Dear Mr. Heart Breaker

76 13 2

Author - @anonym_and_invisible
Reviewed by -fallingstars99

Title- I chose this book to review, because of title only! It is perfect, and no change needed.

Rating- 5/5

Cover- you could go for a more catchy cover, present one is nice but it could improve too!

Rating- 3/5

Preface- the way you start the preface is really nice, but the ending lines where you say, 'all girls have one thing in common...' I don't get that part, it's like you are writing story about getting revenge on a guy by ganging up on him, but when I scrolled through the story, I found out that it is only (till now) focused on Elizabeth, so I would suggest you to make some changes there in preface to match with your content.

Rating- 2/5

My P.O.V-

It is a story of a girl, who gets heartbroken by her love. I really like the way you started the story, specially the concept of '16' and call scene of break up. I would say it was what hooked me up to read it.

But as you shifted to high school, things got confusing from where Aiden enters. The diary entries and flashbacks confused me a lot and things seems to be a little rushed!

Honestly, I was disappointed after 5th chapter a lot. Because your concept and plot is strong, and I think this story have a lot of potential.

Rating - 3/5


- I noticed that you are struggling with expressions and flow of words, your grammar is perfect.

1) there are little typos, go through your chapters again, they are nothing that couldn't be fixed!

2) Dialogues- I think you need to incorporate more dialogue scenes in your content.

3) When you shift between diary entries and flashbacks, give a little information about that. And I advice you to put the diary entries in the end not in the middle of chapter. Always make sure to keep falshbacks in italics.

4) Descriptions- Try to describe how they look like so that reader could connect and form their image in their head.

5) read your chapters aloud before posting them.

Overall rating- 3/5

You have a great plot, please work on it and keep writing! I hope you update soon and all the best :)

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