Part1: A friend in need

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With a dreary head, i try to open my eyes slowly allowing the spring sun to gleam. I reach my tired arm from the warmth of my blanket to turn that blasted alarm off.
The room falls silent. I flop back into my bed contemplating the morning at hand. Slowly inhaling the dust i forgot to clean. Inhaling. Exhaling. I just stare at my ceiling falling slowly into a daydream. Thinking if only somehow my life could take a dramatic change. Could i meet a mysterious man who will sweep me off my feet and we dance the night away? Ahhh for i longed for my prince but hey, at 16 i don't need that.
My phone vibrated against my cedar table. With a tired effort i sat up, twisted my body and pulled back my curtains and saw a beautiful azure sky. The whipped cream clouds flew high in the sky from a gentle breeze that swayed the ever green trees that surrounded my view. I turned back and picked up my phone:
Heyyy Kathy, coming out today or what? Don't stay in bed all day, that's my job and look i'm making effort so Cmonnnnn 😂😂💙
I reply:
Do i gotta? My bed is Sooo warm just Whyyyy and where are we going anyway?
Well the cinema is always good
Fine, meet me at 1pm
Gotcha, cya soon kitty kat
-_- baii
I hate it when she calls me that, 'Kitty Kat'. I still love her though.
I stood up and walked downstairs for breakfast. Once again mom and dad were at work. I sat down at our mahogany table with a bowl of cornflakes scrolling through Facebook. After that i dart upstairs and get changed into my black skinny jeans and an off-shoulder, floral shirt and dart out to meet Georgia. Then i felt something in my pocket. I pulled out my phone.
HURRY! There are weird people here and they're boys and i don't like it
So on i ran towards where i would save my friend from her social anxiety once again....

You, I and eager eyes...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz