Chapter 14 Burnin' up

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Chapter 14 Burnin’ up

Lucas’s POV

       I sit in the back of the car, and excitement fills my stomach, with every inch the car drives. Every second we drive, is another second closer to feeling his touch, to seeing his flawless face, and to hearing his angelic voice. I’m so close to being with Emmett for the first time in what feels like forever. The car turns into the parking lot of our hotel. Carlisle told us to cut our losses, and meet at this Italian hotel. The memory of leaving Alex flashes painfully to the front of my mind.

       We had just finished looking in Chad for a coven Carlisle had recommended, when we got the call to meet in Europe. Alex said she had something to take care of, and that she would most likely meet me here, before we made our move against the Vulturi. I’m not sure exactly what she had gone to do, but every time, we separate it hurts because we’ve grown so close. She’s my best friend, and since Chloe up and left me, she’s the only thing like a sister that I have left.

       We had been looking for help from some of Carlisle’s contacts in central Africa. Alex and I had been on that mission, while everyone else had split up to go their own ways. Carlisle, Bella, and Dylan were in Asia looking for more help. Esme and Emmett have been travelling throughout Europe. Jacob, and Caroline stayed in South America, when we all split up to search for people there. That’s the last time I saw him. The car begins to slow down, and elation fills my stomach.

The car slows to a stop, and I’m ushered out by the valet man. He points me in the direction of the lobby, and I turn to walk into the hotel. A small grin forms on my face, as Carlisle comes into view. I dash across the open room, just as he turns to face me. On his face is a smile, but in his eyes, I can see the ever present pain in his beautiful eyes. I look around for Emmett, but he doesn’t seem to be here. My lip juts out in a pout because I was hoping he would be here.

       “Where’s Emmett?” I ask him. He smiles knowingly, before picking up a shot glass from the bar, and downing the clear liquid. I use my nose, and find with amusement the smell of Vodka.

       “He and Esme will be here in about an hour. They were driving through Florence, when we last spoke. Bella, and Dylan are already up in the room”. We stand there in silence, as I imagine what our reunion will be like. It’s been nearly two months since I saw him in Brazil.

       The last six months, we’ve been trying to gather an army of vampires. We weren’t exactly successful, but we have a better chance than I once thought. Carlisle hands me my own Vodka, and I take it gratefully. Tipping it back, I welcome the heat in the back of my throat. Licking my lips, I shiver slightly, as it goes down. At that moment, I see her. Esme saunters into the lobby, and just behind her he follows. My breath catches, and I freeze. All of my muscles have stopped.

       His hair is a light honey blonde color, and it is perfectly spiked, as if gelled, but it is natural. His skin is slightly pale, and his muscles are just as big as I remember. The smile on his face gives me goose bumps, and a chill runs up my spine, when I find his deep blue gaze. The eyes that I’ve come to love more than life itself. I distractedly hand Carlisle my glass, and take off at a run. I race across the lobby, and throw myself into his arms, in the span of five seconds. I pull back just enough to press my waiting lips against his.

       I vaguely hear the applause from the other residents of the hotel, and then Emmett lifts me up, and spins me around. Our lips stay connected, for more than a minute, and even after he sets me back on my feet, our lips don’t separate. When I finally come up for air, and open my eyes, his blue eyes are right there, and once again I lose my breath. I smile lovingly up at him, as he takes me in. Then he wraps his arms tightly around me, and I feel like I’m finally home.

       When we pull away from each other, and turn back to the rest of his family, he reaches down and grasps my hand tightly. I knit my fingers around his, and we walk back to Carlisle, and the others hand in hand. The smiles on their faces causes me to smile once more. We walk up the stairs to our rooms, in silence. Before we do separate, Carlisle hands me a key card, before pulling Esme into their room. Emmett whistles low, for only me to hear, before pulling me into the room.

       There’s no need for words, when we’re this close. I missed him more than words anyway. He presses me against the door, as soon as it closes, and moves in closer. I feel his cool lips kissing down my neck, before he finds my lips in the semi-dark room. I force myself to remember the feel of his lips, and the way my body feels, when he touches me. I never want to forget what true love feels like. I never ever want to forget what he feels like. What Emmett feels like, when he loves me.

Chloe’s POV

       Slipping my freshly brushed hair, into a tight ponytail, I grab my purse off the counter, and hurry out of the room. Jackson is waiting for me in the kitchen. A plate is sitting in my spot, but I can'’ eat it. I push my bottom lip out, and give him my loving gaze. He nods knowingly, before sweeping my food into the garbage. I lean down to kiss him, before rushing out the door. I quickly look back at our new home, as I slide into my brand new car. I’m so late for work.

       I back out of the driveway, and speed down our street. Everything is so different than it used to be. My life is normal, and I have nothing to do with vampires, witches, or were-wolves. I do miss my family, but my life has finally become something that I’m not constantly wishing to change. I smile to myself, as I pull onto the highway. I look around gratefully, and smile as the sun shines down on the hood of my car, and as the distant waves crash upon the California beaches.

       Skidding to a halt, at the red light, I flick my blinker. When the light becomes green, I race off, turning onto the street where I work. Everything has changed. I have a boyfriend, a house, a car, a job, and a whole new life. I’m not constantly looking around to see who’s trying to kill me, and the biggest problem I have is trying to write my weekly grocery list, and climbing the corporate ladder. I come to a halt in the employee parking lot of the record label I work at.

       I turn the engine off, and climb out of my car, racing up the side walk I hurry into the building. With only seconds to spare, I slide into the closing elevator, and almost collide with an elderly woman. The doors close, and I take a moment to catch my breath, as we climb up the many stories of the building. When we come to a stop, and she slowly walks out of the elevator, I check my watch, and see that I only have two minutes to clock in. I repeatedly tap the button for floor twenty three.

       When I finally arrive on the right floor, I walk briskly through the open room of cubicles, and right into my office. I breathlessly punch in, with only ten seconds to spare, and collapse into my high-backed chair. That’s when the phone starts ringing. I may be stressed, but I’d take these trivial problems compared to being hunted by a psycho vampire, who killed half your family. I gladly answer the phone and start my long day of boring, secure desk work.

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