Le Passé Est Oublié Mieux

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Waking up with a hazy mind you realise you were in the back hallway that led to the back of the school

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Waking up with a hazy mind you realise you were in the back hallway that led to the back of the school. Blood was splattered everywhere painting the discoloured walls a bright red. Pain was spreading through your body. Damn Alfred didn't hold back; you could feel the cool blood dripping from your stomach as you tried to get up. Collapsing you remembered what happened with Matthew. Memories flooding your empty mind like a tsunami. With the strength you had left you moved your dull (e/c) orbs to the windows attached to the dark blue almost navy double doors only to see that it was night! Crap if she finds out I am not home I... I... For the first time, you broke down into actual tears in this damned hell-hole. 

Tears mixed with blood creating a lighter shade of scarlet, you didn't even try to silence your whimpering and cries because you were 100% sure a) Nobody was here or b) Nobody cared. The worst bit was that you were sure Matthew was going to turn into one of them also that he will probably leave you...Just like them. This made you cry harder. Was it destiny that I am supposed to be alone? Can't I have a life without suffering and pain? A pang of guilt hit you as you remembered what happen between the two American and Canadian twins, it was a stupid idea to give him your friendship. It always ended like this; You could never bring happiness to anyone all you were good at is keeping all of your problems bottled up inside to ensure you didn't burden anybody. The only thing I deserve is pain. And only pain.

~Depressing Ass Flash Back~ 

You had just finished your maths work and was about to eat your lunch which consisted of a small piece of bread and a little bottle of water. You wasn't the one to complain, As you were about to take out your plastic bag a group of girls came up to you. Silently sighing, you look up at them through your fringe (bangs) hoping they would just leave. (You have the bangs that are long enough to cover your eyes they stop almost at the apples of your cheeks) (s/c) hands were clenched under the cheap table for elementary kids.

"Hey idiot look here Haha!" A girl with dark brown hair and tanned skin said. Analysing her and her voice she was about 5 (the same age as you) and she had two red ribbons in her pigtails, the only thing that your advanced mind was screaming that this girl was trouble! "Don't you have any friends! Look Hanako she smells! And your hair is ugly! Where did you come from Hahaha~" You ignored their poorly constructed insults and secretly glared at the 4 young girls who were currently Pulling your (h/c) hair and tugging on your long sleeves of your uniform. (Link at bottom) 

Being the smart girl you were you didn't bother to give them a reaction, your black shoes padded against the wooden floor tiles as your (h/c) locks flew behind you as you made a swift exit without uttering a word. Unbeknownst you the Seychellois (That's what you call people from Seychelles) girl was about to burst with anger that you ignored her. As you returned you had found many mean words written on your desk, Your bag open and your books ripped, Rubbish in the little compartment and even a white flower in a white vase... (Yandere Simulator! p.s the vase thing is a sad 'thing' people do I will link it at the bottom) 

Brushing it off you decided to ignore the comments and insults thrown at you and was about to get out a book to read until a girl with two blonde braids and Bright green eyes came up to you alone. "Um H-hey w-would y-you like to c-come p-play with m-me" She tried to hold her smile, however her stance told you that she was being forced into it. Maybe you were hallucinating? You accepted the offer since it was the first time someone actually invited you; you almost instantly new she was from Litchenstien from her accent. Foolishly, you decided to follow her to a familiar route to the sandbox outside. Immediately, she told you to wait right there as she came back. You blindly trusted her, (e/c) Eyes widened as she felt a huge hand grip your petite shoulder. You were about to black out when you see the same blond girl, the one thing that angered you was that she was with the other girls! Laughing and playing! Not even bothering to glance at your direction as your knees scraped against the gravel after the push... You had learned your lesson. Never trust anyone again, you will always be betrayed in the end...

~End Of Flash Back~

Clutching your bleeding abdomen you decided to rip some of your P.E (Gym) uniform to tie it around the wound. Your (h/c) hair was sprawled out everywhere as you felt like there was a dent in the back of your head. Hanging onto the wall for dear life you dragged your left leg down across the pitch black hall to get to the changing room. It felt like you were pulling a tonne as most of your (s/c) skin is now covered in scabs, dried blood, bruises and scars not to mention that most of your body was swollen. You knew you couldn't carry on but you needed to try; collapsing in the middle of the hallway you felt tears cascade down from your red and puffy eyes and onto your ripped sleeve of your jacket. Great now Alfred knows about your scars! Well what did you have left anyway? After a few minutes you made it into the changing room. Tightening your grip on the brass door knob as a shot of pain came crashing down on your spine meanwhile your now double vision came into focus on the cracks on the door. No doubt they were from earlier when you were smashed into the very door in front of you. Shakily, You stepped inside the dimly lit room only to find....

  "Fake Smile, Dried Eyes, Scratched Wrists, Bruised Thighs, White Pills, Rope Tied, Gun Loaded, Suicide"

(http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1lrElIpXXXXXiXVXXq6xXFXXXX/Danganronpa-Dangan-Ronpa-2-Fukawa-Toko-Cosplay-Costume-font-b-School-b-font-font-b-Uniform.jpg) (Its basicly Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa)

{In Japanese tradition, when one died, people would place a white flower vase on the dead person's desk. In Yandere Simulator, the classmates who placed the vase on a students' desk is implying their curse/wish that students death. But of course, as innocent and naive as Reader-Chan, she wouldn't think that much.....}


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