I Never Believed in Fairy Tales

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{Author note: I must apologize once again for not updating. To be entirely honest I have an outline and the plot down completely, but I'm a very bad person when it comes to updating. I could make excuses and say it was school exams and graduating from school, but to be entirely honest I just have a terrible procrastination habit and only update whenever I get the inspiration. In summary, I'm the worst person when it comes to updates. Thank you for your patience if you bothered to wait this long for a new chapter.
-Skeleton King.}

Marinette wasn't entirely surprised the next morning she woke up and saw the now familiar curl of blonde hair outside. She never thought a guy could be so persistent, Adrien proved that wrong.

"I don't mean to be rude but I don't really have time to play with you." Marinette said upon arriving outside.
"Nonsense." He grinned mischievously. "If you didn't have time for me you wouldn't of bothered to see me."

Before she could argue further Adrien grabbed her hand and dragged her along, giving her little choice but to follow him.

"Where in the world are you taking me?" The question came when they arrived at the forest nearby the orphanage.
"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, now would I?"
"Don't tell me you plan to kidnap me."
"Oops, guess the cat's out of the bag. Now you leave me no choice." He joked as he swung his arms around her and lifted her princess style. With a Cheshire grin on his face, he darted towards his secret little place.

After a few curses and shouts of protest from Marinette, Adrien finally let her down. There, just beyond the clearing of the forest, was a towering formation of the castle it's grand fortification glittering in the midday sun. Marinette was at a sudden loss for words as she gazed at the palace she had only ever read about in books or heard in the exchange of rumors. Yet no description could truly compare to the honor of seeing it with her own eyes. It was breathtakingly gorgeous.

It took her a few moments to collect herself before Marinette fumbled for words.
"Why did you take me here?"
"Well.. You wanted to see the castle, right?"
"0-of course I did!" Exasperated, Marinette looked at Adrien like he was insane.
"Well, I figured our date could be a personal tour guide of the castle, provided by me obviously." He couldn't help but grin.
Now she was definitely convinced that he was insane.
If the exterior wasn't grand enough, the interior of the castle was definitely on a new level of unspeakably fancy. The red leading carpets with gold embroidery spun to purposely look like golden leaves stretched beyond her sight, into every speak-able corridor. A sapphire blue seal was stamped into the walls to represent the royal family, also aligned paintings with golden engraved labels. If that weren't enough, chandeliers of crystal danced from the walls, hanging from a chain of pure silver. As Marinette walked along with Adrien she noticed pure white silk curtains waved from the arched windows.

Just as she thought the castle couldn't possibly get anymore amazing, they soon arrived near a descending staircases with a circular stained glass window at least thirty feet above it, all colors of the rainbow brushing over the ginormous room. Multiple pillars held the triangular roof and the room truly glowed with beauty. The pristine floor danced with the color. This was the ballroom in all it's fabled glory.

With a soft laugh that echoed throughout, Adrien took Marinette's hand as they cascaded down the stairs. Overwhelmed by it all Marinette was in no position to argue and simply let him take the lead. As he took her left hand and put his arm around her waist, he blissfully swayed her to dance with him to an unheard tempo.

She had never danced before in her life yet in this moment, as Adrien guided her across the room in an endless song, she felt as if she had danced a million times. For the first time in her life she truly felt pure bliss, and the start of something blossoming deep within her heart as she suddenly noticed how handsome Adrien was.

She had never really believed in fairy tales... until now.

[Special thanks to: My always supportive lover

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[Special thanks to: My always supportive lover. I'm so gay for you. <3
Also a thank you to my readers, for actually sticking around for my lazy butt to update.]

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