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Today is rehearsal day. Maisy made pancakes this morning AGAIN and then went to Dan and Phils. They said they were going to take her out for the day. Connor, Tyler and Troye have gone to get everyone else. Dan and Phil left me a key to their place. IT IS GONNA BE SO COOL. Basically what is gonna happen is Troye is going to sing the O2L song while me, Connor and Tyler are dancing around to it. Then when they go EVERYBODY GO BANANAS, The rest of O2L jumps out. Then the second time it does it all of Smosh and Smosh Games then finally Everyone else. It is gonna be so cool or ace. WHATEVER. I leave the house and go to Dan and Phils. When I arrive I see Connor, Tyler, Troye and the guys stood outside. I clap my hands and run to the door unlocking it. The boys all run in.

'IT'S TIME! PLACES GUYS!' Everyone runs into random places. I laugh. Okay that's not happening.' Troye you stand here where the microphone is. Connor, Tyler either side of him. I will be with all of you when Dan and Phil bring her here later the day. Then Dan and Phil will come stand either side of Connor and Tyler. Okay, then All of O2L have to hide even though O2L has ended we have this thing with the song. So Kian go hide behind thye big poster with Ricky on the other side. Then I want Trevor behind the bigger sign with Sam on the other side. JC hide behind the seat that is next to the stage. When it goes EVERYBODY GO BANANAS for the first time you all jump out and then continue with routine then we will al be singing by this point. SORRY CON. Then I want Smosh to jump out on the second Everybody Go Bananas. Then when it's the third one everyone else will. Just all hide near the stage that is set up in Dan and Phils house. I will be stood on there. Troye let's run through it because you are singing the chorus and me, Connor and Tyler are singing the bit where it's more of a rap but like a line each. So I am singing the first line, then Connor because a light will go on him then and then Tyler sings the second bit. At this point we are all going to carry on in that order. When the chorus comes a big light shines on Troye as he sings the chorus. Then as they all jump out from O2L then the lights shine on everyone there. Even Connor. Can you remember the dance guys?' They all nod. 'Okay then so you will do that dance and the lights will be on you until Smosh jump out half way through the dance. That's when you guys all step back like your offended and then we are all just jumping. Then after that guys I want you Smosh and Smosh games to do random dancing then when the rap bit comes back on the lights all dim again and focus on Ty Ty, Con da Bon and myself again. Then the chorus it goes to Troye again but it is obviously the big light then it's the dance again but at this point we are all random jumping and fist bumping the air then the English Crew which consists of Joe, Marky Butt Butt, Caspar Lee, The Harries Twins, Janya, Nimbobs, Cactus Boy, Connor Maynard, His Bro Jack, Joshua Peiterssssss, Zozeboo, Joe weller, ThePointlessBlog, SprinkleOfLouise and any others if I forgot. Then PewdiePie. Okay then The Americans so Janiel, Colleen/Miranda, Corey, SUPERWOMEN, Shane and I think that's everyone. Okay then so is everyone happy with that. FROM THE TOP!'

Let me tell ya about 6 young fellas - ME

That really know how to get down - Con da Bon

Coast to coast, NY to L.A. - Ty Ty

Yeah, they run this fucking town - ME

I'm talking about - Con Da Bon

JC Caylen, Connor, Sam, Ricky, Kian, Trevor Moran - Ty Ty

Check yourself before you wreck yourself - ME

'Cause now you're rocking with the whole damn fam - Con Da Bon

Oh, yeah - Ty Ty

That's O2L, but you already know - ME

And if you really don't - Con Da Bon

You're out the window  - Ty Ty

And they're never going to keep you feeling lonely - ME

Your only biggest problem is bitch Chloe - Con Da Bon

Ricky got sass - Ty Ty

Sam got love - ME

Trevor got them notes from above - Con Da Bon

Connor got the giggles - Ty Ty

And Kian is a bro - ME

And JC is from Texas! - Con Da Bon

Tonight we're gonna give them hell - Troye Sivan

Everybody's screaming O2L - TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh - TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh - TS

O-2-L, yeah - TS

Tonight we're gonna give 'em hell - TS

Everybody's screaming O-2-L -TS

Saying, ooh, ooh, ooh  -TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh -TS

O2L - TS

Everybody go bananas - ALL ( Con Da Bon and Crew Do Dance)

Everybody go bananas - ALL (Smosh and Smosh Games Jump Out)

Here we go again, same ol' thing - Ty Ty

Ricky got the tank top with no slaves - ME

Connor's like, "More Tumblr, please!" - Con Da Bon

And oh, my God, Kian, can I get your number... please? - Ty Ty

Sam Pottorff, what it do? - ME

Trevor's all like "Ah, oh" - Con Da Bon

Man, I think that's everyone there - Ty Ty

And JC's still from Texas - Me

(Yee, haw, am I right?) - JC

Oh, yeah - Troye, Trevor, Ricky.

Got to get em with it, with the program - TTR

Yeah, they're seeing rumors - TTR

Saying oh, yeah - TTR

Got to get 'em with it saying, "Oh, yeah"  TTR

Tonight we're gonna give them hell - TS

Everybody's screaming O2L - TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh -TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh - TS

O-2-L, yeah - TS

Tonight we're gonna give them hell - TS

Everybody's screaming O2L -TS

Saying, ooh, ooh, ooh -TS

Ooh, ooh, ooh -TS

O2L - TS

Everybody go bananas - ALL (Everyone else jumps outs)

Low Batterery - ME

(Tonight we're gonna give them hell

Everybody's screaming, O2L

Hmm, hmm


Tonight we're gonna give them hell

Everybody's screaming, O2L

Saying, hmm, hmm

O-2-L ) - All these brackets are Troye :)

'THAT WAS GREAT GUYS!' I shout. Now she should be here soon. We here the door and all get into our places........


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