Part 5: Daydream avenue

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"KATHERINE GET UP FOR HUNDREDTH TIME!" I heard a friend yet. I sat up in a tired daze and rubbed my eyes to prepare myself for the presence of sunlight. I slowly opened them and looked around- this isn't my house. Ignoring the rambling voice, I attempted to find a kitchen of some kind.
"Kathy don't walk away this is serious" that voice said once again.
"I guess she just can't stay away from the food" Another voice said. I rubbed my eyes again and fought against the stinging rays. Cautiously, I turned around. I found a dark haired girl approaching with a pillow and a red-head leaning against the door frame- Lara and Georgia. I grunted and turned back around and proceeded to drink some orange juice. I felt then a force push across my face and a cup leave my hand- she hit me with a pillow. I stood there once again in a tired haze and turned towards her slowly. We were all silent.
"Y'know Lara, you're lucky that wasn't glass..." I said in a cocky tone.
"Ugh then don't ignore me!" She replies
"Wait you were talking?" I respond
"YES!" Lara said in annoyance. Georgia chuckled.
"Allow me to fill you in Kathy. Lara called that dude. Him, the douche and another guy are asking to meet us for an apology" Georgia explains
"Too bloody right he should apologise" I say trying to be supportive while half asleep.
"You're missing the point Katherine. They want to meet us. As in... US" Lara said
"Wait so I have to go too? Like i'm all for going Rocky Balboa on them, but I have college and you guys do too." I excuse
"Let me guess? Another Chemistry exam...?" She sarcastically stated
"Pffft...No....A Physics one...." I say
"Kath, you don't even study physics..." Georgia points out
"Oh yeah..." I say
"The point is you are going" Lara said
"Hold on a moment.... Why am I going? I have no reason to logically be there. I mean this is a guy that gave Lara his number and a douche that just wanted to get in my friend's trousers and some person we have never met. Either Lara wants to "get to know" this bachelor and force James to apologise.... Or she wants to hook one of us up and punch James" I theorised
"Yeah... Come along Spock... We're going" Lara said as she grabbed my arm and took me upstairs.
"This is Georgia's house, I have no clothes here" I reason.
"Yes but you always keep a spare. C'mon, it's you" Lara said
"Oh no..." I say
"We'll be waiting outside" Lara said skipping downstairs. Lara is a smart cookie...
After dragging myself into the car on an empty stomach I moan to Lara.
"When can we get food?"
" When we reach our destination" she replies
"And that is?" Georgia asks
"In about 100 yards" Lara replies re-adjusting her hands on the wheel.
"That's annoying SAT NAV lady" Sarcastically, I reply
"Once again, Spock, you can talk" She says
We pull up outside a brightly coloured street. Pastel painted buildings with gorgeous windows. Trees in lines across the grey pave. I see a small, retro-ish café.
"LARA THIS IS WHY YOU'RE OUR BEST FRIEND!" Georgia and I synchronise out excited squeals.
"Wait here and look for 3 guys" Lara says. We patiently waited till five minutes later they arrive. I watch them approach. James- In a track suit 3 sizes bigger than him, i'm glad Georgia rid of him. Lara walked out Juggling our cookies and drinks.
"Here, it's on me" she said as she handed them out.
"Thank you buddy!" We both say. Lara turned around.
"Oh hey, it's you guys, I believe you have something to say James" Lara pointed out adjusting her hair.
"Yeah, babe i'm sorry. Oh and this is flirtatious man is Joe, he has his eye on your dark-haired pal over there and this, well this is Francis" he says. I look towards Francis- he looks at me. Georgia speaks up about the "babe" thing but I never took much notice. Our gazes interlock. Gorgeous, ocean like eyes surrounded by a white beach. I could swim in his gaze it was so deep. Georgia tapped my arm and I noticed a slight wink. I snapped out of such a day dream. I slyly look at his face. Chiselled jawline, short black hair- and hey, he dresses nicely too. I notice a slight red under his white shirt with a little yellow... Maybe he has something to hide?
Georgia was tapping a storm at this point.
"Here, someone gave you this" she whispered. It was a number- again with the numbers? I wasn't complaining. I would kill to see that glare again, maybe I will. Who knows what'll happen?

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