It Begins

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Italics: thoughts

Normal POV

"First up is Rouge and Lucy vs Natsu and Sting" Makarov yelled out. So those two groups got together out on the field and stood there waiting for their battle to start.

"I'm happy I was paired up with you Rouge" Lucy told her parter.

"Why is that?" He responded plainly.

"Cause I don't know anyone else's name " she said "I don't bother to remember it if they don't talk to me"

"How nice of you" Rouge responded.

Sting's POV

I was surprised that the old man didn't pair me up with Rouge, we were a dream team. Instead I was paired up with flame head. I looked over to see who Rouge was paired up with and I saw a beautiful girl standing next to him. Then I remembered that she was Lucy, the nerdy girl turned pretty.

"Lucky bastard"

"You're going down Rouge, Blondie" I yelled at them.

"The name's Lucy!!.... and if you haven't noticed your hair is about the same shade as mine" she yelled back at me.

"Whatever Blondie the name's Sting"

"Alright I'm all fired up!!" I heard flame head yell beside me, "By the way I'm Natsu" he told her.

"Nice to formally meet you" she smiled at us.

"What a pretty smile"

"Let the match begin!!" Gramps yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Normal POV

Sting charged at Rouge, sending punches and kicks at each other. After getting nowhere they both back off and yelled out:

"Shadow Dragon's Roar"

"Light Dragon's Roar"

They were pretty even, dodging and kicking, when suddenly the sun disappeared. Instead in its place, was a dark sky filled with beautiful golden stars. The sight caused the two to stop fighting, they turned to see a stunned Natsu. Standing next to him was Lucy, eyes brightly shining like the stars above them.

"Celestial Dragon's Roar", she yelled.

It was aimed at Natsu but he was still too stunned to move.

"Move idiot!" Sting yelled at his teamate, knocking him out of the way.

"You're a dragonslayer?" Natsu asked, still in awe.

"Yeah I am" Lucy replied, "I usually don't use my dragonslaying magic because seeing stars in the daytime freaks some people out".

"It makes sense" Rouge said coming from behind her.

"Shall we continue?" Lucy asked them.

"Bring it on blondie" Sting yelled.

~After Battle cause I'm lazy~

All four dragonslayers were laying on the ground exhausted.

"It's a draw!" Makarov exclaimed.

"That was fun" Natsu said with a content smile on his face.

"You fight good blondie" Sting said.

"If you keep calling me Blondie I'll have to call you something too " Lucy said pouting.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"I'll uh...I'll call you.....Stingy-bee!"
Lucy said with a smile.

"Sti..Stingy-bee?!?" Sting yelled out with a small blush of embarrassment from his newfound nickname.

"Yup!" Lucy said with a wide grin.

"Hey since we are all dragonslayers why don't we have lunch later?" Natsu offered.

"Sure" Lucy and Sting said while Rouge just nodded.

They got through a couple of other battles and then came lunch time.

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