Chapter 7

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Lucy POV
After an already eventful morning I was starving. I sat at a table in the corner of the room with levy, who was hiding her face in a book embarrassed from this mornings events. I see Natsu and Gajeel across the room nomming on metal and other flaming foods with some other guys from the guild. I can never seem to understand their eating habits. The room was getting more full as more and more people from the guild began to show up.

After a while of sitting I thought I better move around, I stood my the stair case. It was peaceful for a while until Natsu noticed me, he had a strange look in his eyes and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

"Hello my love," Natsu said seductively

"Natsu stop messing around, I'm not your love." I said blushing. He cornered be against the wall are caressed my cheek. My blush became more noticeable.

"What's wrong darling, why do you seem to be resisting," he whispered in my ear

"You know you want this," he said softly and kissed my neck. By this point my face was bright red and I had no other choice then the Lucy kick. I kicked him as hard as I could and he flew across the room hitting Gray. Which somehow caused gray to lose all his clothes.

"What happened," Natsu said getting up and rubbing his head. Gray clenched his fists

"You made my clothes disappear Flamebrain!" Gray yelled!

"Not my fault your a stripper Ice princess!!"

"I'm so gonna get you for this" gray said putting on pants. Then they started fighting

"How do you lose clothing by bumping into someone?" Mira questioned.

Levy POV
After this morning I didn't know how to act, all I could do was hide in the corner and cover my face with a book. I pretended to read but could help but focus on how Gajeel was acting so normal after what happened. Not long later Lucy came downstairs and sat next to me looking as embarrassed as I was. After most of the guild had arrived downstairs Lucy disappeared in the crowd and Gajeel noticed me in the corner,

"Hey shrimp," he said emotionlessly. I ignored him

"I'm taking to you shrimp, you better respond before I take that book," she said in his normal tone.

"What do you want," I said not looking up from my book.

"What's wrong with you, you've been acting strange all morning," he asked clueless. I looked at him shocked, how is he so causal after what just happened.

Romeo POV
"We-wendy," I asked terrified. She didn't reply

"W-what are you doing," I asked more scared as Wendy licked my neck.

"I-I like you but, I mean like you as like a good friend, w-which could totally grow to be more then friends because I mean, damn girl, o-okay I'm gonna shut up now " I said, my face bright red. Just a moment later Natsu and Gray knocked over Wendy while they were fighting. I took this time to get the hell outta there. I looked over to levy and Gajeel. Gajeel got up and joined the fight Levy continued reading not realizing he even left. I ran over to Levy. I had to find out what happened to Wendy.

"Levy help meeee," I whined

"What is wrong Romeo," she asked concerned, even putting down her book to look at me

"Wendy! She is acting crazy!" I said in a desperate voice full of voice cracks.

"Calm down, what happened?" She asked. I began to speak but was interrupted by Lucy.

"Levy, it was Natsu he was all seductive again,"

"Same with Wendy, I mean I get it with Natsu but Wendy is so innocent,"

"What if she has an evil clone and the clone kidnapped her and now is keeping her in a dungeon, or maybe an evil wizard put a spell on her and made her evil? Or even worse"  I said panicking

"Omg Romeo calm down," Lucy said

"Okay that might be a bit of stretch from the truth Romeo, I think it's been happening with Gajeel too," levy added

"Isn't it a bit strange they are all dragon slayers  too" Lucy asked questionably.

"Romeo, so you mean they all got traded with clones," Romeo asked terrified

"Pretty sure they weren't traded for clones, but something else might have happened, I can do some research on it but for now maybe we should avoid the dragon slayers and watch there activities," levy said

Lucy and Romeo nodded in agreement and their plan was in operation.
You said continue with the book, so I wrote stuff on this app, your welcome xoxo

Word Count:803

Love Kiwi 😗

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