Chapter 4 What hurts the most

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Chapter 4 What hurts the most

Lucas’s POV

       A door creaks somewhere, as someone moves into another room of the house. I look around nervously because the senses that come with being a vampire are still quite new to me. I can hear someone’s footsteps growing louder, and louder, as someone approaches our room. Our room, mine and Emmett’s room. It feels so nice to think about the fact that we live together now, and Rosalie won’t be coming after us ever! I smile to myself, as the door opens, and her scent fills the room.

       Chloe takes a couple steps into the room, before freezing. Her eyes are locked on me, and a look of terror, and some other emotion is etched on her young, angular face. I take in her detailed features with my new vision of a vampire. Her eyes that once shown blue now have flecks of some forgotten shade of gold, her once long shiny blonde hair now has wisps of deep red mixed into her roots. Her creamy complexion has many blemishes that once were invisible to me eyes.

       Her lip trembles, but she shows no other sign of her fear. I motion for her to join me on the couch across the room from our bed. She slowly shuffles her way across the large room, and sits on the very edge of the cushion. I can see the unease written all over her face, and inside it kind of hurts. We’re siblings, and we grew up together. I can’t believe that she’s actually scared of me. I move to touch her arm, and she jerks away with a grimace of pain on her face.

       “Don’t touch me” she murmurs, and my insides turn to ice. She hates me, for who I am. I’ve lost my sister.

       “Chloe, please just l-“ I begin, but she just raises her hand, and interrupts me mid-sentence.

       “No. You don’t get to apologize. You left me in that damn hotel room, and went to end your life, without even warning me” she says, tears erupting from the corners of her eyes. My inside bubble over, and all of a sudden tears are streaming down my face.

       “Oh Chloe!” I sob, and pull her into my arms. “I knew that I would be coming back, and if I would’ve told you what would you have done?” I ask. She looks at me with big watery blue eyes, and then looks down at her entwined hands laying loosely in her lap.

       “How could you have known for sure?” she demands through her tears. “You couldn’t have known that you would come back.” She says, and I try to make her understand.

       “I took Rosalie’s blood a while ago, and had it in my jacket the whole time. I knew she was following me, so I drank the blood, and waited for her to kill me. I was going to wake up, and stake her, but I guess Emmett got to it, before me” I tell her, and a look of comprehension dawns on her young face.

       “Why would you want this life for yourself? Don’t you see? I’m the only living human left in our family. Rosalie turned Dylan and Skylar” she says, and her tears are flowing quickly now.

       She chokes out a watery chuckle, and leans into my open arms. I can tell that she’s forgiven me, so I tightly grip my sister in my arms, and silently thank anyone responsible that I atleast got to keep one of my siblings. My mind wanders to Dylan, and I wonder once again if he’s alive, or buried in a shallow grave somewhere with a stake in his heart. Tears fill my eyes once more, as I ponder the possibility of my brother’s fate. Anger boils inside me, but I force it away.

       “What do you think ever happened to him?” I ask her, and I know by the way her body stiffens that she knows exactly who I’m referring to. She looks out the window for a moment, and I know she’s trying to focus on a happy memory.

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