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70 12 10

Book Title: Re: Play
Author: @_Black-Rabbit_

Reviewed by: bejeweledMe

This is a first, so please bear with me. 😝

•Title: 5/5

It's pretty good. Though I don't understand why there has to be a colon, tbh. I think it'd be better to just make it into a one word title? But that's just up to you. 😁

•Book Cover: 4/5

It looks awesome! Though, I suggest it'd be much better if you can put the author's name or username in the cover. That's one of the most important things to look for in a cover.

•Blurb/Summary: 4/5

Nice. I like it! I liked how you gave us a little peek on what the story is all about, but also not giving out everything.

There was a phrase there:

"But maybe some problems should better be left unresolved..."

I think it'd be better if it becomes:

"But maybe some problems are better left unresolved..."

The last part was the bomb, though. It was very mysterious and it gave me chills!

•Grammar/Writing Style: 4/5

I really like the way you write. Your vocabulary and descriptions are just excellent! Your pacing is just right and the story flows smoothly and almost naturally. I can really imagine the scene and the characters.

Though I've spotted a few errors here and there.

One would be the use of ellipses. Yeah, those ones with little dots? Those should only consist of three dots. No more, no less.

Same goes for the exclamation point. No more than one.

Second would just be the spelling errors. Don't get me wrong; your grammar is great, though there are a few words that are just a little too obvious.

Like the word, through. Please don't forget to add 'h' there. Thought I'd point it out 'cause I noticed that too many times.

Other than that, it is AWESOME! ☺️

•Plot: 5/5

For the plot, it's great! The story flows really really well. Good job!

•Personal Enjoyment: 4/5

I enjoyed reading it. 😄 I liked how you added humor too, haha. And the main character, Misha is it?, is so sarcastic, omo. 😂 His comebacks are just hilarious! The other characters seems fun too.

I can really imagine everything from the first chapter. It's so sad. 😕 You can really tell how the past affected him through your writing.

Overall Score: 26 /30

---Final Note---

Hey there! You seem like a very fun person, haha.

I just wanted you to know that you're a really talented writer. I know you have a looong  way to go. I'm quite surprised really, because you stated before that this is the first time you started writing? Wow. I have no words. You seem like a professional, to be honest!

Anyways, please do keep writing. I wish you the best of luck! ☺️💕

~ jewel ❤️

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