Part 4

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_+_You know what sucks? Being tired. My fortune cookie today said, "I got a go to sleep." What is the oddest fortune you have ever gotten in a cookie? I also got one that said, "You laugh now; wait until you get home." Scared the hell out of me.

Okay, off to the interview with the very talented jules130, the author of Rock Prodigy, Playing Evelyn, Dateless and Deadly, and more :)

1. When did you first begin writing and why?

I honestly can't remember exactly when I started writing. I remember my grade 4 teacher reading a story of mine out loud but I'm pretty sure I didn't start writing more seriously until I was about 12 or 13. I started writing because there was always a part in a book that I wanted to change or that I wanted to happen that didn't so I figured I'd just write my own.

2. What has been your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is a mix of lots of things. Sometimes something will happen to me and it'll make me think of a whole story or other times I'll watch a movie or read a book and it'll make me think of something that I want to write. Usually it's a combination of things though.

3. Although we know the first story you have published on wattpad, what was the first one you have ever written?

Well, I've written so many stories but never completely any. I can't remember the first story I've ever written but the first one I've ever finished was Dateless and Deadly.

4. You have wrote quite a few books, if you had to choose which one was the most enjoyable to write, which would it be?

I loved writing Dateless and Deadly because it was truly out of my experience. The magic element was really interesting to tackle and to try to explain how it felt to be magical when I have no idea what that would feel like. I also really like the main character, Cassandra because she's incredibly sarcastic and made me laugh even though I was writing it.

5. Many of your books revolve around music.Do you play an instrument or sing?

I play the piano and the saxophone and a tiny bit of guitar. I love to sing and I sing all the time but I'm not entirely good. I just like doing it so I do but you won't be seeing me as a famous singer anytime soon.

6. What is a hidden talent of yours?

Well, I'm good at writing something for school and making it sound smart even when I don't really know what I'm talking about. So I was really good at writing essays.

7. What is your favorite color?

Dark purple.

8. Are there any stories planned for the future?If so, do you want to tell us a little about them? :)

Oh wow, this is giving away a lot haha. I do have a story planned for the future but it's still in the preliminary stages. Basically though it's going to be about a girl who's really into community service and activism who meets a guy who's pretty much the opposite of all that. He rides a motorcycle and is bad news but they kind of help each other out in a way. As I said, I haven't really planned this one out too far.

9. What is on your playlist at this exact moment?

The song I'm listening to right now is Overcome by Live but a few others would be Bloom by The Paper Kites, Gravity by Sara Bareilles, One Day by Jack Savoretti, Lucy by Jack Savoretti, and Planets of the Universe (previously unissued outtake) by Fleetwood Mac.

10. Okay, last one.Do you have any words or advice for your fans?

Recently I've read over some of my old writing and I thought it was horrible but then I realized that over time it improved A LOT and the only reason it did was because I kept writing. So if you're getting discouraged and you think that your writing isn't good enough, just keep doing it anyway because it'll improve!

_+_ Great interview by an awesome writer. Did you enjoy having a sneak peak of her next work? I did! Now, off to a great, kinda undiscovered gem. AngusEcrivain has written many Science Fiction stories, including Half-Light, but this time, I'm recommending a short that he is writing called Pearl of the Stars. If you like Science Fiction, you will like this. It's only a page long, but it definitely caught my attention and left me wanting more. So, check it out!

_+_ The next person has many poems on his profile that are amazing. Your best bet would be to just go to his profile and read as many as you can! His name is JoshMCullen. Some of the poems he has written so far are: Incomplete Without You, Remebering You, and many many more. So, if you love poetry, check out his profile!

_+_ Ready to look at some amazing book covers on the side? Well, look over there! That is the amazing artistic ability of Soumii, who made the cover for not only Tainted Innocence, but also the one I use on the side for Past Love! If you are interested in viewing more of her work, or commenting on them, check out her blog!

_+_ I am almost positive this person reads all of my stories. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right, lol. So, a big thank you to torrent! Who is completely honest with me, and always has an amazing comment waiting for me. No matter what, I can count on knowing torrent's opinion! So, thank you so very much!

Constant dripping hollows out a stone.


***Thanks to JoshMCullen for the book cover***

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