Lucy vs Lisanna

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Italics :thoughts

Next Day Lisanna's POV

What does that nerd think she's doing!! Ever since we started magic training she's been hanging out with MY Natsu, and all the other popular guys. We are outside waiting for our one on one battles and she's sitting next to him and hogging his attention, and the attention of everybody else!!! But if my plan goes right she'll be begging on her knees for forgiveness, I just hope Kinnana and Yukino don't mess this up.

Normal POV

There was only one battle left for the day, with only two people remaining.

"Lisanna Strauss and Lucy" Makarov yelled out.

The two students then made their way down to the arena. Once they were both prepared the battle comenced.

Lisanna made the first move using her takeover magic to become a cheetah. She reached Lucy and lightly scratched her arm, afterwards Lucy stood stock still as the white haired girl took her keys from her belt.

"What did you do?" Lucy asked her with a glare

"Hm? Well I temporarily paralyzed you of course.And I took your precious keys" she said and put her hand up in front of her face in a cocky manner.

Lissana then proceeded to throw Lucy's keys up to her followers up in the stands. By this point the paralysis on Lucy wore off and she was able to move.

"Now then" Lisanna began, " If you bow down to me and say that I'M superior to you in EVERY way, I might give your keys back." She looked over to Lucy who had her head down, bangs covering her eyes. The white haired mage smirked thinking she had won, but took a few steps back when she saw Lucy's face. It was a look pure hatred, and the dark aura surrounding her was terrifying. The blonde mage was about to rush in for an attack when Lisanna began to chant a spell. White light blinded the audience and covered the arena, specifically enveloping around Lucy. Once the light cleared, in place of the blonde was small child around the age of five. The child looked like a miniture version of Lucy, and she was looking around completely lost as to where she was. She checked her waist looking for something, but eyes widened as she felt nothing there. It was then that she noticed that Lisanna was there.

"E..Excuse me lady, b..but have you seen my keys?" She asked her, eyes welling up in tears

"You mean those up there" Lisanna told her, attempting to sound nice as she pointed to Yukino up in the stands.

Lucy looked up at her and happiness and asked she could have them back.

"Actually, I rather like those keys, I think I'll keep them", Lisanna said looking at her nails.

"That's not fair" somebody exclaimed from the stands, however that fell on deaf ears.

Lisanna finally turned to look at the blonde only to see her in the same position as the older Lucy, bangs shading her eyes from view.

"Give them back", Lucy wispered, "GIVE ME BACK MY KEYS"

She then looked up and glared at Lisanna. A clock sound rang and white light once again enveloped Lucy, ( I'm not caught up on Fairy Tail so I'm kinda guessing on how this would go, and I probably changed some things) and once it cleared, Lucy stood there in a cow print dress and a bell around her neck.

Lucy reached out to her right and in an instant a large axe apeared in her hands. To everyone's surprised, she lifted it with ease. She took a step, and the ground beneath her feet began to crack as she continued. She dissapeared for a quick second then reappeared behind the unsuspecting Lisanna. Swinging her axe and just barely missing, Lucy accidentally embedded her weapon into the wall. Lisanna saw this as an opportunity and attacked back. Seeing this Lucy abandoned her weapon and kick Lisanna in the gut and deep in to the wall rendering her unconscious. She looked up at Yukino in the stands along with Kinana, appearing in front of them with a menacing glare she stared at them.

"Keys" she demanded

Not questioning her they gave them back and ran away. Lucy fainted and could be seen her normal age again, however, before she fell to the floor her trusted spirit Loke caught her and took her to the school's infirmary.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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