The Grand Ball: Dance until Midnight (Part One)

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Finally, the big night of the ball was here. Marinette had been locked up for a few days now but the wait was well worth it. Thanks to the magic she received from the strange man she now referred to as Papillon because of his magical butterfly, she now had quite the special trick to escape from her cage.

Opening her palm, a black Ladybug with red spots (quite the reverse of an actual Ladybug) buzzed it's wings, and in a similar manner as the violet butterfly had done, freed the lock.

With that obstacle out of her way, she only had to worry about the blood lustful dragon that was Agnés. Yet Marinette was not too concerned...

"Your Ladybug is your companion and friend, trust in it and you will find your way." Papillon had told her.

With those words echoing in her mind, she let the Ladybug guide her past the danger of being discovered. Making sure to be extra light on her toes upon an distant sound that may be Agnés patrolling about the Orphanage.

Just as Marinette thought she had safely made it outside, there Agnés stood simply waiting for a chance to pounce. Before the elder could so much as speak the Ladybug flew towards the woman, covering her in dust. In disbelief Marinette watched as the woman that was Agnés turn into a pug. The dog, seemingly clueless as to its previous self, dashed off.

Marinette couldn't help but giggle a little bit. Though, as she watched the Ladybug dance around, it became obvious that this was only the beginning of its magic. As the bug circled Marinette her ball gown magically appeared along with a black mask with the same red dots as the Ladybug. Then the bug changed a nearby bike into a carriage, using a frog for a coach and turning a spider into a horse.

To say the least, it was a very entertaining sight. Last but not least, a cat turned into a butler who helped Marinette into the tall carriage and joined her within before the carriage was carried off by the horse. Marinette couldn't resist gently hugging the Ladybug as it landed back in her palm as a gesture of thanks.


From just beyond the parting forest stood the beautiful castle. Even though Marinette had just been there a day before, once again she found herself overwhelmed by the massive and rich form. In the descending sun the twilight hour was reflected upon by the castle, making it appear in bright scarlet and the orange sands of the desert. Violet slashed chaotically with sapphire blue and made the palace seem as if it had stepped out of a beautiful painting and had graced the world.

Marinette almost couldn't break her gaze from the majestic scenery but her daze soon cut in half by the butler cat graciously lifting her from the carriage. Her focus now in order, she hurried to the castle with her dress flowing shortly behind.

Invitation in hand, she passed the ushers with ease and left her butler behind. The ballroom was different than before, decorations of all various colors now draped from the ceiling and a cast of brilliant white light from a giant chandelier glowed.

Already the guest seemed to group in swarms, every girl from every country waiting for a chance to meet with the prince. Just like the décor, the ladies came in every color imaginable. It was a different rainbow from the one Marinette had danced upon, yet it was beautiful nonetheless.

As Marinette stepped onto the ballroom floor the orchestra standing on a platform off the side began to play their trumpets. From just beyond the ginormous unfolding doors marched knights in glimmering silver steel and uniform capes with the Sapphire blue royal seal. As they aligned the walls King Agreste appeared adorned in a vibrate red with a coat of arms and the Royal seal, but in violet, on his chest. Silence unfolded unto every last guest as their king stood above them.

"Welcome," His voice boomed "my dearest friends to my kingdom's ball. As you as know, this is a special occasion to be held for my beloved son. May our fallen queen watch over him. Now, please enjoy this once in a lifetime and altogether wondrous celebration."

As if commanded by the king the guest bellowed in cheer, "Long live the king!" as conductor stood and warm Celtic music filled the hall.

For the night everyone forgot their worries, dancing with strangers all in masks. It seemed the prince would not be showing up anytime soon so Marinette decided to join the fun and dance with the girls upon the floor.

The upbeat tempo of clapping and stomping on the ground from many of the guests is what she used as a guide, remembering what Adrien had taught her. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen him at all since she had been locked up and soon found herself missing him.

Prying her fingers from her thoughts, she decided to enjoy herself. It didn't take too long for her to lose track of time altogether when suddenly her wrist was gently grabbed from behind.

-Adrien's POV-

Adrien had spent the past hour in his black tuxedo and matching mask looking for Marinette. The masks were his idea originally, to keep his identity hidden so he could meet people without them treating him like a prince, but now he sorely regretted that decision.

Just when he had lost all hopes a familiar flash of red catch his eye. Daring to hope again he moved through the crowd. A difficult task now that he was just a normal person to them. Determination got him through, and at last he found his Ruby jewel laughing and dancing with the rest.

She is even more beautiful in red, he thought to himself as he took a moment to watch that unmistakable bluenette hair enjoying herself.

Finding himself impatient to be with her, he reached out and grabbed her wrist. He simply couldn't help himself anymore. With a smirk on his face, Adrien happily dragged her past the crowd and outside to the castle garden. It was filled beyond sight with purple roses, the full moon brushing them with its pale light.

Marinette was saying something, but he didn't pay attention to it, to focused on pulling her over to the fountain that stood at the center. Feeling rather mischievous, he turned towards Marinette who was both bewildered and amazed. Which in turn made him grin even more.

"You like it, my lady?" He chuckled softly.

"L... like it?!" She fumbled for words. "This is.. well, gorgeous!"

Rather pleased with himself, he took her hand in his and guided her along the stepping stones of the garden. Without even a word, so much of what she thought was clearly expressed in her face. Just like an adorable open book.

After stepping onto the garden bridge Adrien stopped them, gently caressing Marinette's finger and tracing up her arm affectionately. He couldn't help but study her whole form within the illumination of the moon.

"So... if I may ask, who are you?" She finally broke the silence with her birdsong voice.

"I am Prince Agreste, and who might you be, Ladybug?" He teased, not wanting to reveal that he was Adrien just yet.

After a moment of surprise she spoke that wonderful name, "Marinette."

{The Ball: Dance until Midnight.. part two coming soon}

Note: so this chapter is a lot longer than I expected it to be. (Only one part and there's 1200+ words!) For that reason I will be breaking it up into two parts. I also scrapped the original ending because it wasn't as exciting as my new plan. I hope you continue to enjoy my work nonetheless. ~

Also, hi David! :3

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