Chapter 5

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When I got home the burning sensation in my arm stopped, thankfully and I realized I no longer had the energy to harm myself. To be honest, I had enough for one day.
As soon and as I got there I ran to my room and faceplanted right into my bed... bad idea.

"Ouch!", my groans flooded my bedroom walls as I struggled to get comfortable due to all the pain from the beatings.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I got in a good position and just layed their thinking a bit. 'Why must I be in all this pain?' 'What did I do to deserve this?' 'When are mom and dad going to be home?' 'Could I be the reason behind (b/n)'s death?' 'Is that killer still after me?' 'What happens next?'

That was always the last question to leave my mind it seemed. I mean life just doesn't stop, so what happens next? What happens after a death, after a kill, after a beating, after pain? What's supposed to happen when your life turns to shit?

Anyways enough of this self-pity, I have homework...yay! Note the sarcasm.

I grabbed my backpack and lugged it around to the couch in my living room and flopped down to get started. Math and history...ew. "Why do teachers love to torture kids?!" I exclaimed staring at the ceiling shaking my head.

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After all that mess, I went to wash clothes and then went to take my shower. Once that was over I flopped on my bed and got my laptop.

"Partners in Crime." I read out loud and started blasted it out singing along occasionally. "You'll never take us alive, we swore that death would do us, they'll call our crimes a work of art." Suddenly I felt a cool breeze but just shrugged it off.

I started playing on my laptop but froze when I heard a deep voice say "Good song, you have a nice voice." I looked over and saw the masked killer leaning against my wall with the door opened...well damn.

I didn't honestly know what to do, he could kill me at any moment really. I stared blankly at him for a moment as his grin widened and so I decided go speak up. "What are you doing here, just kill me and get it over with."

He looked taken back for a bit but then decided to say, "No, actually you, my dear, are going to my.... pet so to speak." After I heard that I was about to get ready to scream in this assholes face. Who the hell does he think he is calling me a freaking 'pet'. "Wait, let me finish, jeez."

"You allow me to do my killings around this trap-hole of a town and hide here..."

"Don't you have your own place for that?!"

"Yes and no."

"The hell?!"

"Listen baby doll, I don't like traveling back and forth during the night I like my sleep and it takes hours to get back to where I live."

"Don't call me that! And dude that's so not my problem go some where else."

"Can't do that, if I leave I have to kill you, which isn't a problem I bet your kidneys are delicious." He grinned insanely as if the sheer thought of it brought so much excitement...gross.

I groaned tossing my hands in the air in frustration, "Fine! You win."

He chuckled and said, "I always do."

I flopped into bed glad that tomorrow was Friday. It's been such a long week for me honestly. I begin to ponder over this week's hell so far when a certain masked boy cut my train of thought.

"What's your name, by the way?" I mentally facepalmed. Oh yeah names, I forgot. "(Y/N). How about you?" He paused for a minute and then finally responded, "Eyeless Jack but you can just call me Jack."

"Nice." Wow, did I just say that...? I must be getting sleepy.

Suddenly Jack decided to just jump in bed right beside me, causing me to groan a bit and give him an irritated look.


"Ouch!!!" I shouted right in his face. "If it wasn't noticeable enough, I've had the literal shit beat out of me and it hurts like hell everywhere you asshat!"


I growled turning over my back facing him closing my eyes trying to get some sleep. Then I noticed the stinging sensation again. How long had it been happening again?

I shrugged it off and closed my eyes and then E.J spoken up, "How did it happen?"

At first I was completely lost at what he was talking about but then he gestured the injures and I froze for a second. I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"This has been happening to me for as long as I can remember. I don't know why or what I did wrong but I came to accept the fact that everything was my fault in the end, in some way or another."I looked down trying to prevent tears from falling.


"Well people don't just get picked on for nothing, you know. Maybe it's how I act or look or maybe it's just the fact that I'm living."

I rolled onto my back as Jack stayed in silence for a bit seemingly taking in what I just said. I honestly could care less what I said in front of this guy.

I glanced over to find him already staring."You don't actually deserve that, you know that right?"

I shrugged him off, "It is what it is, I probably do since it's been going on for this long."

Sometimes I just didn't understand what pleasure people got from seeing others in pain, it made no sense to me what they got out of it.

I began to start of flashbacks of not only today but every single day I was bullied. All the pain, suicide attempts, cutting, telling my parents, them shrugging me off etc. I guess you never win in life.

A few tears trickled slowly down my cheeks and I felt a hand grab my chin as I turned and faced Jack.

I stared into his dark holes of eyes emotionless as he wiped away my tears. Then he grabbed me into a big hug and I couldn't help but sob into his jacket a little.

I can't lie, it felt nice to have someone to talk to and have them actually listen for once. For once I wasn't getting judged or told I was just exaggerating. For once I felt like it was okay for me not to feel okay and that meant so much to me.

I slowly calmed down as he started rubbing my back. My breaths evened and I suddenly turned really sleepy.

So at the moment I honesty didn't care that a killer was holding me or the oddness of it. I just let myself go and soon blackness covered my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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