Chapter 3

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After all that madness at school I decided to just shrug it off, I mean it was likely to be on the news anyways so I could find out there.

Once I had gotten home, I threw my backpack on the floor of my bedroom and plopped on my bed with a sigh. It had been such a long day ,I'm so tired but at least I wasn't hurt today. I had homework but I didn't feel like doing it right now so instead I turned on my TV and kept flipping the channels til I found the news. The lady was mumbling about someone's death so I turned up the volume.

"Last night, 16 year old (b/n) was found dead in her bed. Her sides had been cut and one of her kidneys were missing. Police asked that everyone take caution, this was the 10th death in 2 weeks just like that..." The reporter went on rambling about the other recent deaths. My jaw had dropped and the remote fell out of my hand. Was it true? Could (b/n) really be dead? After all the years of her bullying me, telling me how worthless I was...she just dies so unexpectedly. To be honest, at this point I just don't know how to feel, should I be thankful or should I feel guilty and sadness? I think a little bit of both although I was her basic target of abuse everyday for so many years.

Then the news reporter went on to the description of the suspect. "It's been reported that a male,around the age of 17 was found near these houses just before the deaths. No one could see his face because of a blue mask and black hoodie that covered his face. He was dressed in all black and from what people could see , it looked like brown hair. Police are on the look out and ask that kids and adults of all ages stay inside for a while til the killings decrease or the suspect has been captured".

Wow. Who ever this dude is, must be a complete idiot. You would have thought a serial killer would have more skill to hide but whatever. The description really creeped me out. It sounded exactly like what I saw that night. 'What if...' No. "No- it couldn't possibly be him, I mean if that was the case, then how am I alive?" I thought out loud.

It was 6:35 pm so I decided to distract myself by doing homework but something told me I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight.

Once I had that all over and done with I decided to take a shower then afterwards,brush my teeth. When I came back to my room it felt chilly but then I looked and found the window open, which was weird since I don't recall ever opening the window today. I slammed it shut immediately, a little scared especially after what was said on the news. I thought after doing my homework it would take my mind off of things but no. See what I mean, life no like me.
Hopefully after a good night's rest it all will just pass right threw me.

* TIME SKIP brought to you by the lovely Bloody Painter~*

3:05 a.m . That's when I woke up. I heard a small crash in my living room and I rolled my eyes despite the fear that was bubbling up in me. For a person who was trying to break into a house they sure weren't quiet. So I grabbed the nearest thing next time me which happened to be my lamp. Slowly, I tip toed to my door and softly turned the handle and opened the door. I cautiously looked around afriad that the robber/murder my jump out at me. The masked murder still in my head.

After looking around my house I let out a sigh."Maybe it was (a/n)" (animals name). Just as I turned around to head to my bedroom I screamed because right in front of me was the serial killer said on the news. The one I faced that night. No eyes just goo and the familiar blue mask that hide his face and identity from me. In his hand he held a scalpel and I didn't need to see under his mask to know he was smirking, again.

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