Crossing 2 paths at the same time

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-This wont make sense because its apart of the old storyline, will be updated soon but if your bored you can go and read it i guess lol-

You look up only to see both Canada and America (Lol I trolled you guys). However their facial expressions were polar opposites; Matthew held the Are-you-ok-does-it-hurt-anywhere look while his twin had the Stupid-dip-shit-look-where-your-going-idiot look. Just great now Alfred will brainwash your only friend and crush into hating you, just like the rest of them. Fucking amazing, Matthew was the only reason you came to school meanwhile your (e/c) eyes started to brim with tears. It was at least better at home where one person hated you instead of 900 people hating you, clenching your (s/c) hands you stood up only to be pushed down be Alfred "Stupid idiot what happened you finally figured out your a fucking waste of h-" What came next shocked you "Alfred stop what are you doing to (y/n)!" Matthew said as he glared. Matthew the sweet kind shy boy GLARED!?! 

This only made things worse as Alfred kicked the left side of your face smudging some makeup. Shit. a part of the bruise you had this morning is visible, What if Matthew saw it what would he think of you. "What the hell have you done to my brother?!?! You fucking whore I bet you slept with him you freaking slut?!" You tried to block out the whispers and laughs of the people around you. What did you do you shouldn't have made acquaintances with Matthew all your good for is trouble you thought; Now Alfred won't stop abusing you until you've gone over the edge. You didn't dare look into Matthew's eyes you were afraid he would look at you in disgust and hate you. Biting your lip until it bled you tried to calm down until a pale soft porcelain hand was in front of you. 

You decided to take it but after you had seen the owner of that very hand you had already regretted it. It was Matthew's, You opened your (l/c) lips that had traces of blood on, then to say something to him this resulted in your side getting kicked. Hard. It made your frail body hit a wall until you heard a crack. You tried your best to open your hazy eyes only to see something you didn't want. It was Alfred holding up his brother by the collar, screaming in his face out of pure anger! "Why the hell are you helping that..that..waste of human life?! She's nothing but a Prostitute who doesn't deserve to live! Tell me what she has done to you so I can beat her until she's dead! What the fuck has she done to you Matt... Bro, you shouldn't be wasting your time with her." then he let his brother go his blonde hair covering his eyes. You could see that Matthew was about to snap. You couldn't take it anymore you let your anger control you, after an internal promise all these years not to let it out.

You grabbed Alfred's shirt and sneered in his face growling out "Don't you dare hurt him, Let out all your anger on me but if you dare do anything to Matthew watch." You voice was dripping with hatred as Alfred then grabbed your jacket and threw you across the narrow hallway from the corner of your eye you see Matthew being dragged out by Elizabeta and Emma who were stupidly flirting with the angered teen. Suddenly turning depressed you sadly thought it's better this way I would hate myself if something happened to Matthew, this was followed by an agonizing slap to the face. This was going to hurt. Alfred then grabbed you by your hair and kneed you into the wall this wasn't as bad as her, at home. You felt as if every bone in your body was broken and it only had been 10 minutes. Coughing up blood for the second time today you signed at least if you blacked out it would be ok since no one would bother coming here. 

A harsh punch kickes you out of your thoughts, the only thing that worried you was Matthew what if he hates you or worse started to abuse you like Alfred. You didn't want to mess up his life with your pathetic excuse of a life, you almost felt your (h/c) locks being ripped out of your head as the American lifted you up only to crush your petite body to the floor. You were pretty sure this would last all lesson , Alfreds voice boomed in your ear as he stated "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE YOU STUPID PEICE OF SHIT. THE ONLY THING YOU'RE GOOD FOR IS TO DIE! I BET YOU SLEEP WITH TEACHERS JUST SO YOU CAN GET GOOD GRADES, GO DIE IN  HELL WHERE YOU BELONG!!" Even though his words were clear none of them affected you. Keep saying it shithead because I'm not going to break, I've been used to this since I was unfortunately born. Not everyone has a happy life. You felt your inner shirt staining wth blood as your stomach had opened it's gnash. Feeling a little unstable you blacked out from all that blood loss. An image of Matthew's face flooded with anger came to your mind. You hoped he was ok...

"It's hard when someone special ignores you.. It's harder pretending that you just dont care..."

(sorry if it was short ;-; I will try to update daily >~< from now on :) )

Canada X Bullied!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now