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I went to the shops to buy milk. It's so boring doing things like this. It took me and maisy ages to decide who was going but eventually I gave in. We are LITERALLY the femal versions of Dan and Phil lol. I go to the counter and pay for the milk and start to walk back. When I get to the end of our street I get a message from maisy.
Hey are you nearly home - maisy
Yes I'm nearly here - Ellie
We have ran out of bread can you go back and get some??? - Maisy

She's up to something. We have bread in the freezer.

We have bread in the freezer silly - Ellie
But I also need some tampons. Please BFITWWF - Maisy
Okay I'm going - Ellie

I know she doesn't need tampons. I got her some last time I went shopping on Monday but I decide to go and get them anyway. I run to back to the shop. Pick up the tampons. Paying I run back home. I ring the doorbell just for the fun of it and Maisy opens the door.
'You know when you text me I was at the end of our street?' I say panting. She laughs. Then there was a sound in the pantry. I ignore it but Maisy doesn't. Typical her.
'Ellie,I think something fell in the pantry can you go check' I sigh
'Why can't you go?' I ask
'Do you want me to make Pancakes?' She asks
'Yes' I say enthusiastically
'Then you go check in the pantry' she said with a smirk. Okay. I open the pantry door only for loads of the balloons to fall out and -
JOE SUGG!!! AHHHHHHH. He said something but u couldn't process it's
'Maisy did you do this??' I manage to stutters THIS IS LIKE MY DREAM COME TRUE!!! AHHHHH!!! MY LIFE DREAM IS COMING TRUE IN SECONDS!!!!!! JOE SUGG IS IN MY PANTRY. Calm down Ellie. Then Maisy speaks ups
'Yeah with the help of Joe' HE HELPED OMFG.

'BEST.SUPRISE.EVER!' I say happily. They both laugh.
'Come on we have until 5pm to get these Collins done!' Joe says walking out the pantry after what seemed like forever.

My dreams after coming true.

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