. After a chain of tragic events, Lydia is left broken. Unable to socialize with normal people, having night terrors every night that sound like she's being murdered, and scary moments when she'll black out are all side-affects of an incident she refuses to share.

Naomi, Ryder, and Calvin have no idea what to do. Lydia's older sister is hardly around, therefore making it impossible to get information out of her. Does Ryder have something to do with it? His summer fling with Lydia, could she simply be suffering from a broken heart? Or did something much, much worse occur?

Sound good? Wanna read more? Check out the story here: You can find her other stories at her profile page (

_+_ Like poetry? Check out this awesome poem by luv2fly called My True Love is You here: She also has several amazing poems you can find on her profile.

_+_ Book covers caught your attention?  They should!  On the side are some wonderful bookcovers by CreativeSideOfLife :) Here is her current thread:

_+_ Okay, now, the reader of the month goes to... sams_ratrace for helping me (shelbylw03) to remember to upload!  Haha.  Thanks for being awesome, and you know, now that I write on this, I feel like I should give the readers of the months some type of prize...any ideas?

_+_ P.S.  Everything but the reader of the month and the book cover section is done by SilentDream.  So, a major thanks to SilentDream for taking this over for me!

The future depends on what we do in the present.

                                                        - Mahatma Gandhi

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