please DON'T be my valentine

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Aldora pov I felt like I was floating in air, till I felt somthing dip me

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Aldora pov
I felt like I was floating in air, till I felt somthing dip me...I shot awake, only to regret it a second later as pain shot through my arm, I closed my eyes and hissed in pain. I heard laughter and looked out of the corner of my eye to find the no life king himself sitting on the end of my bed, a smirk ever so present.
"What are you doing here"
He smiled a sadistic cold mad smile
"I came to make sure your were still alive"
"Well I am so go away"
His eyes narrowed, not out of anger but what almost looked like concern.
"You lost quit a bit of blood, and the wound was to big to sew together..."
I looked at my left shoulder to find it covered in Bandegdes and padding, I winced as I tried to move it again, I heard him snicker and glared at him, then I noticed a smear of blood right below his eye,
"Alucard were you.......crying?"
He glared and me but said nothing ao i knew that he had i sighed and tried toreach out to him but hurt my self instead
"#$#$$$@## this arm i am so done"
I cried out then struggled to get out of my bed and he stood up, finally I got up and made my way to the closet, I shuffled through the cloths till I found some black jeans and another black jacket, then I found a white blouse to go underneth, I turned and gave Alucard a pointed look.
"Don't hmm me get out!"
He laughed and stayed put, I glared at him and finally gave up, trudged to ,my bathroom and changed clothes as fast as I could....without hurting my self more.
I came out of the bathroom and looked up, Alucard was staring at me, there was somthing in his eyes but I couldnt quit make sense of it....maybe longing?......
I coughed and his eyes snapped to mine, I smiled and asked,
"Are you ok?"
He didn't reply he just pushed off the wall and phased through the one by my door...
"I wish he would start using my door...."
I muttered, I sighed and put my thigh holster for my drakon and slung my coyote over my right shoulder, then I walked out and looked for the wepons room, I need a katana and fast, if anything like back in Ireland happens again I might actually die, I finally found it and smiled as I entered I looked around for swords till one caught my eye, I started walking twords it when I heard a voice from behind me,
"I see you already found your newest wepon."
I spun around and saw it was walter, I sighed, and smiled
"Oh walter its you.... wait is this my sword?"
"Why yes it is custom made katana that works only for you, it's weight and length will only work in your favor, it will kill any monster you cut down its nick name is pythein, it means to rot"
My smile grew and I grabbed down, I looked it over once or twice befor placing it in its sheath, I turned back to walter with a smile, I placed it at my side, and ran out I was excited beyond belief. As I walked down the halls an unsettling feeling set on me I now looked around as I walked. Suddenly the lights started flickering and I froze, i listwned intently, i picked up the soumds of a couple hundred footsteps on the first flopr, two floors up feom were i waa , i started to walk agin until i heard a male voice over the loud speaker....i coulnt quit make it out but i could tell wo ever it was had quit the foul tounge, suddenly I heard gunshots, lots of them, I started running, I had just barely passed by alucards room when he appered before me.
"Aldora, my master has requested you go up and help them fight the gouls, I will stay down here"
He said, I knew he wasn't telling the whole story so I replied,
"What! How the hell did gouls get in? Never mind, I'll go up but once I'm done I'll be back to help you..."
He smirked and nodded,
"You better get going they need your help desperately"
I just started running, I pulled out my drakon and loaded it then pulled out my pythein and bust up stairs, following the sound of the screaming and guns, my wound was bleeding again but at the moment I didn't care, my comrades and people I considered family were in trouble, I shot my first goul just as I stepped out of the hallway, I walter and the police girl, seras blow through the ranks, seras had pinned the other vampire down.
"Aww I missed all the fun, why didn't you save any for me walter... I wanted to test out my new sword...."
My sentence carried off when the vampire laughed at me
"So your the houndsworths b@#$# he was talking about... you don't look that special...all I see is my next meal and a( this part is up to the imagination of the readers I am not going to say it) he said I had to watch out for you..."
I glared at him and then smiled sadisticly.......
Seras pov
Just as the vampire I had pinned finished speaking, miss houndsworth suddenly gave him a sadistic smile and laughed.....much like my master
"Uhahahahahahaaaa.....your and idiot, you have no idea who your talking to....most of the gouls I killed have blood red foam pouring out of thier mouths and in a minute so will you"
She proceded to slit her wrist and blood flowed from smelled so good..
"You see...just one drop is all it takes to kill wanna try?"
Then walter stopped her she looked at him and stood up, then he started his interrogation
" what was the objective of this attack , who are you taking orders from?"
"Me I'm just a tourist....."
Walter stepped in his hand and he spoke
" we were taking orders alright we were told to attack the hellsing headquarters and kill everyone inside, we were supposed to confirm the death of the round table and your pet vampire...."
