f o u r

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Last night I couldn't sleep at all. I woke up three times having the same dream over and over again. It was me in one of those mental rooms with the cushion walls. I was covered in blood and going insane trying to find a way out. I had on a stray jacket so I couldn't really move around the way I wanted to. Visions of the day I killed frank popped up in the dream every now and then. I popped up from the nightmare and bawled my eyes out. This was going to haunt me for life. How could one night turn into a lifetime of misery. My sobbing came to an end once I felt myself doze off to sleep again.

Waking up to the sound of birds chirping whilst the sun shined bright through my window seal and the smell of breakfast being made all in one some how managed to put a smile on my face. Before I went down stairs to eat I sat on my phone and browsed through my social medias. I really wanted to call or even text my mom just to see how she was doing ,but unfortunately I couldn't because of the situation. We really had to do almost everything meticulously or else. So we can't communicate at all. Putting the thoughts of calling my mom to the side I went into my bathroom and did my hygiene routine.

"Good morning babygirl, how'd you sleep." Ronald asked

"Ok I guess."I say not going into detail

"You'll be fine."

"Good morning Miss Joyce."

"Good morning Robyn, I hope your hungry because I prepared a massive breakfast this morning."

"I'm Very hungry." I chuckled seeing all the food that was prepared

"Robyn, honey do me a favor and go wake Christopher up for breakfast would ya.

"Sure." I say making my way up to his room

I knocked before coming into his messy room. Walking in all I noticed at first was trash everywhere then I spotted him and his friends from yesterday on the floor sleeping peacefully. I stepped over all the trash and squatted down to Chris's face and repeatedly tapped his shoulder saying "Chrisss" over and over again.
Until he finally awoke struggling to come into focus with who was in front of him.

"Chris you and your friends can come down stairs for breakfast."

"We'll be down in a sec babygirl." He says standing up and kicking his friends

I chuckled at how weak he was. I watched him stretch all the kinks from out of his body. Chris is a really attractive person and I noticed that when I first got here, but looking at him right now I don't know if it's right to be looking at him in this type of way. He's a masterpiece. I personally couldn't point out not one flaw on this man. I guess he peeped me staring at him because he gave my butt a squeeze with his big hands. I jumped at the feeling of his husky voice mumbling on my neck.

"Good morning ma." He says then leaves a kiss on the side of my neck

After what happened in Chris's room we ate breakfast and washed dishes. Later on after work, Ronald's going to show me around la and Im kinda excited about it. For the meantime I'm hanging with chris who's friends are about to leave. After getting to know them I think their cool people and I can understand why their all friends, their like a puzzle they fit perfectly. Reds the funniest and he flirts a lot. Bryson is the more chill laid back friend who you can get advice from. Deja's the one I clicked the most with I don't know if it's because we're girls or what but she's cool people's.

"Type your number in my phone we can hangout sometime." Deja says while reaching her hand out for my phone.

We exchanged numbers and said our good byes. Leaving just me and Chris in the house which scared me.

"So what you wanna do ma."

"First could you stop calling me "ma" it's irritating." I expressed

"Sorry it's a habit ma." He says again not knowing he even said it

"You just said it again."

"No I didn't ma."

I gave him a confused look making him laugh

"I'm just playing. You know you hot headed." He stated

"I'm not hot headed I'm just -"

"Hot headed." He interrupted

"Whatever, do you have some type of junk food. I could go for some chips and a mistic juice right about now."

"Nah we need to go to a corner store for that stuff. You riding or nah." He questioned

"Let's go."

The ride with Chris to the corner store was hilarious. I learned that Chris is a senior and is a basketball player at his school. He's goofy and that's all I've found out so far.

"What about these."he says holding up a bag of flaming hots. We're currently at the store and Im struggling to find the chips that I wanted.

"No not those the lime ones."

"It's the same thing."

"I found them and it's to different flavors obviously." I say dangling the two different bags of hot cheetos in his face then bending down to put the one bag of chips back.

I felt a hand on my butt which made me shiver. I stood up raising my eyebrows at him. "Why do you keep doing that." I said

"Sorry babygirl. It was right in my face." He said stepping closer to me. We stared deeply into each others eyes until I broke eye contact.

"Here."I said taking a step back from him and handing him my snacks.

"Fuck." I mumbled. I can tell he likes me. He can never like me because our parents are married, or can he ?
We made it back to his car and were on our way back to the house. The car ride was silent for a while before he broke it.

"Can I kiss you."

He's bold. Did he really just ask if he could kiss me? I've never even kissed a guy before. A boyfriend I've had before but never have I kissed him.

"I don't know." I blurted. Wtf was that

"Have you ever had a kiss before."

"N-no I d-" I studdered

He quickly leaned into me placing his soft lips onto mine. My lips moved smoothly onto his smooth ones. Our lips parted and I felt myself blush at our actions.

"I see you blushing."he smiled showing of his million dollar smile

I shook my head blushing even harder.

"So I take it you liked the kiss." He smirked

"Yeah. I did." I smiled

What have I started.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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