Phils Party

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Shit. No. Fuck. No. Shit. No. Fuck. No. Shit. No. FUCK! Today I have to see Tobias and I am fucking dreading it. I don't want to be near him. He is ducking scaring me. So much. I stretch and grab my phone. It's 8:30. I get out of bed and change. I stand up to see Maisy wrote a note got me.

Hi Ellie. I know you said you forgave me but I needed to say sorry again. I shouldn't have been so mean because you were right (as always). Zach is an idiot and he doesn-didn't care about me. He never will. So here is my apology. Your my best friend and I never ever wanted to hurt you. I never will again. I promise.
From Suggarey your BFITWWF

I smile and walk downstairs.
'I forgive you BFITWWF' I say, still smiling.
'Thanks' Maisy replies with. I smile. 'It's Phols birthday today and your invited to his party' she continued. What what? Fuck! I haven't got him anything I totally forgot!!!
'Shit! I totally forgot it was PHILS birthday I feel so bad' I tell her. I really do. How could I forget one of my best friends birthday!
'Just get him a present on the way there or something?' Maisy suggests. That's an alright idea.
'I'll do that' I say because there are no other options. 'When is it?' I continue.
'Ummm it's at 8 but I have to be there at 7:10 ish to set up with Dan' she tells me. Oh fuck. Is it a good thing or a bad thing. I'll have to say it's good.
'Oh Good because I have to be somewhere at 7:10-7:50 so....' I say trailing of.
'Oh but how will you get ready?!?!' She exclaims.
'Maisy I will get ready. I'll probably just put on a black t-shirt and-' Maisy cuts me of.
'Some black jeans, yeah yeah I get it' she says 'What you doing?' She asks.
'Going out with Tobias....' I say trailing of on his name.
'Ah, how cute! You too are just the cutest couple, you know' she says.
'Yeah.....' I reply trailing of. We really aren't. I just wish she knew. Just wish I could tell her. Just wish she knew what was really happening. All the bad behind this relationship. I hate lying to her.
'Him with his surfer blonde hair and you with your......colourful hair' she says trying to think of something to come up with to call my hair. I force out a small laugh.
'Yeah....' I say, a little unsure. Hopefully she won't notice
'I could just imagine him on a surf board, I can imagine him as a surfer or lifeguard' she says. Wait, does she has the hots for my 'boyfriend'?
'I know.....' I say trailing of again. Not that I care though. I hate his guts. I'm just scared of him.
'Anyway I better get of to the gym you coming?' She asks.
'Nah....' I reply with. I'm going to see Oliver. I miss him. Maybe I can tell him everything. I mean I shouldn't lay everything on Connor it isn't fair.
'Alright bye' she says leaving. I immediately get out my phone. It's about 9:30 so Maisy won't be back till about lunch because she loves the gym and will probably find some hot guy there she wants to chat up. I click on 'Oli the DIY boy'.
'Hey Oli!' I exclaim.
'Miss Garner, how can I meet your assistance?' He says trying to act all gentlemanish.
'Oh I was just wondering if I could come down to your shop and see you.I haven't seen you in ages' I tell him in a posh accent.
'Oh yes, I'll see you soon Miss Garner!' He says posh lay.
'Goodbye Mr Henderson I would like my sandwich freshly made thank you' I say putting down the phone, changing and rushing out the door. I get to the DIY store at 10:00. I have a good hour.
'Hello Mr Henderson' I sing as I walk into the store. Oliver isn't anywhere to be seen.
'Oliver?' I shout the I jump as a pair of arms wraps around my back and I get paint on my face. I immediately know it's him.
'Hello Miss Garner, you sandwich' he says shoving a plate infront of me.
'I was joking' o tell him 'but I'll still eat it' I say shoving the sandwich in my mouth.
'What if....I pounded it' he says.
'Pounded?' I ask him.
'Poisoned #TyposInRealLife' he says, making a # with his fingers. I laugh at him.
'You did that just so you could do that didn't you?' I question him.
'Yes, yes I did' he says, dragging me behind the counter making me drop my sandwich
'HEY! I was eating that' I complain. He laughs.
'YOU, need to talk to me and I need to talk to you' he says.
'Tobias' I say.
'Ohhhh did he break up with you?' He asks.
'No! Worse' I say.
'What's he done? Cheated?' He asks
'He's threatening me and I'm meeting up with him later and dread to think what he's going to do. You know how I stayed later because I had an argue meant with Maisy?' I ask him. He nods SOELL.
