Chapter 24 Selfish

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hapter 24 Selfish

Lucas’s POV

          I stand there in the midst of our things in our room. We’re about to go hunting. I feel really excited for this. Emmett is ready to go, and I can’t wait. It’s been a while since Emmett and I went hunting together. When we feed on humans it’s not really considered hunting, so when we decide to hunt animals we always go together. I hurry out of the room, and meet him at the back door. He slides the glass back, and we jump from the second story. I land with ease on my feet, and scale the river instantly. We find ourselves in the forest, and I let my senses take me to where I need to go.

          I send my focus through the life forces in the middle of the forest, and soon enough I hone in on a deer. The deer is lounging on the edge of the river. Its nose is submerged, and before it even realizes that I’m after it, I have it pinned to the ground, and I’m drinking the blood from its neck. It whimpers slightly, before it stops moving all together. I stand up, leaving the deer carcass behind, without a backwards glance. I close my eyes again, and just listen for what comes next. I stand there rigidly still, and let my senses take over once more. I can sense a cougar not far from here.

          I smile softly, as I track the cougar through the forest, when I find its exact location, I turn on the spot. I take off at a run, and chase after the large cat, until I come into contact with it on the top of some tree. I lunge out of the tree pulling the huge beast with me, and we tumble down, until we land on the forest floor. I easily roll on top of it, and force my fangs to its neck, and begin to drink the warm sticky blood pouring from its jugular. I feel it feebly trying to knock me off, and I can only imagine how this would’ve gone if I were still a human. I smile at the thought.

          I continue to drink from the cougar, as I imagine what it would’ve been like to encounter him as a mortal. I can just see me trying to tackle a huge cat from a tree, being the weak feeble human I was. I would have collided with it, and fallen to the ground, where I would’ve surely injured myself beyond repair, and the cat would’ve feasted upon my weakened body. I would’ve never had a chance to defeat such a beast, but now I take it down without even a struggle. I can picture the cat licking the skin off my dead body after it peeled me apart with it’s jagged claws.

          It would’ve been a deadly encounter, and I never would’ve gotten to be with Emmett so intimately. I stand up, and leave the dead cat behind me. I listen for Emmett, and decide to join him wherever he is. I close my eyes again, and begin to track his scent, when another scent fills my nostrils. My spine goes rigid, and I look around frantically.

          “Emmett!” I shout, alarm clear in my shrill, worried voice. I can hear him plowing through the forest, until he comes to a halt in front of me. He surveys the threat around us, and stops short, when he sees nothing.

          “Try to smell me” I tell him, and I watch as he enters the same state of being I was in moments ago. From experience, I know that he’s tracking my scent through his inner mind. He’s going to smell it any time now.  After only a fraction of a second his eyes fly open, and he looks around with utter fear in his beautiful blue eyes. He grabs my hand, and we rush through the forest, until we come to the river bank, and jump across. He pulls me into the house, and we are standing there with the rest of the family around us. I can see in their eyes that they are as scared as Emmett and I are.

          The only person who doesn’t seem to be scared is Alice. She’s looking at me, but I can tell that I’m nowhere in her line of vision. She’s either having a vision, or she’s very deep in thought. Edward is looking at her too, and I know that he is seeing everything she is seeing. He looks at us, and his eyes seem to soften, and he seems to relax visibly. I can tell that it was a false alarm, or something because the entire room seems to lighten up. I look to Emmett, and he reaches over, and squeezes my hand briefly. I look to Alice, and see that she seems to be back to normal again.

          “The scent is old. I had a witch do the spell to keep the scent fresh because I was going to try something with the scent, but it didn’t pan out.” She explains, and now it’s my turn to relax. We all stand there relaxed now, and I lean against Emmett. That was an intense couple of minutes. For a few minutes I felt like our world was going to come crashing down around us, and there was nothing I could’ve done. I squeeze his hand, and he smiles that crooked smile at me, as we stand with his family. A few minutes later, I become aware of the blood down my front, so I excuse myself in order to clean up.

          I dash up the stairs, and into our room, where I gather some new clothes. I’m almost done getting my new outfit, when Emmett joins me. I can tell he wants to talk, so I lay my clothes down on the bed, and look up in to his deep blue eyes. He looks sad, and scared. I feel like I’m dying every time, I see Emmett like this.

          “What’s wrong babe?” I ask, and it feels good to call him some pet name, it makes me feel like we actually do have a somewhat normal functioning relationship. It makes me smile inwardly.

          “I thought I was going to lose you, and it was the worst feeling I’ve ever felt in my entire existence. I never want to feel that ever again” he says, and it makes me want to cry because of how much he really loves me. I wrap my arms around him, and pull him into a hug. His arms are the best feeling I’ve ever felt, and I never want to let go of him. That may have been just a scare, but to me it was a wakeup call. I know It may be selfish, but I’m going to find happiness, while I can. I’m going to get the things I want out of life. And nobody will get in my way, or I will kill them.

Chloe’s POV

          I anxiously await for Jackson to return. They took him out of here like four hours ago, and I have no idea whether he’s alive or not. I look over at Jasper, and he looks at me. I decide to ask him about my plan, while Jackson isn’t here. I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him about it yet, so I wanted to see how Jasper feels about it, before I tell Jackson anything. I walk over to where Jasper is sitting against the wall, and I slide down to sit next to him. He looks at me, and I smile briefly, before I jump into my speech I’ve rehearsed. I’ve been nervous about this for like two days.

          “Hey, can I talk to you?” I ask, and he just nods once, before turning back to stare at the wall. “Well, Jackson and I have no chance of surviving this, and I was wondering if you knew how they went about disposing of bodies” I ask, and he smiles again, before he leans forward.

          “They usually dump them deep in the ocean, and that’s the last anyone ever sees of them. Why?” he asks, and I can tell that he’s genuinely interested.

          “Because I was wondering if you would be willing to give us your blood every morning, and every night, so if we’re killed we will come back once we’re dumped.” I explain, before realizing how crazy that sounds.

          “Are you sure you’d want to come back as a vampire, I thought you left because you were sick of the life you were living” he says, and I nod in confirmation, but what he doesn’t understand is that I don’t care what we have to do, I refuse to let our love end here.

          “Definitely” I say simply. He smiles once more, before he nods. I take that as a yes, for our agreement. With that our conversation is over, and I stand up and walk away from him. The room kiss silent again, and within minutes he finally comes back to me. I was so worried that he was dead, and now we’re both going to make it out of here, and we’ll be together forever.

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