Chapter 2

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So the next day of school was kind of...weird. Once I arrived at school I wasn't called names or beaten senselessly. Instead I was able to go my locker and then class peacefully so I assumed (bully/name) wasn't here but her squad was. Which was different because either if (b/n) was sick or just skipping her squad usually wasn't here themselves. I always guessed it was part of their 'thing'. I never really cared though a day without them was heaven for me and I would take it any chance I could.

However, even though (b/n) wasn't here I was pretty sure her 'friends' wouldn't stop bullying but surprisingly what they did was even better. They pretended I wasnt there. In the halls they would walk past me, in class they didn't trip me, they didn't call me names, or throw paper at me and toss mean notes at me that told me how stupid I was. It was all getting a little peculiar but I decided to shrug the thought off. Maybe they were giving me a break for what was next to come for me. Maybe the took a video of me last night from that prank. Maybe they had something more embaressing , if possible. All I knew was that (b/n) and her squad wouldn't just quit making my life a living hell. It just didn't work that way.

*Timeskip brought to you byyyy~ Slendy and his brothers*

Ok so maybe I stand corrected. Throught the whole day I was able to do was I was supposed to, get it done ,and not get hurt or disrespected once! I have to admit I'm a little scared but I'm not gonna waste my time stressing about it right now. I can worry later. So anyways I'm in 6th period right now. My last class. It was physical science and I was trying not to fall asleep. Hey don't judge! I didn't get much sleep last night after an image of that 'thing' embedded itself in to my mind for the rest of the night. Joke or not. It was scary, enough said.

I sit in the back of class in the corner while (b/n) and her squad sat at the table in the middle row next to me two seats in front. The teacher hadn't gotten here yet and we were still waiting for students to come flooding in the classroom. So all in all it was pretty quiet besides Layla and Haily's chattering.
(I'm really sorry if thats your name change it if it is but that (b/n) 'squad' sorry bye lovlies)

They looked like they had been crying but tried to cover it up with TONS of make up. Since it was quiet I could hear what they were saying.

"I totally can't believe this, like happened." Layla said in her obnoxious ,high pitched , annoying voice.

I rolled my eyes. Miles probably broke up with her. Good for him. Every week it seemed Layla had a new boyfriend and I knew it was her that broke up with them 'cause every Monday she would come to school and brag about it like she won a trophy.

"I know right! I can't believe someone would kill her!" Haily replied sniffling.

Wait what?! Who?

Before I could hear more the bell rang signalling class was to begin. The teacher, Mr. Cartwright, had just walked in along with the students that started pooling in. While I just stared down at my desk my (h/l), (h/c) covering up my face ,deep in thought about what just happened and who could of gotten killed.

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