'He rung me and told me that I better come home because he was planning something and if you don't you will pay. I don't know what he means but I'm scared. However I still need to make things right' I tell him.
'Well, if he does anything come straight here okay?' He tells me
'Okay' I tell him. We both burst into laughter.
'Okay my turn. I have a girlfriend but I don't feel sparks like.....ever' he says, slamming his hands on the table after he said like.
'Well, can't you break up with her' I ask him.
'Can't you break up with Tobias?' He asks mockingly
'True point. We're too nice' I tell him.
'True Point' he says. I look at the clock. Shit it's 5 to 10. Time flies
'Time Flies Ol I need to leave' I tell him
'Awwwwh alright. I WONT see you later hopefully' he says because he told me to come if Tobias does anything to much.
'I hopefully won't see you either' I tell him. We say bye and I run back. I arrive home and Maisy isn't there. I go take a shower cause I have paint on my face. I change for the second time today and I walk downstairs. Wow I was in the shower a while. My phone rings and it's him. Tobias.
'Tobias' i say down the phone.
'Garner' he says back.
'What do you want' I snap at him.
'I want you to meet me at Starbucks so then after that I can bring you back to mine and we can frickle frackle' he says. I freeze. I don't want to. I'm not. I can't. I'm not ready yet. I'm 18 not 20.
'No' I say scared of his reaction. I say timidly. I say quietly.
'Yes YES YOU WILL! If not then I will not hesitate to do it without your consent. You will be there today and I will have sex with you whether you like it or not!' He says.
'Okay okay I'll be there but I don't want to do that other thing tonight it's Philadelphia birthday party I'm sorry' I say really scared and quietly.
'Come on babe, I always get what I want' he says
'Babe I can't stop being pushy!' I exclaim a little louder.
'Oh come on' he says teasingly.
'No we can't do that.................but I suppose you could....................come to Phils party with me?' I say really I surely. I don't want him to come. I want him to stay at home and just be annoying alone.
'Okay I'll be there' he says.
'Alright bye' I say to him.
'Don't be late' he says.
'OKAY' I reply with.
'I mean it' he says.
'Ok' I say a little more timidly.
'Bye' he says.
'Bye' I reply with. I go to leave and Maisy stumbles back. I chuckle slightly.
'Maisy were you listening to my conversation' I ask.
'Pssssssh NOOOO......' She says. Fuck she was. What did she hear? Oh no. I nervously laugh. We go see Phil at Coffee House for his birthday and chat a bit. Then we go back and Dan comes in a taxi later on and picks us up. They are dropping me of at Starbucks. I grab my bag and the car pulls up. My heart races. I jump out the car and walk towards Tobias nervously. The car races of and Tobias pulls me away from Starbucks down an alley. Fuck no. No. No. No.
'Hey babe' he says coming closer.
'I said no Tobias' I tell him.
'I know you did but I said I always get what I want' he says.
'Well it's not happening' i tell him.
'Oh but it will. If not today, soon' he says.
'Not Yet Tobias Green!' I scream.
'Don't you get fierce with me' he says angrily
'I don't give a shit what you think! Tobias Green your a fucking dickhead! You keep threatening me what kind of a boyfriend does that an-' I start but before I can finish I feel something trickling down my face and a panting feeling in my cheek. He punched me.
'You PUNCHED me' I say timidly. I'm scared again. 'I can't I can't be-' he cuts me of.
'You won't break up with me baby, Not now. Not ever.' He tells me, trying to push me against the wall but I flee. I flee, holding my bleeding nose and run. I arrive at the store. I bang on the stores door. Oliver opens the door.
'He punched me Oli' I say crying. 'He punched me' I say. He pulls me into the closed store and sits me on a stool while I sob into y hands. I have to see him again tonight and I need to gain some confidence. Oliver leaves and comes back with some stuff. At this rate I'll be late for the party.
'Here, let me clean you up. You have Phils party tonight don't you?' He says as he cleans the blood of my face.
'Yeah' I say.
'I'll sort it. Nobody but me will know' He says to me. I smile.
'Thanks Oli' I say. He cleans me up and by the time he is finished you can't tell that I've been punched in the face. Or that I've been crying. I look at the clock. I'm late.
'Shit I'm late. I need to go but thanks Oli' I tell him. He smiles.
