Part 6: Fairytale field

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After running what seemed like a mile we stopped to catch our breath. Lara who was bent over slightly, hands resting on her thighs as she panted like an excited dog after chasing a ball said:
"We need to find a spot to sit" Georgia was already scouting for a place to sit. She angled her fingers together creating a rectangle as she squinted through the oblong shaped gap. I turned to Lara.
"Lara she's trying to find aesthetics from Tumblr" I giggled watching her from afar
"She'll have some trouble, England isn't too scenic in these parts" she chuckled back. We heard a faint call of our names and assumed it was Georgia. We jogged towards her.
"Georgia did you find an aesthetically pleasing spot?" I questioned while smirking
"Better" confidently she replied. Georgia parted a bush and beckoned us to follow her. A few trees and hedges later we came across a field full of flowers- Sunflowers. The sun fell through leaves on the outskirts of the field onto a patch of sunflowers urging them to glow in the warmth. A path made of squashed leaves, flowers and other biomass lead us to a circular opening in the centre. We sat on the damp grass. We dared not speak to disturb the sounds of nature: birds tweeting, bushes rustling; the gentle breeze swaying the waist height, golden flowers from side to side. I fell on to my back, now lying down, resting my head on my arms. I could see the morning sky, a palette of gentle blues paint the sky as pink marshmallow-like clouds float. It was peaceful, undisturbed- beautiful.
"Kathy is this a crop circle?" A familiar voice said.
"Georgia I don't know" I reply
"Well you are tall enough" Lara smugly said
"Yeah, but i'm not the troll from Harry Potter or the BFG" I reasoned. Georgia was laughing. We sat and drank and ate and just let go of the stresses for once. We continued into mid afternoon. All we did was laugh and reflect and bond in a sense. We needed it. Society has it's ways to pull people apart. If I could push just for one moment.
"2:00pm" Lara said
"Yeah, so?" Georgia asked
"Kathy and I have exams and i'm sure you do too" Lara said
"But we've been gone all day" Georgia said
"I had a slip my my school, I need not come till the exam" I replied.
"Georgia we all go to different colleges anyway" Lara said. They argued for another 15 minutes. I naturally kept out. I see why Georgia argued. This was a happy moment for all of us. We felt 16 again- we let go. Then suddenly, Bam! Our lives are calling. We need this and quite frankly we chose this. We have been friends since high school and if a school is coming between us then what's the point? But I'm sure there are more obstacles to come. I'm just waiting for the hurdle as I run.

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