Walter muttered somthing but what got my attention was aldora, her eyes were hard and cold as stone her breathing slow and steady she walked forward and bent down to the vampire,
" in short you were told to kill everyone I considered as family, now this may have not been excactly what was said but that is what you did, and you know what.... that last person who attacked someone I cared about, lived for 10 days, constant torture, legs and arm missing my blood being introduced introduced to them in pain full but non-leathal doses, then on the last day I hung them upside down shot them full of holes, and killed them with my blood.....would you like to try it I can assure it's fun
The guy was shaking now,I was stunned this woman was just as bad if not worse then my master, I looked at walter and he seamed just as shocked
"Now what was your name again I didn't quite catch it the first time"
"J-j-jan valentine, I have a b-rother
"Valentine uh....well here's the deal I can tell there's another one of you disgusting Beast here so I'm going to go find your brother then I'm going to do what I told you I was going to do to you considering you both are now in trouble with me heheh, you have fun with him I'm going to go find the other"
She stood up and ran off at an amazing started talking again and I focused on that.
Aldora pov
I ran as fast as I could to alucards room, anger flowing through dare these people think they come in here kill all these people and and belive that I won't slaughter them... I finally reached the Passage to his room, I burst through
Just in time to hear the first gun shots, I froze for a second but pushed forward I ripped out my drakon, only to find to find I was out of ammo, I sighed and placed it back in its holster then I got my coyote and loaded it as I ran.i just came to the entrance of his room when I saw a blonde vampire shooting holes in alucard, I sneered and aimed my rifle at the blondes back, I pulled the trigger and the bullet burst out and went straight into his back. I smiled till he turned and I saw the look in his eyes, he was pissed and I was his target.
"So your the red angle they told us to watch out for....I see no resonance to be worried, you don't even seem to have good aim."
He stalked twords me, I shuffled back till I hit the wall, he lifted his gun and was about to shoot when we heard laughter I looked over and saw alucard standing there fully healed, I sighed I relife.
"Yes excalent , I haven't had this much fun in ages, what did you say your name was?"
"Luke valentine..."
" Luke valentine it's obvious your power is beyond even the highs catagorie of vampires..... releasing controls on restriction systems in three two 1 approval of situation A recognized commencing the Cromwell invocation ability restrictions lifted for limited use till the enemy has been rendered silent... now Luke Valentine its time to show you how a real vampire does battle"
As he said this I watched in morbid amazement as his body begin to change and two hours appered out of him, his body turned to a ethereal like ooze, I couldn't help but smile as he attacked luke, the blonde vampire ran and alucard followed, i watched as his hand and gun appered out of one of the mutts moutdhs and shoot of Luke's leg, he screamed in pain and dissapered into the dark corridor, Alucard close behind, I attempted to get up but the pain from my open wound hurt to much, I groaned in dissapointment, I wanted to shoot the blonde some more,I sighed and suddenly I heard screaming I lokked into the darkness s a crunching sound was heard. Soon alucard came back out, I looked up to see him looking slightly irritated,
"Al-alucard? Are you all right?"
He looked at me and walked over I tried to get up but he put his hand on my shoulder to stop me, I sighed as the pain in my left arm intensified, one of Luke's stray bullets had some how hit me in my open wound....I still don't know how.
Alucard pov
After dealing with that dog shit I came back and looked to my right to find aldora sitting there clutching her left shoulder shaking violently, I thought it was because of what she had seen till she looked up at me with worried eyes and said.
Al-alucard?are you all right?"
I started to walk over and she atempted to get up I hurried over and gently forced her back down she sighed, then winced.
This god damn arm, I looks like I have a bullet lodged in the wound, if I don't get it out now....
She trailed of befor digging into the wound and prying out the foreign object, she dropped the bullet on the floor and got up slowly,
"If your worried that I'm scared of you now don't be, I thought it was amazing, the power at your hands yet you hold back unless it's needed, not even I have the patience or the strength to do that"
I just stared at her in amazement, she wasn't frightened of me? She smiled up at me, then she walk by me and I got a good look at her wound, it had turned into a gaping hole with blood pouring out, her jacket was in her arms, her white bouse was died in red, I couldn't help but want the blood till I remembered her warning
"My blood is cyanide to vampires"
I got up and followed her, till she got to the stairs then she sat down and looked up at me.
"I'm staying right here for a while, till I get my strength go ahead if you want"
I shook my head and rested against the wall it was quiet for a while till aldora broke the silence.
"Crazy day huh, we lost a lot of men, more then we should have"
I just nodded and we went back into silence, today was a long day.........for all of us.

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