Chapter 9

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Juvia POV
I looked in the mirror astonished by how I looked. I had a long blue dress that shimmered under light. My hair was long and wavy like the ocean. I felt beautiful. Mira and Lisanna looked at me proud of their beautiful creation,

"You look amazing Juvia. He will never be able to resist you looking like this," Mira said. Lisanna agreed nodding with enthusiasm.

"My victim, I mean Gray will be here any minute" Mira laughed maniacally. Just as she finished her sentence there was a knock on the door. I suddenly thought of everything that could go wrong and got extremely nervous wondering it was a good idea to agree to this. Lisanna Sensed my worries and touched my shoulder in and whispered to me how everything is going to be fine. I felt more confident with her reassurance. Gray stood at the door. He looked really handsome like always. He had a suit on and I felt special that he would effort in to look nice for me.

"Ready to go?" Gray asked. I could listen to his handsome voice all day. He is so handsome and hot. Like damn he is so fine, then I realized I was drooling. Mira pushed me out the door and slammed it after me.

"Have fun you two!" She yelled from inside.

Gray POV
She stepped outside and I'd never seen her as so beautiful. The sun was setting and the rays of light hit her dress perfectly which made it shine. The weather almost seemed too perfect. In that moment I felt different towards her for the first time. When she wasn't obsessing over me so obnoxiously she was so pretty and I didn't know how it took me so long to realize. I could tell she was nervous which made me uneasy. I took her hand carefully she looked so breakable like a doll and began walking.

"Gray why are you holding my hand," she asked obviously embarrassed.

"Because we are on a date aren't we?" I suddenly thought I was doing the wrong thing. I reminded myself I was just doing this to protect my family and my guild. I could at least tell her she is pretty though that's not wrong it's just a nice thing to do.

"You look very, nice," I stuttered.

"Gray thinks Juvia is beautiful?" she said almost shocked.

"Yeah your always pretty," I said without thinking. Juvia blushed and looked at me wondering if she hear me correctly. I realized what I said and felt my face get red.

"Gray-sama your clothes" juvia said as blood ran down her nose. I looked down to see I had completely lost my suit and I was standing on the board walk in my underwear. My clothes were laying a few feet away from me in a suspicious looking bush. I quickly grabbed them and threw them on again. God I really have to get this stripping habit under control I thought while pulling up my pants. 

Mira POV
"Lisanna don't panic act normal you are a bush don't blow your cover!" I whispered to Lisanna as grays clothes landed on our secret spying spot.

Juvia POV
"That didn't happen." Gray said slightly embarrassed

"But Gray-sama we need funny stories to tell our future children!" I insisted. Oh no! I thought Things were going so well so far I don't want to ruin this night with me being weird and creepy. Why did I say that! I always ruin everything!

Gray looked uncomfortably around. "Sure, future kids,"  he joked. That wasn't to horrible of a reaction. We continued walking down the beach to an unknown location until gray stopped at a small but fancy restaurant right on the ocean. It was completed themed around the ocean and it was beautiful inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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