o n e

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WARNING! This book contains some content that is age APPROPRIATE , if you don't think you can handle sexual and or abusive content this book may not be for you, with that being said thanks for reading!

d e s p e r a d o

p a r t 1

years earlier...

It was another long day at school in Barbados for me. Kids running around wildly and freely with no care in the world. You think being a freshman sucks, try being a Junior who has no friends and gets bullied on a daily basis. Yeah, sucks right... But you might ask why don't you get help.. Tell someone! I've tried that before and let's just say it didn't go as planned. And even though it's hard to believe, life at school is better than at home. Life at home is very much more stressful, so much more goes on there that I just won't partake in. I usually go straight to my job that I got at a little corner store, I get paid for basically cleaning and tidying up the store. My moms friend Rahat is the owner of the store, I convinced him to let me work at the store after telling him everything that was happening at home. He agreed and I've been working at the store for like a year now. While i'm at work for several hours they think i'm at school studying. I made him promise me he wasn't going to tell my mother and stepfather about me working there. The area the corner store is located in is where a lot of crimes happen. I'd get in a lot of trouble if they found out I was over there everyday. After the bell rung indicating that school was over, I made my way to the school bus. This was going to be a long ride so I put in my earphones zoning out the rest of the world and plugged them into my MP3 player.

30 minutes later...
My bus dropped me off at my bus stop, from there I walked over to Rahats car that he's always waiting for me in. We made little conversation all the way until we got to the store. We walked right in so I'm guessing Quincy was working today.

???-"What's up bugger"I heard someone say

Yup I was right

"Nun much turd"I answered back

He chuckled and pulled me into a bear hug. He was squeezing the hell out of me!

"Put me down turd I can't breath!"I said in frustration

Quincy-"Not until you stop calling me a turd and call me as an alternative... handsome!"

(What Quincy looks like)

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(What Quincy looks like)

"You got me fucked up."

Rahat-"Alright that's enough you two...."!

Quincy-"Alright alright, but next time its gonna be worse."

"Yeah sure what ever you say."I talked back

Quincy is a good friend of mine, We've know each other since Elementary school. He's basically my bestfriend, but more like family because were so close. It may not seem like were friends because we say so many hateful things to each other, but that's honestly our way of telling each other i love you. He's always been there for me, when ever i'm feeling at my lowest. I can talk to him about almost everything, even girl things!

After cleaning up the store for two hours, it was time for me to go home. Everyday after lock up quincy and I say our good byes to Rahat, then Quincy walks me home. By the way Quincy is a Senior, he attends the same school as me and is very well known. People kind of look at him crazy because they see us talking and socializing.  That's another reason why Quincy's a good friend he dosen't care what people think about anything he's doing. On the way home Quincy and I made little conversations like talking about foods and animals.

"And what about cheese burgers and cheese fries!"

Quincy-"You a little cheese face girl."

"Yeah I love cheese on everything."

Quincy-"One day we'll both take a trip to the states and eat all the burgers and fries we want."

"That would be a dream come true for me."

Quincy-"I got you."

I left that conversation once we arrived at the steps to my house. I could hear my mother and step father yelling at the top of their lungs.

Quincy-" You gonna be alright for the night rob?" He asked with a tone of concern in his voice.

"um..yeah i'm good, and don't worry about me i'll be fine."I said, punching him playfully in his toned arm.

Quincy- "Alright Robyn, stay safe out here." he said while hugging me tightly

"I will, see you tomorrow."I said tiredly, entering the house I went straight to my room listening to what was going on through my room door.

Frank-"It don't matter i told you not to use my shit nomo..i work to damn hard for yo ass to be wasting it."

Monica-"And i told you it's in my house, so imma use it if i wan-


At that moment I knew my life was about to change, I spazzed out. I flew down the stairs into the kitchen in rage. I grabbed a knife from out the kitchen drawer, my mom must have heard me slam close the drawer because she ran to me crying and begging me to not do what she suspect I was about to do. I had told my mother the next time he hits her he's dead. I was done, on multiple occasions I witness him beat my mother and it was time to put it to an end.

Monica-"Robyn..my sweet robyn..please dont do this baby!"

Frank began to test me saying things like: "Do it you weak little girl" and "You wont dare stab me", but what he said to me next led me to be forever a cold desperado from St. Michael, Barbados...

Niizle K

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