If I Die Young (Prussia)

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I've been wanting to do something with Prussia for a while now. No one requested this.

WARNING: This has character death,

It was so beautiful, wasn't it.

The meadow was filled with multi colored flowers, bees and butterflies alike were flying from flower to flower, a small river was running through filled with crystal colored water. The crystal water which Prussia was staring at himself.

It was odd to see himself this way. His skin was paler than usual, almost translucent, every single blue vein popping out and visible. His red eyes looking like water colors; pale and washed out. Tears were streaming down his face and his body was covered in long, deep scratches that oozed thick, dark blood.

It didn't at all match the delirious smile on his face. 

Why was he smiling? Well, not even he knew. After all, what was so awesome about dissolving?  

About looking your two best friends in the eye while they laugh and talk and acted like they weren't about to sign the papers that would kill you?

About seeing the hurt and sick look on your brother's face as he looks at you; like you're a monster.   

About that moment you realize that really are a monster. Killing all those people. Starting a war. All for what? Power? No, he knew what he did it for.

Germany, his little brother.

He couldn't help himself. The pain he saw in his brothers eyes after the first World War made his blood boil. He wanted to hurt all those damn Allies, wipe the smile off their pathetic faces. He wanted his brother to be great as he once was. To see his brother with all that power in the second World War made him feel good inside. No one would ever hurt his precious brother again. He and West became drunk with power in only months. To control everything after all that they've lost? It seemed too good to be true. 

So yeah. He didn't care about all those Jews dying. All he could think about was Germany, him and his little brother ruling the world side by side. Those damn Allies would fall at his hands.

But then..... something changed. Prussia doesn't remember exactly when, maybe a year before the end of the war, something switched. He saw West almost........ doubled. One side of him was the same it had been throughout the war, a power hungry smile on his face, bright and tall with power at his fingertips. The other was fearful, muttering things that Prussia had never heard from his brother.

"Why did they have to die? This is not what he promised..... I should just surrender before anyone gets hurt..... yeah...."

"W-what? That's not what I wanted... n-no please..... someone wake me up from this nightmare...."

His appearance started to shift again. His blond hair that was usually slicked back was starting to become undone. Deep dark circles were under his now dull blue eyes. He would blurt at random times that they should stop, breaking down into tears. He would recite lines from people Prussia knew had to be his soldiers on the battlefield. Deep scars would appear out of nowhere. Once or twice his eyes would even change from blue to purple, his skin would dramatically pale even more than it already was. When that happened his face would become expressionless, blank yet filled with so much pain.

It was only when the Allies finally cornered them that Prussia started to snap out of it as well. He would also shift at times, finding himself not able to talk at times. He was told once that his eyes were blue and not their usual red.

He remembers looking America in the eye when his head was against the barrel of his gun. The blue eyed American had his finger on the trigger, eyes bright with fire.

"Surrender!" he screamed, the gun's barrel pushing harder .

Prussia laughed, a insane, crazy, drunken laugh. He spit the blood he had coughed up on the representatives shoes. "Kiss my ass."

America's eyes flashed. He pulled back his foot, kicking him square in the chest. A flash of pain shot through him and he doubled over.

"Son of a-"

"Stop! Stop! I surrender. You hear me? I SAID I FUCKING SURRENDER!!!!"

Prussia whipped his head around. There was Germany, covered in blood, looking more fragile than Prussia had seen in years.


Germany looked at him. His eyes looked wild and dead at the same time.

"Please," he sobbed. "Just stop, I can't take it any more." And with that said the nation collapsed. Germany surrendered. 

Not long after, America dropped a bomb on Japan, and they to surrendered. 

And so did the decision to for Prussia to not be a country any more.

He remembers the day it was decided. He was given a week. During that week he fully snapped out of it. He felt a burning in his chest when he realized just what he had done. But he hadn't cried. No, not until the day came. He woke up crying, but not from grief.

It was from the pain. It had a few days ago, but it was only now that it really started to spread. And yet that smile was still on his face. It was on as he met the Allies one last time, a sort of; any last words? kind of thing.

He didn't know why, or even how. But he had just started laughing, tears were running down his face and the pain was so bad he nearly collapsed. But he didn't care. He kept on laughing.

He looked directly in the eyes of everyone in the room. America, Canada, China, France, Russia, England, Japan, Romano, Italy, and finally his little brother.

"If I'm gonna die young," he said. "It sure as Hell isn't going to be here."

And with that he ran out of the room, running, running, running, who knows where, each step hurting more and more. And he didn't stop until he found that meadow. Now, here he was, just staring.

Another burning flare ripped through his chest. He gasped and clawed at his heart, trying to stay upright. No way was he going to spend his last few moments on the ground in agony. He would stay upright, taking the pain.

He smiled again, though this one was more natural, softer and brighter. He looked down at his hands, just now starting to fade.

"Don't forget me, bruder."

And with that, Prussia faded. 

Or did he?

"Funny when you're dead how people start listening ........"  

Hi guys! I know you were probably expecting Adrenaline, but I got really far into it and I just couldn't write it any more. I will finish it, just later. I have a few song ideas but I don't know what to put for them. Here are the songs: 

Any ideas? Let me know if you do! 

Request away!


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