Loop Day 2017: Get to Know the Characters

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In honor of this years annual loop day I wanted to do something a lil different, so I'm making a list of character descriptions/profiles! These are not 100% accurate and are just how I imagine them. I hope you enjoy!

No. 1 ~ Horace Somnusson

Height: somewhere around 5'7"

Eye Color: hazel/green

Hair Color: golden sandy blond

Other Features: light freckles, groomed eyebrows, a scar on his lip from trying to use his fathers straight razor as a child which he's always despised

Attire: ALWAYS SERVING L👀KS, dapper suit, top hat, polished loafers, bow tie, hair slicked

In the Relationship: very old fashioned, respectful, hold the door for you type of thing, takes things slow and doesn't like to rush things. Sometimes needs emotional support with his night terrors. Super sweet but can sometimes take things so slow it makes you wonder if he's starting to lose interest.


No. 2 ~ Enoch O'Connor

Height: 5'0" - 5'2"

Eye Color: pale blue, maybe a lil green in there

Hair Color: light blond, but not platinum

Other Features: dark eyelashes despite his light hair, pale so his cheeks flush easily, a single freckle below his left eye, his face is usually splattered with whatever concoction he was experimenting with that particular day

Attire: overalls all day ery day (very dirty since he wears them all the time)

In the Relationship: cold and standoffish until you get to really know each other. After he's comfortable with you he'll do kind gestures but isn't great with expressing his feelings verbally. He might say something seemingly harmless to you and not realize it's hurtful.


No. 3 ~ Millard Nullings (physical traits are Pre invisible-ness)

Height: 5'10" very lanky

Eye Color: Light pea green

Hair Color: auburn/ginger

Other Features: eyelashes same color as hair, freckles galore, kinda reminds me of Jason Blossom (Riverdale character)

Attire: none is his preference but if he is forced to wear clothes he wears an off white button down with slacks and suspenders

In the Relationship: t o t a l   r o m a n t i c, loyal, treats you like a queen; he wants to know what you like and what you don't and can get frustrated if you don't know what you want. Picks up on little things and always knows when something is wrong. Great gift giver also.


No. 4 ~ Hugh Apiston

Height: 6'1"

Eye Color: light brown/honey/amber

Hair Color: very dark mocha brown

Other Features: always has a least one bee on his face, very wavy hair, almost curly

In the Relationship: total sweetheart, is like your best friend you make out with sometimes, loves you with all his heart and expects the same love back

Heyo dudes sorry this is going up so late but it's still technically the third!!!! Happy loop day my fellow peculiars!! Lots of love - Cat

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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