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  ☾ This story contains fucking swearing and mature themes :) ☾

☾ ' = thoughts " = speech ☾

'What is the point of living? only to get trampled on by other more favorited pawns of society interesting...' You blew your (h/c) strands of hair against your face as your bloodied head lay on the cold lifeless rusty tiles of your so-called 'room'. Your (e/c) eyes puffy and red from yet another day of complete trauma.

Your gaze had come across an empty shard of glass, upon closer inspection you found it was an empty beer bottle.'He'll be back soon. I should probably clean up and cook his food.'

Sighing you got up and started to run your mundane errands. Trying your hardest not to look at any reflective surfaces to be reminded you of the lifeless void of regret and depression you were.

☾ 20 mins ☾

"Idddiiiiooott~ Where are you slut" A disheveled middle-aged man swooned, beer bottle in hand eyes hazed over with drunkards. His short choppy (h/c) locks clung to his grease filled sweaty forehead as he furrowed his thick eyebrows and began to punch the outer door."Huehuehue Open up you fucking swine! Or ill make sure you'll get double punishment."

Instantly your (s/c) petite hands trembled as you unlocked the door cautiously before mumbling "Sorry papa. Your food is ready on the table..." Head hung low your (h/c) eyelashes bound shut as a defense to not see his terrible visage.

Immediately thickly calloused hands came at your throat and began to choke you as tears started to cascade down your (s/c) face as you braced yourself for impact. The next moment you found yourself on the floor with a beer bottle being smashed against your head shards stuck into your head creating streams of blood to flow freely upon your porcelain face.

"Next time make s-sure too fucking *hic* put the tv on before I come home you useless whore!" as your father stumbled into the kitchen and began to stuff his face you gripped your black hoodie and inwardly cursed at the new bruises you were going to have to hide tomorrow.

Fearfully, peeking open your (s/c) eyelids you see that your oh so beloved father had his back turned, you deemed it was a safe opportunity to run. "W-Wha-" your confusion was cut short as you were slammed down to the cold marble floor now tainted with red hues of your blood.

"Oi Bitch fucking listen to me." He sneered the stench of alcohol conquering your nose. "I hope you fucking remember your place you stupid slut if you dare even breath a word about this I'll kill you. Just like you know who." After his rant, he then decided to smash your petite figure into the wooden door splinters digging harshly into the soft skin of your back.

Limping yourself upstairs, you readied yourself for bed by taking out the glass shards and opening the broken chest drawer you had to reveal a bloody needle and thread as you began to stick up the open wounds your beloved father created. 

'Am I really that worthless, what is the point of even being alive. Yet why am I such a damn coward when it comes to doing it.' transparent droplets rolled down your cheeks as you moved your neck ever so slightly to show a slither of those cursed red rings around your neck. 'Maybe there is another day, a day where I'm not traumatized every second. But that's just wishful thinking isn't it?'

After 30 minutes you opened up the same draw and found that your small (s/c) fingertips had grazed onto a blue blazer of some sort.

'Gakuen Hetalia... Hope it foresees as the future I've always wanted.' you stated as you brought your old tatted rags over yourself and batted your (h/c) eyelashes to drift you off into an eternal slumber. 'I hope tomorrow will be a great day'

oh, how naive you were...

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