'It's alright now go' He says pushing me out the door. I smile and run home. I change and get a axi to the club. Tobias argues with me again and then he goes into a room with Maisy. I'm confused but decide to just go say hi and have a dance with some people then leave. I'm not in the mood. I go say happy birthday and hi to Phil and Dan.
'Hi Dan! Hi Phil! Happy Birthday Phil!' I shout over the music.
'Hiya Ellie!' Dan says.
'Hey' Phil says.
'Are you enjoying the party?' Dan asks.
'Yes I am, are you guys?' I ask back.
'I'm loving it!' Phil exclaims dancing. I laugh a little.
'So I'm going to go soon because I'm........tired!' I say thinking of a way of getting away with this.
'Alright then, are you sure?' Dan says.
'Yeah I'm sure, I'll hopefully see you guys soon alright and enjoy the rest of the party!' I say before giving them both hugs and leaving. I get home and go straight to bed. When I wake up Maisy is back. I wonder when she came home.
'Hey Maisy' I say happily.
'H-hey E-ellie' she replies with. She's stuttering. Oh fuck what happened with Tobias?'I-I'm making p-pancakes' she says.
'Oh cool you alright?' I ask her. I'm really worried. What did he do?
'Yeah just h-hungover' I can tell she isn't being fully truthful. Good actor but BAD liar.
'What time did you come back last night' I say leaning against the side.
'Abit later than you.....' She says. I'm her best friend. I know she is lieing.
'Yeah I left at like 12:30' I say.
'Yeah I left........about 2ish.....I think' she says.
'So what did you do last night' I ask. I can tell she did something.
'Party......I'm I don't remember anything 12:35' Maisy tells me unsure.
'Oh so you don't remember anything after I left?' I ask her. I don't think she's 100% lieing but I also know it's not 100% the truth. Then the doorbell rings. It's Tobias ducking green.
'Hey Maisy left her coat at the party' he says. Maisy snatches the coat. Something happened. I plan on finding out.
'Oh was the party, Tobias' i say sharply.
'Amazing. How was YOUR type of fun?' He asks me sarcastically.
'Great' I reply with
'Good' he replies with.
'Good' I say.
'So Maisy how did you enjoy the party?' He asks her.
'Ok Yeah Bye' she says slamming the door. I hear him mutter something along the lines of.
'At least she isn't frigid'. What happened last night? I don't trust Tobias, Maisy is my best friend but I don't know. I think I'd trust her 100% more than him.
'Maisy' I say as she walks up the stairs.
'Yeah....' She says swirling around on the balls of her feet.
'What happened last night?' I ask her.
'I don't know. That's the problem Ellie I don't know.' She says.
'What?' I continue. How could she not know.
'He took me into the private room, gave me a drink and then I woke up' she says. I sigh.
'Woke. Up. Where' I say.
'In bed.....' She says quietly.
'With Tobias?' I ask.
'With Tobias' She says. I knew it. That kid is in for it now. I'm not strong no but...............he's still going down.
'I'm going to Tobias' I say as I walk out the door slamming it behind me. I run to Tobias' house and slam my fist against the door.
'WHAT DID YOU DO!' I yell!
'I did nothing' he says in a fake mock hurt voice.
'Don't give me that shit. What did you do to Maisy!' I exclaim, slapping him round the face. He drags me into his house slamming the door behind him.
'What did you just do?' He asks. I'm scared but I won't back out. 'I AKSED WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!' He screams throwing me across the room.
'Well I asked you what you did to Maisy and you didn't answer me' is setting to me feet. It hurts but I can do this. Maisy is my best friend and she just got out of a horrible relationship.
'I DID NOTHING! She agreed to have sex with me. I've never lied to you have I?' He asks. It's true, I don't trust him but he has never lied. He's always honest. And Maisy has lied to me before.
'You have never lied to me but you still had sex with MY BEST FRIEND' I say getting up of the floor and slapping him round the face. He punches back. Tears sting my cheeks.
'I would NEVER lie to you,' he tells me 'I had sex with Maisy cause I like Maisy!' He says 'more than you because she isn't frigid' he shouts as he punches my side. I clutch it.
'You tell her that then because we are over' I say getting to y feet, hiding my side and hobbling over to the door.
'Are we really?' He questions.
'Yes we are' I tell him as I exit the house and hobble down the street and home. I open the door and Maisy sees me clutching my side and in pain.

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