new men, new start

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Aldora pov It had two days scense the incident and most of our men had been killed, I spent almost all day in my room, thinking about how I could have done more to help, and regretting that I didn't do more

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Aldora pov
It had two days scense the incident and most of our men had been killed, I spent almost all day in my room, thinkin
g about how I could have done more to help, and regretting that I didn't do more. Walter, seras and Integra had all come and tried to get me out but I always refused to leave my desk, looking over paperwork and the estimate of how many men died, as well as papers about new and improved preparations if somthing like this were to happen again, I had gotten no sleep and it was starting to affect me, but I refused to give in and rest, today was like that, I was sitting staring at the same paper, as my eyes grew blurry, I shook my head and glared at my desk, suddenly a hand was on top of the paperwork my head snapped up, I looked over to see Alucard grinning like a mad man at my reaction, I took a deep breath, and glared at him wordlessly then picked up his hand and removed it from the paper, it worked for a second till his hands were on ether side of me, he was standing right behind me, effectively trapping me, I sighed again and tilted my head back as I looked up at him, fully aware that the position I was in put me in a very dangerous situation, like this my neck was fully exposed and wouldn't be fast enough to protect my self if he decided to go for my neck.
"What do you need alucard, I quit busy at the moment"
His smile grew at this.
"I came to see if you were still alive, seeing as you haven't left this room in some time"
I glared at him and he smiled in return I moved my head back so I was looking straight ahead, glaring at the wall.
"Oh yes by the way, sir Integra has some men comming today, mercenaries if I'm correct."
I snorted
"Great just what we need, a rag tag group of men comming in to "assist" us, they won't even belive you, or seras are vampires"
He nodded in agreement, I sighed and pushed my chair out... bumping him in the process, he moved back and I got up, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my black and red gothic style short dress, I went to the bathroom, ignoring alucard and changed, when I came out he was sitting on my bed smirking as he looked at me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my gun then strapped it to my thigh, I then slung my rifle on my shoulder, I undid my hair from my braid and it rolled out in my natural waves and curls, I sighed and looked at him,
"So shall we go greet them?"
I left my room and soon entered sir intergas office, and was greater to the sight of seras beating the living daylights out of a man...I stood there in shock till integra cleared her throat, the men all looked at me and the one who had been beaten up walked over to me and with a heavy french accent
"Well hello madamuaseil, what's your name?"
Just as I was about to answer Alucard came through the wall scaring the crap out of the men I just chukled
"Her name is none of your business"
I rolled my eyes and said
" my name is Aldora houndsworth, and I am a vampire hunter"
They looked at me in disbelief and one of the men asked me how old I was I replied
"I do not need to tell you my age, the only thing you need to know is that we will be working together"
The room was silent I looked at alucard out of the corner of my eye to find him smiling, I sighed and looked at integra,
"So I've met my men can I please leave I have some paperwork to finish"
She nodded hesitantly and I spun and left, I knew alucard was following me but I ignored him till I got to my room
"What is it alucard?"
He chukled and asked
"I was wondering how old you were?"
I shook my head
"If you really must know I'm 17 but most people think I'm older so I rarely give my age out"
I looked at him as he smiled even more, I shook my head, and sat down I looked at the paper as he walked up next to me
"Oh yes I forgot to tell you, you need to get ready to leave, we have another assignment, we are going to Rio"
"Already done, I always have a bag packed, what's my cover?"
Now he grinned widly
"You will go as my wife"
I shot up glaring at him he shrugged his shoulders and laughed,I sighed, I looked at him
"So when are we leaving?"
"My master has a meeting with iscariot and she wants us to come along,then we will be leaving for Rio"
I groaned but then stiffened, I remembered that Anderson was part of Iscariot, what if I had to see him again, that man is evil incarnat he is a very cruel man. Alucard noticed my change in posture and walked closer to me,
"Aldora are you alright?"
I moved back from him and gave him a stressed smile
"Yes im fine"
He stared at me for a while then nodded and walked out I waited a little before I collapsed on my knees and let the fear and anguish wash over me, hot tears fell on to my lap and my hands were balled into fists, I can't deal with those people again, what they tried to turn me into....
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
We were at the art museum waiting for Enrico maxwell.....or as I called him the Devils child, soon I heard the dreaded footsteps and I stiffened as he came in to view... he looked as me and his eyes narrowed then he looked at integra and gave her a self confident smirk.
"So sorry were late...."
"Thats close enough,what biusneuss does the Vatican have here, why send the iscariot the dirtiest of the dirty little secrets
Integra said, maxwell stood still, I glared at him with unhidden wrath.i hissed slightly when he looked at me, ignoring her questions he stepped forward but stopped short when I hissed aloud.
