Night Terror

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Aldora pov

The dream started off well enough... i was back in the town of Chedder, back when my family was all still alive, i was about 7 my mother was sitting in her chair polishing the knives, my brother and sister were out in the backyard, perfecting their sword skills, it was fun to watch. Father was in the basement creating vampire killing bullets.

I.. well i was just starting my guns training. But i knew i would never be allowed to hunt, not since the family found out i had the cursed blood, they were too worried i would come across the vampire that i was to be it's mate.
The day was bright, when  suddenly black clouds covered the sky, my mother looked out the window and screamed as something took my brothers head off, my sister started to run to the door, but before she could reach it her entire upper torso was ripped off and the creature began to gorge itself on her blood, my mother ran to me and threw me in a closet, only telling me to say put and not say anything. I heard yelling, the bang of guns, and my mothers scream followed by the crushing sound of bones.
My father call out in vain to her, a few more gun shots were let off before i heard a straggled gasping noise and the sound of flesh being ripped apart. Then it went silent,I hesitantly opened the door  and looked around, all I saw was blood...blood everywhere my mothers bloody corpse ripped to shreds, my fathers body sucked dry, i couldn't bring myself to look for my siblings I knew the rest of the houndsworth family was dead. Then i heard it...the sound of crazed laughter I turned slowly to see blood crazed eyes staring down at me.

"well hello there little one don't you look delicious.. now its time you say good bye!!!!"

I screamed as his fangs grew close then it went dark. I awoke screaming, blood dripping down my face. I tried to calm my breathing. 
I felt a presence next to me and looked over to a smirking black haired vampire, in a mix of surprise and fear, I struck out, hitting him in the nose. he flinched slightly and I got up unsteadily  having to lean on the wall to keep myself up. I couldn't stop shaking, the night terror had brought up memories I had suppressed all these years. everything around me started to blur. My legs gave out and I crumpled to the ground.


I couldn't respond, my voice had left me... i could only gasp for breath. As I desperately tried to get air in my lungs I felt a wave of heat ruch over me turning everything in my vision red and i felt my body stop shaking. Suddenly it was like air was useless, I didn't need it to survive, I raised to my feet Alucards' voice was a distant echo. The only thing on my mind was the need to run... run..and feed. The feeling of hunger made the heat in my body grow stronger, till nothing but the thought of blood running down my chin, down my throat was in my mind. It was then a hand claped down on my shoulder, I turned with a feral snarl, a hairs breath away from Alucards face.

"Back down..NOW"

Alucard growled at me, but the only thing that did was fill me with more ferocity. I snaped at him my teeth just missing his nose.

"You are no master to me, you have no say on what I can do, try to stop me...I DARE YOU!"

I snarled, then spun and shot through the halls making it outside. I took in a deep breath and concentrated on the smells around me, listening intently for any signs of life... then I heard a heartbeat. It was strong, then another and another beat...I couldn't pin point which one i wanted so i just ran till i ended up near the city. I looked and zoned in on a young couple just out of human eyesight. I slowly crept forward, then a small voice whisped in my head..

"Do this and you are no better then the lowlifes you hunt.."

I growled. part of me desperately wanted to taste the blood of the couple as it trikled down my throat... I stood frozen fighting the urge. Then i heart a different heart beat this one beat fast and strong, I turned to the forest and ran into it chasing down the smell,  i finally saw what it was, a huge buck. At this point  the idea of drinking animal blood was overruled by my hunger..the buck looked up sensing danger and as it turned to run I lept..

Alucard pov

"You are no master to me!"

Her words echoed in my head, and the sight of her crimson eyes...I felt a mix of emotions anger and frustration  were the most apparent. I knew in a short time Integra would be awake and if she found that Aldora had left in a hunger induced madness she would be furious. A small part of me wanted to go fond her in order to protect her from Integra's fury, however the majority wanted to find her in order to punish her, show her that she was mine and any of the privileges she had where by grace alone.
I was her master but also her mate. With a low growl I melted into the shadows following her scent to the edge of the city, where it abruptly vered into the forest I laughed as I  followed her scent, this was just like was amusing folowing her footsteps. I finally came to where her scent was the strongest as I stepped out of the shadows I saw her crouched by a shrivled carcass of a deer.

"So she was able to regain some sanity"

I thought to myself as I stepped closer and she tensesd as she caught my scent, slowly she stood and turned to face me what caught me off guard slightly was her eyes..they were no longer red but emerald as they were when she was mortal... An instinctual snarl passed her lips, and she fashed her fangs at me. I chuckled as a sadistic smile crawled on it's way on my lips and I stepped forward, in a honeyed voice I spoke slowly letting every word drip from my lips.

"Now, now no need to be so angry my dear..."

She took one step back trying to put distance between us as she sensed the raw dark power seeping into the ground around me. I laughed and she stiffened, lowering herself to the ground in a crouched position giving her more contact with the earth so she could move quicker. I sank into the shadows again, moving around her watching as she whipped around trying to pinpoint my position from her.
As she had he back to me I reached out and grabed her wrist pulling it behind her back, not eno4to seriously hurt hurt but enough that it was uncomfortable and ahe couldn't move. She struggled against my grip as I stepped out from my shadowy hiding place and pulled her closer to me.

"I'm not your master..isn't that what you said...hmmm"

I cupped her chin and tilted her head aside, the lose strap of her nightgown fell off her shoulder..

"I must say those words were never something I thought I'd hear from you."

She growled at me as I grazed my lips across the crook of her necknup and back down again. I drug my tounge up her neck savoring the taste of her skin, then whispered in her ear, my lips brushing against the shell of it.

" You may be my mate, and tasted  my blood...however I still turned you..created you, therefore I AM your master!"

With that I sank my teeth into her soft skin, she stiffened and growled, then whimpered, I was enjoying the feeling the rush of blood fill my mouth, revelling the sweet taste of her. She stuggled some more but I let go of her chin and wrapper my arm around her pressing her against me, restricting her movment. Finally she relented and went limp. Only occasionally letting a soft irritated growl sneak past her tightly drawn lips. I finally let go of hern having had my fill and sated my need to "punish" her. As I let go she dropped to her knees her breathing slowly going back to normal after the anger filled minutes before..I chuckled again and leaned over her.

"I hoped we learned our lesson.."

She refused to respond. Only standing up and walking in the direction of the manor. I followed close behind, the taste of her blood still lingered on my lips. We finally got back to the manor and went into our chambers everyone  was still asleep and the sun was just starting to rise. Aldora hadn't said a word or even acknowledged me the entire time. Then a whisper slipped out.

"Don't EVER do that again."

She looked at me over her shoulder, her emerald eyes held many emotions, anger hurt and even a little lost. I simply shrugged and nodded saying her request for now. I stood in the corner watching her intently as she changed out of her dirt cover gown and into a clean one, then crawled back into the bed falling asleep almost immediately and occasional twitch of her hand was the only movement from her. I smiled this woman would be an interesting change in pace for my immortal life.

Hey guys I am so sorry it has been so long since I last updated life has been kind of crazy but I promise I will be updating and polishing more chapters for all of my books more frequently.
Thank you for supporting me!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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