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[Note: This story is based on a past version of Ladybug and Chat Noir. I will still be using Adrien and our beloved Marinette, but the time period and story line will be that of a previous life. I do not own the characters or the art work.]

If you had one chance to get away from everything horrible, even for just a night, wouldn't you take it?

Of course you would. It's so easy to do so, after all. Like the spider's string hanging down to offer a simple escape from hell. A small light in the endless sea of darkness. That's what the ball invitation was to Marinette.

She was a beautiful bluenette, with silky locks that shined in the sun. Yet beauty didn't equal a pain free life. In reality her slim figure was shaped by starvation, and her hands were worn over from working constantly. Her face was often covered by smudges of cinder or dirt.

There was always work to be done, in the orphanage in which Marinette lived. She couldn't even recall what her parents looked like, if they were still alive at all. Nor did she care much to think of them for it only brought her false hopes and crushing disappointment when she finally accepted that she had been abandoned by nameless figures.

Marinette clapped the dust off her hands before finishing up cleaning the old windows of it's last spider's web. She felt just a tad bit guilty for ruining such a beautiful home, which was more than she ever had. She had never considered the orphanage much of a home, really. Marinette was rather fond of insects, her most favorite being the beautiful female Ladybugs. Their red glimmer was simply charming, although the yellow male Ladybugs were just as cute.

Shaking her head out her day dreams, she carried a wet rag off to clean whatever needed the cleaning, and eventually found herself near the office of the woman, Miss Agnés, who owned the orphanage. Now, Marinette wasn't the type to eavesdrop, but when she heard Miss Agnés speaking to a unfamiliar male sounding stranger she couldn't help but let curiosity get to her. After all, strangers very rarely visited.

"--I insist that you allow the more mature girls to attend." The stranger said in a pleading tone
"I shall not. We can't afford more than simple rags, much less fashionable gowns!" Miss Agnés responded in a clearly agitated voice.

Gowns? Marinette thought to herself, thinking she must of heard wrong.

"I understand your concern, my lady, but I think this would be a truly wonderful experience for the young ladies. They must learn to be adaptable to such high society sooner or later, and sooner is better when it comes to teaching proper etiquette."

"What wonderful experience? The experience of being mocked by nobles for wearing mats?" Her tone was turning more and more angry, clearly frustrated.

"I simply think that the girls deserve a chance." Desperation. It was hard to not feel bad for the guy. If there was one thing Miss Agnés was, it was stubborn.

"A chance? Don't make me laugh. They will be kicked out before they have a chance to even see the prince."

A prince? This was just getting more and more confusing as Marinette listened.

"The prince would never do that. He--" Before he had the chance to plead his case more, Miss Agnés interrupted him.

"No is no, Monsieur Louie." Flat out rejection. You could almost hear his heart breaking into tiny pieces.

"Can I at least ask if they would want to go?" He truly sounded sad now.

"I'm sorry, but I can't get their hopes up. This invitation to the ball simply would only hurt them in the end. You don't have kids in rags like I do. I see how jealous they are of those girls in fancy fabrics. I can't break my children's hearts like that. If you understand that.. Please, for the children's sake. Don't mention it and get rid of those invites. I beg of you."

It all made sense now that the ball invitation had been mentioned. Of course, how hadn't Marinette figured it out before? She suppressed a happy giggle at the thought of dancing in a beautiful dress. She didn't even know how to properly dance, but now she wanted to.

Oh how wonderful it would be to dance, Marinette thought blissfully. But her daydreams of silky gowns and bird-tail suits were cut short by the sound of the door. Quickly, she hid around the corner as the strange man called Louie walked out.

Suddenly, temptation strung along Marinette into a decision that would soon change her life forever. Yet she didn't even know that yet, as she craftily snatched one of the invites protruding from the man's pocket.

Soon, her simple life would be turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

{Close of Début}

Author notes: Nothing is more fun than a bit of romance and tragedy, and those are my two favorite dishes

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Author notes: Nothing is more fun than a bit of romance and tragedy, and those are my two favorite dishes. Excluding spaghetti at least. Yay for Miraculous fanfics!

Rendezvous; A LadyNoir/Adrienette Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now