"Oh, miss houndsworth it's so nice to see you again, you seem in good health"
I stiffened as integra looked at me questionaly I didn't look at her but instead answered Enrico
"I wish I could say the same maxwell, unfortunately as you remember I left your organization, with gun in hand and three dead men."
He laughed Slightly and replied
"Yes I do, such a Shame our greatest experiment left us"
Now growled and reaching towards my drakon.
Now integra spoke up angerly.
"You've done nothing but show contempt for our treaties this latest incedent with Anderson I norther Ireland was inexcusable, he killed two of my best men in badrec, I barley manged to escape with my head still attached and you have the gall....."
"Would you shut up!!"
"How dare you"
"You really expect us to just let you do as you please, two men if we had slaughtered two million of you prodestant scum I would not have she'd a tear,I'm here on the direct orders of his holiness, other wise I would not bother with you fithy creatures,so just shut up and pay attention you misrable english sow"
Now I pulled my gun out and loaded it, suddenly alucard came out from the wall,
"A sow? Nothing like iscariot to inspire the fear of God, such fearsome insults.... two thousand years of your inan prattle, truely somthings never do seem to change."
I relaxed slightly at his presence but still was on the alert.
"The great vampire Alucard, the hellsings pet creature,insult I don't belive I've ever met you in peeson before, it's a great pleasure."
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, and now I must say good bye, you call my master a sow and expect me to let you live?I'm afraid I'm just going to have to put a bullet in you"
I walked in front of him as maxwell taunted him
"I think you'll agree that turn about is fair play, so why don't we make this fight interesting..."
He snapped his fingers and screamed
With that I pulled my drakon into a shooting position and glared at the outline of him. As he walked I heard him resting lines and got worried I remember these lines he said the same ones when I was young and he tried to kill me. Maxwell panicked and tried to stop him, he finally stopped in front of us, Alucard pushed me behind him and walked forward, laughing.
"Nether one of us could back down in front of an enemy, come on then Judas preist"
"You wo t be so lucky this ti e vampire"
I looked between the two and then seras walked in between them and I sighed in relef.
"This isn't the time or place for a fight"
"Yes you may have a point"
They both put away their wepons and alucard turned to leave
"I'm going back to sleep, waking up in the middle of the day is exgsauting"
Anderson walked away but not befor saying to maxwell..
"I'm going back to Rome,I must say this is an exculent museum,perhaps next time you'll alow me to bring some of the childern from the orphanage"
"Of couese, that wouldn't be a problem"
Maxwell stuttered
"Next time I swear I will rip him to bloody pieces"
Maxwell sighed as Anderson left, Integra laughed
"It seems we both have to contend with some rather difficult subordinates, well are you done pig'
"Oh yes I am quit done now that the violence is out of the way, perhaps you would like to cafe garden"
I snickered as she responded with a snicker and said
"Well, after you then"
As they walked down the hall both butler sighed in relife and I laughed aloud, seren waved and walter gave her a thumbs up.
Then he looked at me and I froze. He walked past me and said
"I would like to ask you a question....what was maxwell talking about?"
I groaned
"About 6 years iscariot found me and "took me in" they knew of the special properties my blood held and tried to turn me into thier own wepone, I rebelled of course, taking a gun and killing three of thier best men with it, I left, I never thought I would have to see them again, that maxwell is the Devils child"
He stared at me in shock I looked him in the eyes and said.
Now I have my own question when the attack from the goul happened what did you find out from that vampire seres pinned down I know you're hiding something from me tell me now please"
"We only found out a name, millennium"
I felt the blood leave my face ad memories from the night my family was slaughtered race back in to my mind I collapsed on the floor just as integra came back she ran up yelling my name
"ALDORA!!!!!!!!!! Walter what happened!?"
"I don't know sir she asked what we had found out during the attack from the gouls but when I said the name millennium she went in to a state of shock!"
I felt hands on my shoulders shaking me but I couldn't respond, I sat there shaking
"They............they.....they...they killed my family.........."
Everyone froze I looked at them.
"I remember now, I was 5 when these vampires can and killed my whole family, they kept saying somthing like the millennium will use me.... then they found me and three of the vampires all tried to turn me but every time they bite me they would suddenly have blood foaming out of their mouths and die, I would never change, that's how I found out about my bloods ability"
I looked up at them to see them all in shock, I looked around and got up
"I'm going home.....I need"
I stammered, I walked away shakily the other looked at me in worry but I said nothing more. I got to the manor and ran to my room where I locked my door then went to the bathroom and locked that too, I sunk to the floor and felt like hours, when suddenly I saw two boots in front of me, I looked up, teary eyed to see Alucard looking at me, worry the only thing evident in his bright red eyes. I shot up from the ground and launched myself at him, I wrapped my arms around him and cried, he locked me in his arms and wispered to me till I calmed down..
