never play chicken with Dracula

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Aldora pov


I barely dodged another bullet that Alucard shot at me, and glared at him.

"You know when I asked you to help me practice I didn't mean shoot at me.. WHAT THE HELL!"

I threw myself to the ground as he shot again, this had been going on since one this morning when I stupidly asked my now mate/husband  if he would help me practice and hone my new vampuiric powers, of course his idea of helping was to shoot at me with his vampire killing guns and laugh as I narrowly dodged bullets and yelled at him.

"Focus! if you want to find your vampuiric power you have to Focus!"

He chided as he cocked his gun I leveled what to some would be a death glare and hissed out.

"Well how the hell am I supposed to do that when you're trying to kill me!!!"

I was becoming more irate by the second, but when one of his bullets passed just a breath away from my nose, I lost it stopped moving and looked right at him, I felt a strength I had never known fill my body, my vision became sharper, and my sense of smell became better. Alucard chuckled deep in this chest

"Good now you've found it..."

He said something else but I couldn't hear him all I saw was red. How dare he keep shooting at me, how dare he make a game of this, I was done it was his turn to run! I let out a growl, he stopped talking, his eyes narrowed. I lunged at him letting lose a guttural shriek, he backed up as fast as he could but compared to my enraged state he wasn't fast enough. I struck out with my hand and caught him across his chest, my nails dug into his skin and I ripped across, creating four bloody gashes. he jumped back and i stood still glaring at him, a growl ripping out from my teeth. He looked at me in the most calculating way i had ever seen.

Then a sadistic smile played on his lips, and he snarled right back. I could feel my body react to that snarl, but not in a good way, my body shook but i stood my ground.  then before my eyes he vanished.  his insane laughter filled the room, i spun around trying to locate him. before i could register what was happening i was on the floor with a knee between my shoulder blades. i snarled as a chuckle from above me reached my ears.

" now now my dear lets not get too feisty"

 He breathed, his lips brushed against the shell of my ear. i couldn't help but shiver slightly,  but then stiffened immediately when he brushed his lips against the crook of my neck, i knew what he was going to do, i started to fight back, contrary to popular belief when a vampire drinks your blood  even if your they  mate it still hurts like hell... no matter what Alucard tells you it is not a 100% pleasant experience, though there is some pleasure into...

"ah.ah.ah no you don't"

He said as he applied more pressure in between my shoulders, i winced and let out a soft whimper, i knew he heard it because i could feel him shake as he laugh silently..... yes he is sadistic yes he is evil and yes he is my mate and i still adore him..... sometimes.  i hissed at him as he bite down, trying i claw at him to no avail. i could feel myself go weaker but i refused to give in, i dug deep and used what little strength i had left to vault myself skyward effectively throwing Alucard off me, i landed in a crouched position snarling weakly at him as he brushed himself off and smiled at me, his hat on the floor so his blood red eyes stared soullessly in to mine. i couldn't help but start to feel nervous. he walked towards me backing me into a corner. his hand reached out to me. i closed my eyes waiting for what ever was going to come next. 

It softly touched my face bringing it to his. when I opened my eyes i was meet with his, alight with a fire fueled by possessiveness, longing and one more thing i couldn't quit make out. i tried to speak but before i could form a word his lips crashed onto mine a possessive growl crawled up his throat, my mind went blank and before i knew it i was kissing him back with a veracity i never knew i had. when we finally stopped i looked at him and growled softly before speaking.

"what the hell was that back there I've never seen you like that, when i asked for help i did not mean threatening my new life."

He chuckled and responded in a breathy tone.

"Ah my dear  it was the only way i could think of that would bring out your powers but still allow me to have some fun."

i  narrowed my eyes  and stood up, and walked towards the door to leave.

"where are you going?"

well apparently you had your fun and i found my power so now I'm going back to our room and resting...good NIGHT!!!"

I stomped off to our quarters and went to my bed  i had when i was human dragged down here, i refused and still to this day refuse to sleep in a coffin.  i crawled in and threw the sheets over my head, i felt the other side of my bed dip down as a body laid  down, i breathed in and caught his scent just as he slung an arm over me as if to say your mine and don't EVER forget that. i huffed, his idea that i belonged to him was getting old, but at the same time was endearing. with a sigh i closed my eyes and drifted into a restless sleep. 

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