When I Ruled The World ( Fall of the Roman Empire)

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WARNING: Character death and feels that get punched right in the gut. You have been warned!

All the Roman Empire could do at the moment was stare at the bright morning sky. The sun was just starting to peck over the horizon, the stars still present, not yet blinded by the light.

He knew this was the last sun rise he would ever see, he knew he was fading, but he could see it long before this moment.

He had dared to hope the Pax Romana would last, that it would never end, maybe one day it would have really ruled the world.

But that was before his people became corrupted, before all his rulers were assassinated like free bread, and before he relied on those barbarians to protect his people.

Before he could barley stand up on his own two feet.

And before he felt all the unbelievable pain that came with an Empire dying. He could feel all their hunger, all their fear, all their panic and death.

And yet with all of the pain, all he could think about was Feliciano and Lovino, his two little nephews, and the representations of North and South Italy. But it wasn't him wondering about all the pain they must be going through, about how sad they would be once they found out he had died.

No, the Roman Empire decided he was going to spend his last moments on Earth thinking about his two little nephews and the moments they had together. Sadly, he could only think of a few. He was always at war with one person or another, he hardly got to see Feli and Lovi.

That will be my only regret, he decided that moment. Not that I couldn't survive, but that I didn't spend time with them, that I wasn't the Grampa Rome they deserved......... I hope they forgive me. That is all I ask for....

Roman Empire smiled as tears pricked at his eyes. The sun had now washed out all the stars, lazily moving through the sky making the Earth below warm up for the new day.

And in the light of that new day, the Roman Empire died, still with a smile on his face as he dissolved into the wind..........  

So how was it? No one requested this, I just wanted to put this up there. I hope you guys enjoyed! Request away!


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