"What happened?"
"I remembered everything..... what happened to my family and who killed was millennium, they tried to kill me, no....they wanted to use me"
I cried some more till i had no more tears to shed suddenly I felt extremely exhausted, my legs turned to jello, his grip tighted, and he picked me up, he opened my bathroom door and layed me down on my bed,
'Get some rest, I'll come and get you when we leave for Rio"
I nodded sleepily and he stroked my he stroked my hair then left, I sighed again and closed my eyes..
~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to plane ride~~~~~~
I was sitting across from Alucard I looked around for seres but couldn't find her,
"Alucard were is seres?"
He chukled and smirked
"I made sure she somewhere safe"
I sighed and rolled my eyes
"Of course you did"
Pip kept looking at me and I finally glared and him making him squeak
"Somthing wrong freanchy?"
He went back to readimg his paper, i sighed and looked at alucard and he smirked, he had changed his look and I must admit he looked dashing to say the least, his hair had hrown longer and he was in a very expensive looking suit, he was drinking what he said was wine but i thought it was most likely blood....i was still in my black and red dress but my hair was done up in a bun and my makeup made me look 29 instead of 19, I looked out the window and took a deep breath, I was very aware of him watching me so I closed my eyes and rested, we landed and changed to a more like it, we arrived at the hotel and we went to the front desk, alucard put his arm around my waist and i stepped on his toe and hisssed
"Dont go and get any bright ideas now"
He laughed and handed the clerk his "ID"
"I belive we have a suite "
"Ah yes Mr. And Mrs. Belon the penthouse is all ready for you"aa
Penthouse? I looked behind me as pip brought in all the "luggage" the clerk froze when he saw the coffin,
"You can't bring such.....large personal belongings here, the hotel won't be held responsible for any damage"
"It's fine"
"I'm sure it is let me just....."
He looked at the boy and took off his glasses,reached out his hand then spoke slowly and quietly,
"Everything is fine....."
I watched as the boys eyes turned red and he muttered in response,
" ..fine"
Alucard leaned back with a smile and turned to pip,
"Everything is fine, take it up"
Pip looked at me then back to Alucard and muttered
"What was that some sort of love beam or somthing"
I held back laughter, and looked at the vampire standing next to me he looked down at me and smirked, I rolled my eyes and entered the elevator...
We entered our suite and I looked around there in the middle of the room was his coffin, I turned and gave him a pointed look he just smirked again and shrugged his shoulders, I sighed then I looked around again and said,
"Were seres?"
Just as I said this I heard muffled screaming and my eyes zeroed in on her coffin, I ran to it and pried it open she hopped out and hugged me, blubbering about how cruel alucard was.....or somthing like that. I sighed again an sat down, Alucard sat across from me a huge smirk plastered on his face , I pulled my hair out of the bun and hummed in pleasure
"Mmmmm, feels so nice, I hate putting my hair up"
I looked around again an zeroed in on the bathroom I got up an opened the door, I stopped and turned and glared at alucard.
"I'm going to take a shower....if you even step on foot near this door I will not hesitate to shoot you head off"
He just laughed. I groaned, I closed the door and turned on the shower, as it heated up I stripped down, I hissed when a sudden pain ripped through my left shoulder, I had forgotten about the huge wound that Anderson had created a month ago, it still hadn't healed in fact it looked like it may be getting infected, I sighed again and got in to the shower, I stood there for awhile letting the hot water run down my back, I finally finished and as I was drying my hair, one if the huge fluffy towel were wrapped around me when I heard a growl I snapped my head back to see Alucard.
he didn't reply his eyes were trained on my shoulder he kept glaring at it till I turned around, then he looked at my face and spoke,
"Why didn't you tell me your wound hadn't healed or that an infection was starting!?"
Now I was pissed.
his glared intensified and suddenly he was right in front of me he gripped my arm a spun me around I snapped back my head so I could see him.
"HOW IS THIS NOT SOMTHING YOU COULDN'T TELL ME ABOUT, THIS COULD KILL YOU!!!and I can't deal with seeing you in the state you were in when that happened........not again"
He trailed off placing his head on the center of my shoulder blades, I stared at him, I never thought he could be like this I turned around slowly, he and I sunk to the floor, I held his face in my hands so he had to look at me.
