4: Millard Nullings (part uno)

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"You need to get over him. One day, you'll find someone who genuinely cares about you, but Enoch is not that person. He's cold and selfish and not someone who you should be wasting tears over. " says Emma.

Just hearing his name sends me into another attack of violent sobs, and more flashbacks of last night.

"Tell me what happened." She says. I nod. The worst of my tears subsided, leaving me sniffling, but able to coherently answer her question.

"I was having some writers block, so I thought a nice walk on the beach would clear my head and spark some new ideas. Apparently Millard had had the same idea, because he was there too. His legs were covered with sand so I could see him, pacing back and forth and kind of muttering to himself. He looked very anxious, so I wanted to see what the matter was. I went over to him and asked him what was wrong and he said for me to sit down, so I did. He sat across from me in the sand and took my hands and said "I'm so sorry. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it's Enoch, he was with another girl."
I didn't believe him, so I told him to show me, and he did.

He was there Emma, talking and kissing and having a grand old time with the butchers daughter."

Saying this brought on more sobs. I had already cried enough, but the tears just wouldn't stop.

Emma sat silent, her jaw set in quiet white-hot determination.

"Stop that crying, I'm going to give that boy a taste of his own medicine, but my plan requires you not moping about over him. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"I *hic* I dunno... Maybe?" I wipe my nose with the back of my hand.

"Maybe's not good enough!" She says.

"Ok fine. Yes." I grumble.

"Yes! I can't wait to see the look on his stupid little face!" She says, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Ok I need you to make out with Millard." She says.
"What? No! What the heck Emma!" I exclaim.

Has she lost her mind?

But the more I think about it, the less terrible it seems.

I have noticed I really care about what I look like when I'm around him. If I know I'm going to see him, I'll put on a little extra perfume and mascara. I guess I've never really thought about it until now. Do I like him?

No. Of course not. We're friends, and I don't want to risk that, but if I get to kiss a boy I maybe have a crush on and get revenge on a boy that cheated on me, I'm willing to take that risk.

"Ok, I might be willing to do that. Maybe. Possibly."


"Why are we yelling in here?" I hear a deep, yet soft and silky voice ask from the hallway.


What all did he hear? Oh no. Is our plan ruined?

Maybe I could give him a heads up. Like say 'hey, at some point in the near future I'm going to press my mouth against yours in a strange symbol of affection us humans call 'kissing'.

"Nothing, go away. We're having a girl talk." Emma says to Millard.

"Can I come in? I'm good at girl talks," he says.

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