Chapter 4

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You know that moment where, you mentally facepalm for being such an idiot, or were banging you're head against the wall about a million times for being so clumsy and stupid? Yeah, well, that's me right now.

Me, being the stupid clutz I am, dropped my freaking lamp, screamed , and ran as if my life depended on it, which in this case, it does! I was in a state of shock ok? Normally I would have banged the jackass right in the face with my trusty old lamp. Anyways back to the story.

As I said I ran like hell, but didn't get far unfortunately. Tripping over my stupid shoe I fell face first. Fuck my life. Just fuck it all. I rolled over only to find him hovering me with a hint of evil in his pretty ocean blue eyes. Wait, what?! I must be really tired.

"Go ahead, kill me." I looked him dead in his eyes or er-holes. To say he looked shocked would be an understatement. Which is understandable, considering most people would be on their knees pleading for mercy, he obviously wasn't expecting this.

Instead of killing me like I expected he smirked and pinned me down then started to carve in my forearm as I began crying and sobbing begging for him to stop but his smile only grew and soon I passed out from all the pain...

~Time skip brought to you by Thee Andy Biersack himself ♡~

By the the time I woke up it was morning, meaning I had to get up and get dressed to go to hell--oops I mean school well not really.

As I got up I remembered that ass wrote something in my skin as I felt that intense pain in my forearm again. I looked down and almost gasped it said E.J obviously initials but why. I shrugged it off and went to clean my open wound and got dressed for school.

When walking to school I could have sworn it felt like something was watching me and the wound burned more then usual which was weird. I looked around but saw nothing. So I continued walking. When I finally reached school I hurried to my locker avoiding everyone. Yeah,sure (b/n) maybe be dead but that doesn't guarantee me being exactly free from bullied whether it's verbally or physically. Even if I wasn't right now I wasn't planning on letting my guard down that easily.


I had made it through all my classes, now I just need to survive chemistry and I officially would have would have survived the whole day without attention or getting bullied yay!

I always jinx myself don't I? The bell had rang signaling everyone should be in class, our teacher came in and started attendence. "(Y/n)?" I was about to raise my hand cause' ya know the more quiet the better but I guess I was too tired to care at the moment.

"Here." I replied tiredly about to rest my head down when I heard Layla speak up.

"Oh my gosh, Mr. Cartwright I can't belive you like, let a murderous freak in like, here!" She whined/screamed.

I just rolled my eyes resting my head down as I heard Mr. Cartwright tell Layla and Hailey to be quiet.

For the rest of the class I basically drowned out the class and it's lectures with my music. Of course I did some work but today was just extra tiring so I couldn't wait to get home.

As soon as the bell rang everyone was dismissed and ran out the classroom. While I was trying to go to my locker, key word:trying. Layla and Hailey stopped me. 'Oh why does life hate me?' I thought then rested my attention on the red headed and brunette demons.

"May I help you?" I asked irritated. Normally I'm more quiet and shy but right now I didn't give 2 shits 'cause I just wanted to get home safe.

"Remember who you're speaking to, slut." Hailey hissed.

"Yeah and we know what you did!" Layla yelled.

Shaking my head I replied. "What are talking about." That made them more angry it seemed. "You killed (b/n)!", they screamed in unison. I scoffed.

"Yeah, sure, I wasted my time to go kill a hoe." My eyes widen after I realization hit me and I smacked my hands over my mouth. Shit!

Before I knew it I was thrown into the locker, hair pulled, punches and kicks thrown and for a second I was seeing black dots.

Once they were done I sat up as they strutted away as I started coughing up blood. I ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror only to find I had a bruised eye and cheek with a busted lip and a deep cut along my forehead. Damn, to say the least, I looked dead.

I started to tear up a bit thinking things over. My life was so screwed up and I tried killing myself several times I found myself thinking about trying again tonight.

I didn't even check to see if they left yet. At the moment, I honestly didn't care, I just wanted to be home and sleep and for once not wake up. But for an odd reason I felt I was being followed, and the cut on my forearm was burning again which didn't help at all with the pain.

A/N: OMG I'm so sorry I've had school , certain problems ,and writers block is such a hoe bro but I know it isn't much of a good excuse and I'm terribly sorry lovelies but just remember whoever you are me loves yous very much!

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