" Hey looked at me.....see I'm still here, you can't get ride of me that easily"
His eyes searched mine and I smiled softly and wrapped my arm around him, he returned the hug and buried his face in the cruck of my neck, I rested mine on his.....we stayed like this for a little till he slowly kissed my neck...searching, I hummed when he found my soft spot, when he heard that I felt him give a small smile, then he attacked it I moaned as my mind became clouded, then I realized my situation and pushed him away a bright red blush very evident on my face, he saw that and his smirk grew.
He dissapered and I took I a deep breath and shook my head, I got dressed and strapped my gu n to my thigh, and slung my rifle to my back, lastly I hooked my katana to my side, I stepped out and looked around, he was leaning against the wall, I looked at him and walked over to a chair, I sat down and he lead over the back of it, seres was looking btween us groaned.
"Where's freanchy he was up here earlier?"
""He left about 10 minutes ago"
Seres replied I nodded, and looked up at alucard, the incident in the bathroom ran in my mind, I was drug out of my thoughts when he suddenly told seres to get in the closet, then he looked at me and scooped me up he opened his coffin and placed me in it I looked at him worriedly, and spoke.
"Alucard what's going on"
He leaned over and kissed me,
"Nothing, just stay in here till I tell you it's safe"
Befor I could refuse hi closed the top, I froze and listened, suddenly I heard gun shots lots of them, I pounder on the lid as they continued
then just as soon as it started it stoped I listened again.....
I heard another voice
"That was a good try, however I can't be killed by dogs, it takes a an to kill a monster"
Then the was more screaming
"People keep saying that to me, so what dose that make you who would stand against me, solider? A man, a dog, a monster"
Then there was a gun shot and it was quite, I slowly opened the lid and was stunned to see blood covering the once clean room, bodies were strune everywhere, I walked up to Alucard I slowly touched his arm and he looked at me, I looked up at him worriedly and he lifted his hand a stroked my check,seres looked around as alucard dialed I zoned out till I heard his laughter I looked at him and he smiled at me.
"Time to show what your made of aldora, show me you won't hesitate to kill the enemy met me on the roof"
I nodded, as I pulled out drakon, i looked at the dead bodies to see they we humans, so the enemy was man? I can do this, I watched attached he stalked the men who ran in to the elevator, he controle the one nearest to the button and made his keep it open, the others panicked and shot him, just be for the door closed alucard forced his gun I and stepped in the doors closed and as it went down I heard thier screams,I shock my head and ran to the Stairs as I entered I was greeted by the enemy, I sighed as the shot at me in hopes of hitting, I ran forward, and shot all of them killing them all with one shot each. I ran up and as I bust out I was greeted to the sight of alucard fighting another vamp, he noticed me but kept fighting. The man saw me and smiled cruelly he jumped back from alucard so he could look at me
"Ah so the bloody angel makes her appearance"
I stiffened and hissed
"Hoe do you know that name"
I swung coyote my from t and cocked it I fired and hit his knee he grimaced but then he had to pay antention to Alucard as he lunged and at him.....
Alucard pov
As Dandy man finished seeking to aldora I lunged and commenced the fight, he threw his cards and I dodged them, then I herd somthing I never wanted to hear.....aldora gasping I looked to see one of day man's cards lodged in her chest right were her heart was, it was to deep to pull out without harming herself more, police girl ran to her side as she attempted to pull it out she fell to the ground and cried out in pain , I felt an overwhelming sense of anger wash over me I turned back to Alhambra I raced twords him breaking his hand he let out a very satisfying scream that sounded like a pig, I gripped his head and sunk my teeth into his neck gaining his knowledge
"So it's war then..."
I turned to see aldora a sickly pale I ran to her collecting her in my arms, she finally pulled out the card and blood spilled out at an alarming rate, I looked at her face to see her crying....yet she was smiling, she raised her hand and stroked my check.
"Good your alive...........I ....was so worried"
He voice was so soft I could hear her heart slowing down I knew she wasn't going to make it.
"What are you can't get rid of me that easily......"
I said, she smiled softly and tried to laugh but ended up coughing
"I love you so much.......I wish I could stay with you but we both know that if you try to turn me we'll both die......I'm so sorry, I'll see you in another life.........."
She trailed of and her hand fell from my face her face was turning g paler by the second I serch ed her eyes again as they slowly glazed over, I stayed there for a minute as her heart beat slowed even more....then I made the decision,even if we're to kill me the at least I might be able to see he again....I bite down and waited for the pain but all I got was the taste of her amazing blood, slowly I felt "life" reenter he body, and just to make sure I bit my wrist I drank and pressed my lips to hers letting g the blood flow down her throat.i scooped her up just as that freanchy came in a helicopter, I stood up and looked down at her cold form.....please...please,aldora come back to me..............

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