Lines and lives

64 10 6

Title - Lines and lives
Written by - Dwani_Voice

1) I like the title. Though it's could be better :) I would rate it as 2.5/5

2) The cover is pretty decent and beautiful. Though if you want a change you can ask us for a new cover in our cover shop :)
I'll rate your current one as 3.5/5

Now moving onto your poems... The thing which I loved about your book was that You've chosen some really amazing topics to write on ❤

Though there are some areas on which you could improve your poems to make them even more beautiful and appealing to the reader!

✨ Rhyming for sure adds to the beauty of the poem and gives it a very beautiful rhythm but I noticed in order to rhyme at places it seemed forced as the sentence formation you did wasnt accurate. When you try a pattern the rhyme should not appear forced, it should feel natural and flowing.

It's difficult to rhyme so you should first practise some rhyming patterns and make sure that the way you form sentences is correct!

✨The second major thing I would like to point out is that there are some errors in the grammar used in the poems,Specially the beggining ones,I would advice you to edit your poems and always re-read them before publishing!

✨ I really loved the way you've talked about each topic as author's note after each poem! It gives such a nice impact so very well thought on that 💖

Overall I liked your poems, if you correct your flaws here and there I'm sure you'll be awesome at it 😊
I would rate them 2.5 /5.

I hope you didn't feel bad about anything that I said,I'm really sorry if you did,I was just trying to help you out as much as I could!
All the best for your future, you can always ask us for any help or suggestion we are always there just drop us a msg :)

~ Appy ❤

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