InSaNiTy (Snapped Norway)

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This is for  my sister, Aistine_loves_cats hope you all enjoy!

(This is human AU, so no country crap)

WARNING: This contains character death, gore, and a insane Lukas. You have been warned.....

Lukas Bondevik wasn't insane.

At least, that's what he believed. He fully believed in magic, he saw faeries and elves, trolls and dwarfs. He watched as they danced around, talking to them when they appeared. He loved their company though his quite and rather cold personality.

The problem? He was the only one who ever saw them.

At first when he was young, everyone would say it was his imagination taking root. That boy has no friends of his own, they would say. So he creates some of his own.

In a way, this was true. The boy was rather lonely, his only other friend being a boy named Mathias Kohler, but by the time they were both 7, no one thought it was cute.

Lukas was telling his Mother about the magical troll that he had recently when his mother snapped at him. 

"Lukas Bondevik! I've heard enough about these imaginary friends! You are to old for this non-science!" 

Lukas's big indigo eyes widened. His Mother had never snapped at him like that before. His Mother was a kind and patient woman who moved from Norway to go to medial school in the U.S. She usually worked late nights at the hospital, and she was a single mother with a 7 year old son. Lukas did his best to not stress his Mother, giving her space when needed, taking care himself when she couldn't. But never in his entire life had Lukas hear his Mother yell at him like that.

"But...... but..."

"No buts! You are to old!"

Lukas felt the tears come before he could stop them. The salty tears streamed down his checks and dripped from his chin, staining  his shirt as the tears landed. "You don't believe me," he whispered. "You never did believe me...."

After that, not very many people heard about his magical friends. He didn't say anything about them to anyone.

That was, until  he and Mathias turned 17.

Lukas didn't mean for Mathias to find out. It really hadn't been his fault. He and Mathias had been watching a movie at the Dane's house when the troll that followed him around a lot had appeared out of nowhere. That's not what bothered Lukas, no, he was quite used to his magical friends popping out out of nowhere.

But the troll wouldn't stop messing with them. One minute Mathias cup was at his side, the next it was on the kitchen table when Mathias was sure he hadn't left it there. The Dane constantly complained  about something tugging on his gravity diffing hair. 

Lukas knew it was the troll, but he didn't say anything to it until Mathias went to do use the bathroom.

Lukas turned his head to the troll, a slight glare present in his eyes. "What do you want?" he asked annoyed. "Can't this wait? I'm busy." The troll remained unresponsive, its green eyes piecing into Lukas' deep indigo. 

Lukas gave a little sigh. "Look, I'll talk later OK? I-"

"Lukas, who are you talking to?" the Dane's voice cut through his ears. Lukas could feel himself pale as he turned to see Mathias standing behind him.

"Ummm-mm... n-no one," he stuttered in his emotionless voice. Mathias looked from him to the place where Lukas was looking when he was, 'talking to nothing.' There was nothing there from what Mathias could see, but the Norwegian was nervously looking from that place to him.

"Yeah. Nothing," the Danish man said sarcastically. He asked again with more force. "Who are you talking to?" 

Lukas felt a shiver go down his spine. He didn't see the Dane get angry very often, and it wasn't a pretty sight. Should he tell him? It's not like he would believe him anyway.

"You won't believe me."

"Try me."

Lukas sighed. Mathias was stubborn, he would give him that. But he was also an idiot. A big one.

"My friend. A magical troll which I can only see. He was the one messing with you earlier," said Lukas.

Mathias gave him a, 'WTF' look. He was used to Lukas being blunt and expressionless, telling him what's on his mind without a second thought. But he was not expecting that. Was there a chance he was lying? Mathias quickly dismissed the thought. It just wasn't in the boys nature, to lie.

Mathias pondered on what to say. " I don't know........." Lukas shrugged like he fully understood what Mathias was about to say.

"You don't have to believe me at first," he told him. "I get it."

"N-no I believe you...... its just, magical trolls! That's a first......." Lukas still was giving him the, 'what are you looking at,' expression. Even though to anyone else his face would be blank, Mathias could clearly see the emotion on his face.


"Come on! Have a little faith!"

Lukas gave him a glance over, like he was debating weather or not to trust him. 

".......... Fine."

And for a while, that's how it was. Mathias started to notice all the little details that would obviously show that something wasn't right with Lukas. That one time when he was smiling at nothing and talking to air? Apparently that was a fairy. Those shoes you bought last week that are now a pile of crap? That was a hungry dwarf.

That was their new normal. Mathias got used to Lukas rambling on about all the creatures he's seen, he rather enjoyed hearing him talk. It was a good change from his usual silence. He also noticed that he seemed more relaxed, he smiled more and was better with people, like telling Mathias made him more comfortable.

But just like at sea, it was a calm before a storm.......

Mathias stared in horror at the scene in front of him.

Emil, one of his best friends, was on the floor.

Surrounded by his own blood.

Above him was Lukas.

His hand stained with his brother's blood.

Emil's violet eyes were wide open in shock, the life drained from his body. Lukas slowly turned around, an insane smile on his face, like he enjoyed seeing his brother die from his own hand.

"He didn't believe m-me," Lukas stuttered. "He never d-id." He looked down at his hand and back up at Mathias. "I-i'm not insane."

He took a step towards Mathias. "You believe me r-right?"

Mathias was paralyzed.

"I'm n-not insane."

............................... Crappy one shot is crappy......... 

This took a lot longer than it should have.......

Sorry. I honestly didn't know what to do with this....

It kind of went out the window......

So yeah. Request away!


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